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ö tzi the Iceman

ö tzi the Iceman. 1991: two hikers in the Alps find a dead body --Saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice ---Small hole in the back of the head Border of Austria and Italy. The Discovery. 1. Italian police think it’s a doll, quickly discover that its real

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ö tzi the Iceman

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ötzi the Iceman

  2. 1991: two hikers in the Alps find a dead body --Saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice ---Small hole in the back of the head Border of Austria and Italy The Discovery

  3. 1. Italian police think it’s a doll, quickly discover that its real 2. Italian police think it’s a recent death. Result: start jack-hammering the ice around the body to free it. This destroys much of the clothing found on the iceman Result: other people try freeing it with poles and axes, again damaging much of the clothing. Otiz in Danger

  4. Dr. Henn arrives on scene. Result: inspects the body and realizes its ancient. How: dry, yellow skin like a mummy. It’s been preserved in the ice. Glaciers going down=reveal the iceman’s body Shipped to museum to be studied OLDEST mummy every found! Intelligent Person Arrives

  5. -appearance of people 5,500 years ago: 5’2”, brown curly hair. Recently got a haircut. -tatoos on body: ankle, lower back, kneecap=not for decoration. -teeth: showed wear=ate grains/breads -Last Meal: wheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat were found in his colon. -45 years old Picturing Otzi

  6. Leather pants • Jacket: animal hides • Cape • Fur cap • Soft shoes stuffed with hay for warmth Otzi’s Clothing

  7. The Scene of Discoveryhttp://waterforsixthgrade.blogspot.com

  8. How did Otzi die? http://waterforsixthgrade.blogspot.com Number One Question:

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