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WHY BREAST FEED?. CASE 4. A 20 year old mom who just had her first baby was asking a pediatrician, why do I need to breastfeed? There are a lot of milk formulas available anyway, and it is much more convenient to do bottle feeding.
CASE 4 A 20 year old mom who just had her first baby was asking a pediatrician, why do I need to breastfeed? There are a lot of milk formulas available anyway, and it is much more convenient to do bottle feeding.
What’s the difference between breastmilk and commercially available milk formulas • HUMAN MILK: • Preferred feed for all infants • Sufficient to provide nutrient needs until 6 months of life: should be continued until two years and beyond supplemented with complementary foods • Serves as standard for all breastmilksubstitutes • COWS MILK • Whole Cow Milk does not contain enough nutrients, vitamins or minerals to adequately and properly sustain an infant's growth. • “Infants fed whole cow's milk receive inadequate amounts of Vitamin E, iron, essential fatty acids, and excessive amounts of protein, sodium, and potassium. These levels may be too high for the infant's system to handle."
What’s in breastmilk? • Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk contains appropriate amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. It also provides the digestive proteins, minerals, vitamins, and hormones that infants need. Breast milk contains valuable antibodies from the mother that may help the baby resist infections.
What makes breastmilk better than infant formulas? • breast milk is easily and quickly digested, • breastfed babies sometimes tend to eat more often than formula-fed babies • Infants who are breastfed until they are satisfied, and infants who are fed a standard formula and whose mothers are in tune to their cues of hunger and satiety, will generally adjust their own intake to meet their calorie needs. • All of breast milk's components, including lactose, protein (whey and casein), and fat, are easily digested by a newborn's immature system. • Commercial formulas attempt to reproduce these ingredients and are coming quite close, though the exact combination cannot be duplicated. • Breast milk contains the vitamins and minerals that a newborn requires, and breastfed babies supposedly have fewer allergies later in life.
What are the benefits of breastfeeding.. to the mother.. and to the infant? Benefits for Mothers 1. Delays Fertility2. Breast Cancer3. Uterine Cancer4. Ovarian Cancer5. Endometrial Cancer6. Emotional Health7. Decrease Insulin Requirements8. Decreased Osteoporosis9. Promotes Postpartum Weight Loss
What are the benefits of breastfeeding.. to the mother.. and to the infant? Benefits for Infants 1. Protects Against Infectiona. Diarrheab. HaemophilusInfluenzac. Enhances Vaccine Responsed. NECe. Otitis Mediaf. Herpes Simplexg. Respiratory Syncytical Virus (RSV)h. Respiratory Infections
What are the benefits of breastfeeding.. to the mother.. and to the infant? 2. Protects Against Illnessesa. Generalb. Immunologic Developmentc. Wheezingd. SIDSe. General Morbidityf. AIDSg. Infant Survivalh. GastroesophagealReflexi. Multiple Sclerosisj. Inguinal Herniak. Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testicle)
What are the benefits of breastfeeding.. to the mother.. and to the infant? 3. Protection From Allergies a. Allergic Familiesb. Eczema 4. Enhances Development and Intelligencea. Higher IQb. Cognitive Developmentc. Social Development