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Energy. Energy and Environment are linked together. Power Stations in the Czech Republic. Coal Nuclear Hydro Solar Wind. Resources : Renewable / Non renewable. S olar Wind Hydro Wave Tidal Geot h ermal Biomass. Fossil Nuclear. Energy flow. Sola r.
Energy Energy and Environment are linkedtogether.
PowerStations in theCzechRepublic CoalNuclearHydroSolarWind
Resources:Renewable/ Non renewable • Solar • Wind • Hydro • Wave • Tidal • Geothermal • Biomass • Fossil • Nuclear Energyflow
Solar The Sun is 150 millionkilometresaway, andamazinglypowerful. • Howitworks • solar cells (photovoltaicorphotoelectriccells) • solar water heating • solar power station
Solar Power Station Solar OneBarstow, California
Solar Water Heating(principle) Heatfromthe Sun isused to heatwater in glasspanels on theroof.
Solar Water Heating - principle Another principle – a system of parabolic mirrors (like a spout).
Solar map oftheCzechRepublic Ourtownissituated in the area withbestinsolation
Wind We've usedthewind as anenergysourcefora longtime. • Howitworks • windmill (used in theMiddleAges) • wind generator
Windmill Historicalwindmills in theCzechRepublic
Sailing ship Energyfromwind
Hydro Wehaveusedrunningwater as anenergysourceforthousandsofyears, mainly to grindcorn. • Howitworks • watermill(used in theMiddleAges) • hydraulicpowerplant
Watermill Historicalwatermill in Slup, near Znojmo
Makeyourwatermill Whatyouneed: How to do:
Hydraulic power plant A dam isbuilt to trap water, usually in a valleywherethereisanexistinglake. Waterisallowed to flowthroughtunnels in the dam, to turnturbinesandthus drive generators.
Hydro powers in the Czech Republic The most importantseriesofdams in theCzechRepubliciscalledthe Vltava Cascade, consistingofninewaterworks: Lipno I, Lipno II, Hnevkovice, Korensko, Orlik, Kamyk, Slapy, StechoviceandVrane. 1900 MW in total Slapy
Czech Water Power Plant "Orlik" Vltava river Built in 1954 - 1961 - 720 millions m3 ofwater - 4x91 MW
Thebiggest hydro power in theworld Itaipu, Parana river, Brasil/ Paraquay, 12600 MW
Wave • Howitworks • the wavesarriving cause thewaterin thechamber to riseandfall
Wave Power Station A companycalledWavegennowoperate a commercialwavepower station called "Limpet“. The island ofIslay, Scotland’swestcoast TheLimpet’s design makesiteasy to buildandinstall. Itslow profile giveslowvisibility, soitdoesn’tintrude on coastallandscapesorviews.
Wave Power Station A companycalledOceanPowerDelivery are developing a methodofoffshorewaveenergycollection, using a floating tube called "Pelamis".
Tidal Tidalpower - energyfromthesea The movement of the sea could be a huge energy source, but only around 20 sites in the world have been identified as possible tidal power stations. These work rather like a hydro-electric scheme, except that the dam is much bigger. • Howitworks • Tidal barrages
Tidal power station – example 1 Swanturbines Insteadofwinddrivingthe rotor, a tidalstreamturbineuseswater. Swanturbinesis a consortiumof 9 partners led by Swanturbines Ltd. Swansea, Wales, UK
Tidal power station – example 2 vertical-axis turbines
Tidal power station – example 3 Anotheroptionis to use offshoreturbines, ratherlikeanunderwaterwindfarm.
Geothermalenergy Iceland Diagram shows Icelandic geothermal power station takes advantage of heat from magna chamber relatively close to the surface.
Iceland Hot water pipeline runs for 17 kms from geothermal plantto Reykjavik. Water providesmost of city’s space heating needs.
Geothermal • Howitworks • Hotrocks underground heat watertoproducesteam.
Biomass energy from organic materials Woodwasonceourmainfuel. Weburnedit to heatourhomesandcookourfood. "Bioconversion" usesplantandanimalwastes to producefuels such as methanol, naturalgas, andoil. Wecan use rubbish, animalmanure, woodchips, seaweed, cornstalksandotherwastes.
Type ofBiomass - Corn http://www.geo.msu.edu/geo333/corn.html
Type of Biomass - Soybeans http://agproducts.unl.edu/
Type of Biomass - Sorghum http://www.okfarmbureau.org/press_pass/galleries/grainSorghum/
Type of Biomass - Sugar Cane Bagasse http://www.nrel.gov/biomass/photos.html
Type ofBiomass - Switchgrass http://www.nrel.gov/biomass/photos.html
Type of Biomass - Hybrid Poplar http://www.nrel.gov/biomass/photos.html
Type ofBiomass - CornStover http://www.nrel.gov/biomass/photos.html
Type ofBiomass - Wood Chips & Sawdust http://www.nrel.gov/biomass/photos.html http://www.energytrust.org/RR/bio/
Type ofBiomass - Tracy Biomass Plant Truck unloading wood chips that will fuel the Tracy Biomass Plant, Tracy, California. http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar.renewables/page/biomass/biomass.html
Type ofBiomass - Municipal Solid Waste http://www.eeingeorgia.org/eic/images/landfill.jpg
Biomass Direct Combustion Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004)
Integrated Waste Plant Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004)
Biomass Gasifier • 200 tons of wood chips daily • Forest thinnings; wood pallets • Converted to gas • Combined cycle gas turbine • 8MW power output McNeil Generating Station biomass gasifier – 8MW http://www.nrel.gov/biomass/photos.html