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Fighting Hunger in South Georgia: America’s Second Harvest Overview

Learn about America’s Second Harvest of South Georgia, Inc., including its mission to end hunger, history, donors, benefiting agencies, community programs, obstacles faced, and ways to help. Discover how the organization distributes millions of pounds of food annually and supports various community programs.

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Fighting Hunger in South Georgia: America’s Second Harvest Overview

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  1. Nonprofit Overview Presentation:America’s Second Harvest of South Georgia, Inc. By: Davind D. Burks www.valdostafoodbank.org

  2. Overview of Topics • Mission • History • Legal Description • Donors • Benefiting Agencies • Donor/Agency Growth • Community Programs • Obstacles (Interview) • What can you do? www.valdostafoodbank.org

  3. Mission • The mission is simple: • “to end hunger in South Georgia • to create a means to easily and affordably access food for every person in South Georgia • to feed children and provide a safe environment for children to grow and learn • to provide the means to rescue and safely store all donated excess food in our region • To ensure that every community that relies on the services of America's Second Harvest of South Georgia, Inc. is adequately assisted in the fight against hunger.” www.valdostafoodbank.org

  4. History • Founded in 1979 • A network of 13 food banks distributed 2.5 million pounds of food during it’s first year in operation! • Current network consists of nearly 200 regional food banks, each distributing 1 billion pounds of donated food annually www.valdostafoodbank.org

  5. Legal Description • The Valdosta Food Banks is a 501(c)(3) organization which solely depends on the donations of individuals, corporations, and charitable foundations for their operation and food supply. www.valdostafoodbank.org

  6. Donors • The food bank has hundreds of donors who help maintain the abundant supply of food and grocery products. Monetary donations are given once or pledged for a period up to five years. Donors also have the option to donate stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Those who give annually include Kraft Foods, General Mills, and more. Eckerd Corp. CVS Corp. Kraft Chiquita KFC Pizza Hut Dewar Elementary School Harhira Middle School Publix Supermarkets Super Wal-Mart Center Steak N Shake Moe's Southwest Grill Bush Brothers Dole Fresh Vegetables South Georgia Medical Center Greenleaf Center Curves for Women GA Military College Food Drive Tropicana Welch's www.valdostafoodbank.org

  7. Benefiting Agencies • Several churches and non-profit agencies benefit from the food and other products that the Food Bank distributes. They do not serve individuals directly, but give to non-profit organizations who in turn distributes goods throughout their community. LODAC New Covenant Church Community Soup Kitchen Kids Cafe Program Boys & Girls club American Red Cross Disaster Releif Lowndes Area Adoptive Parent Support Group www.valdostafoodbank.org

  8. Benefiting Agencies • The only individuals who directly benefit from the Food Bank (without being connected to a non-profit agency) are those who receive food from the Community Soup Kitchen and the Kids’ Café. www.valdostafoodbank.org

  9. Donor/Agency Growth • The Food Bank is constantly growing with the addition of new donors, agencies, and volunteers daily! www.valdostafoodbank.org

  10. Community Soup Kitchen Beginning in 1999, the Food Bank provides all food whichfeeds more than 200 people each day. Rescue Valdosta Food is recycled from restaurants, delis, bakeries, and produce marts. This food goes to the Kids’ Café and Soup Kitchen. Community Programs www.valdostafoodbank.org

  11. Community Programs • Kids’ Café • Providing meals and enrichment activities for children in after school programs. • Some locations: Boys & Girls Club Valdosta and Thomasville, Quitman Elementary, Southside Recreation Center, and more. www.valdostafoodbank.org

  12. Community Programs • Reclaim Program • Damaged grocery items are salvaged, cleansed, and repackaged saving over 1,500,000 pounds of food from being thrown away! www.valdostafoodbank.org

  13. Manna Truck • Various products including fresh produce are delivered to agencies, programs, and other authorized drop points in the community via the Manna Truck. www.valdostafoodbank.org

  14. Obstacles • I interviewed Will Robinson, V.P. of Operations for an insight on obstacles that the Food Bank faces. www.valdostafoodbank.org

  15. Obstacles • First, briefly describe your duties as Vice President of Operations. • Oversee operation of inventory: receiving controlling, distribution • Set employee projects • See that overtime is non-existent • Monitor and implement Osha and other food safety standards www.valdostafoodbank.org

  16. Obstacles • What are some general obstacles that the Food Bank faces? • Rotating perishable goods and distributing them in a timely fashion. There is currently 10,000 sq. feet of refrigeration space: this is not big enough!! • More expensive items that are needed (hygienic, personal care, meats) do not get donated enough. • Short handed for servicing member agencies www.valdostafoodbank.org

  17. Obstacles • What plans are being made to aid the obstacles faced by the Food Bank? • Plans are in place to increase perishable food storage areas (may take up to five years) • In your opinion, what is the agency’s most prided (in terms of success and growth) community program? • Kids’ Café: feeds many children! www.valdostafoodbank.org

  18. Obstacles • In terms of growth, where do you see the Food Bank in five years? • Increase in member agencies served, increase in servicing families among working poor (not necessarily poor and homeless) that do not make enough for ends to meet www.valdostafoodbank.org

  19. DONATE! Cash or check: fully tax deductible Give through your will or trust for major contributions: property, cash, jewelry, etc. There are other ways to donate as well. Contact the Food Bank for more information. VOLUNTEER! 9am-5pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 5pm-8pm Thursday Reserve Saturday for group (10 or more) volunteering Volunteers are always needed and welcomed, especially throughout holidays! How can you help?... www.valdostafoodbank.org

  20. Contact Information • America’s Second Harvest of South Georgia, Inc. (Valdosta Food Bank) • Address: America's Second Harvest of South GeorgiaD/B/A The Valdosta Food Bank, Inc.1411 Harbin CircleValdosta, GA 31601 • Phone: 229-244-2678 or 1-888-453-4143 • Fax: Administrative Offices: 229-244-FOOD (3663) Agency Relations/Fax on Demand Service: 229-244-3587 or 1-877-E-Hunger (348-6437) • Email: General Information:info@valdostafoodbank.org Agency Information:agency@valdostafoodbank.org www.valdostafoodbank.org

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