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Modelling the sharp focusing of laser light. Sergey Stafeev Samara State Aerospace University Image Processing System Institute REC -14 , Samara. Voronezh, 2010. Introduction. Decreasing the focal spot size is critical in lithography, optical memory and micromanipulation
Modelling the sharp focusing of laser light Sergey Stafeev Samara State Aerospace University Image Processing System Institute REC-14, Samara Voronezh, 2010
Introduction • Decreasing the focal spot size is critical in lithography, optical memory and micromanipulation • Sharp focusing is a reaching a minimal focal spot size beyond the diffraction limits. • Recently plasmons with FWHM = 0.35λ [Opt.Lett. - 2009. - Vol.34, no.8. - P.1180-1182], FWHM = 0.4λ [Opt. Lett. - 2009. - vol.34, no12. - p.1867-1869] had been obtained. • In this research we used two types of axicons: refractive and diffractive which wereilluminated by radially polarized light
Radial-FDTD (1) • FDTD = finite difference time domain • This method involves the numerical solution of Maxwell's equations in cylindrical coordinate system • We used a modification for a radially polarized light (R-FDTD) • There are three equations with three components Er, Ez andHφ (2)
Refractive microaxicon Focusing of radially-polarized mode R-TEM01 (3) using refractive (conical) microaxicon Radial section of a conical glass (n=1.5) microaxicon of radius R = 7 µm and height h = 6 µm • FWHM=0.30λ • HMA=0.071λ2 The (absolute value of) radial component of the electric field strength of the mode R-TEM01
Refractive microaxicon: 3D modelling Instantaneous distributions of the amplitude Er and Ez for diffraction of the R-TEM01 laser mode by the refractive microaxicon The Intensity and FWHM of the focal spot as a function of axicons height Er Ez the intensity distribution in focal plane the intensity distribution along axicon axis
Binary microaxicon • FWHM =0.39λ • HMA= 0.119λ2 binary axicon with step height 633nm, period 1.48um, index of refraction n = 1.5 the intensity distribution along axicon axis the intensity distribution in focal plane (on the axicons surface) Focusing of radially-polarized mode R-TEM01 using binarymicroaxicon
Manufacture and experiment • Three diffractive binary axicons of periods 4 µm, 6 µm, and 8 µm and height 500nm were fabricated on silica substrate (n=1.46) using a laser writing system CLWS-200 (bought with CRDF money) and plasmo-chemical etching. • Diameter of the focal spot in the near-zone (z<40um) varies from 3.5λ to 4.5λ with a 2-um period for the axicon with period 4um. • The minimal diameter of focal spot equal to 3.6λ (FWHM=1.2λ) An oblique image of the central part of the binary axicon of period 8 µm, produced with the Solver Pro microscope (bought with CRDF money). The diameter of the light spot on the axis (in wavelengths) as a function of distance from binary axicons with period 4µm Diffraction pattern and radial section of the intensity distribution recorded with the CCD-camera from the axicons with period 4 µm at different distances: 5 µm and 2 µm (λ=532nm)
Conclusions • We have numerical shown that when illuminating a conical glass microaxicon of base radius 7 µm and height 6 µm by a radially polarized laser mode R-TEM01 of wavelength λ =1 µm, in the close proximity (20 nm apart) to the cone apex, we obtain a sharp focus of transverse diameter at half-intensity FWHM=0.30λand axial spot size at half-intensity FWHMz=0.12λ. The focal spot area at half-intensity equals HMA=0.071λ2. • Three diffractive binary axicons of periods 4 µm, 6 µm, and 8 µm and height 500nm were fabricated on silica substrate (n=1.46) using a laser writing system CLWS-200 (bought with CRDF money) and plasmo-chemical etching. • Diameter of the focal spot in the near-zone (z<40um) varies from 3.5λ to 4.5λ with a 2-um period for the axicon with period 4um. • The results of numerical simulation agree with experiment