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Welcome to Rolling Meadows Elementary School. We are the Wolves !. “The Power of the Pack”. Attendance *Every lesson is important! *Please make every effort to have your child at school and on time. *Try to schedule doctor appointments after 2:30pm. Make Up Work
Welcome to Rolling Meadows Elementary School We are the Wolves! “The Power of the Pack”
Attendance *Every lesson is important! *Please make every effort to have your child at school and on time. *Try to schedule doctor appointments after 2:30pm. Make Up Work Your child is responsible for obtaining and completing make up work in a satisfactory manner. It is best to discuss any missing assignments at the beginning of the class period. Your child will have 2 days for each day they were absent to complete missed work.
Daily Schedule7:00-7:20 – POD Morning work7:20-7:30 – Unpack/unstack/ get ready for the day!7:30 – 7:45 – RME Announcements7:45-8:30 RTI8:30-9:45 – Math9:45-10:45 – Reading 10:45-11:30 – Specials11:30-12:04 – Lunch12:04-12:20 – Recess12:20-1:00 – Writing/Grammar1:00-1:45 – Science1:45-2:20 – Social Studies2:20 – Pack up/Stack up/ Dismissal
Dress codeTops:• Polo-style shirts (any color – solid or stripes). • T-shirts with college or JISD campus spirit logo. • Must be tucked in at all times unless the shirt hem is square and no longer than six inches below the waistline. Bottoms:• Pants, slacks, jeans, capris, skirts, skorts, dresses, and walking shorts must be either tan, brown, black, khaki, blue or gray. (Capri pants: pants that start at the waistline with length extending to or between the calf and ankle) • Pants must fit at the waist and be properly hemmed or cuffed at or below the ankle, but not dragging the ground (“slicing” or “ragging” not allowed). • Walking shorts, skirts, dresses and skorts must be knee length or longer.
Agendas and Pride Folders Agenda *students write down their homework *daily communication tool between teacher and parent *requires a daily signature from the parent/guardian Pride Folder *behavior folder *sent home on Fridays for review & parent signature *return to school on Monday *if an offense or incident is recorded in your student’s pride folder, please initial within that box and return the following day.
Take Home/Homework Folder Each student has a “Take Home/ Homework” folder that is sent home daily. This folder contains any homework the student may have, as well as important papers and notices. Please check this folder daily to keep yourself up-to-date as to what is going on at school.
HomeworkPlease make sure your child is completing their homework nightly. Students are held responsible for completing missed homework and turning it in. It is critical that assignments be turned in on time. Enormous educational value is lost when assignments are not promptly turned in. Special allowances will be made by the teacher on a case-by-case basis for any unforeseen circumstance.
Grading Policy Quizzes/Daily Work - 50% Tests/Projects - 40% Homework - 10% If a child has not turned in an assignment, an “M” will be entered in the computer for that assignment. An “M” will result in a zero for that assignment until it is turned in. Late work will be accepted based on the teacher’s discretion, and points will be deducted from the assignment. Students will be given the opportunity to retake any tests they may have failed.
Supplies Please make sure your child’s supplies are updated throughout the year. Our supply list is available at the back table. If your student has not brought supplies yet, please do so as soon as possible. If your child is in need of additional supplies during the year, the teacher will let you know.
STAAR Testing STAAR Tests for Fourth Grade include: *Writing April 1 & 2 *Math April 22 *Reading April 23
STAAR WRITING The Writing test is taken on two different days. Day 1- Students will complete 3-4 Editing passages that test students’ ability to determine wrong grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, or spelling. They will also write a one page Narrative Essay using the entire writing process from beginning to end. This test is timed. They have 4 hours to complete the day’s testing. Day 2 – Students will complete 3-4 Editing passages again as in Day 1. They will again write a one page essay following the writing process. However, it will be an Expository Essay. This test is timed as well. Students have 4 hours to complete the day’s testing.
As the school year progresses, we will be teaching students multiple strategies to use in order to be successful on the tests. Please pick up a Strategies Sheet before you leave tonight. This will help you communicate with and help your student succeed.
STAAR MATH The Math STAAR builds on skills from previous grades as well as adds several new skills in Fourth grade. Many new concepts are learned and coupled with problem solving components. The test is mainly word problems that ask students to complete two mathematical steps in order to solve for the questions answer. Students MUST know their multiplication facts well to be successful. Please help your student learn his/her facts to 12. This test has a 4 hour time limit.
STAAR READING The test is similar to the Reading Test students took in Third grade. Students will read a passage and answer comprehension questions. Additional skills, such as inferencing, are added at this grade level. Students will also read “double passages”, which are two different types of stories students read one after another. The students answer questions that are comparison in nature. Students will use particular strategies in which to be successful on these types of passages. This test has a 4 hour time limit.
Issues of Concern • Please bring your concerns about your child to me first. We check our email throughout the day and will respond ASAP. “We are here to help each student be successful. We can’t fix a problem if we don’t know about it. Communication and teamwork are essential.”
Conferences Conference time: *Monday-Friday 10:45-11:30 *We can also make arrangements to meet before or after school if needed Please feel free to contact us to schedule a conference… RME: 945-5700 Email: afreeman@judsonisd.orgmwicker@judsonisd.org cpond@judsonisd.orgsdpatterson@judsonisd.org kritterhouse@judsonisd.org