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Earnest Hemingway. By Daphne Ying. Profile. Date of Birth: 21 July, 1899 Birth Place: Oak Park, Illinois, USA Date of Death 2 July, 1961 Nickname: Papa. A writer A war hero A war correspondent An expatriate A lion hunter. A marlin fisherman A womanizer A drinker
Earnest Hemingway By Daphne Ying
Profile • Date of Birth: 21 July, 1899 • Birth Place: Oak Park, Illinois, USA • Date of Death 2 July, 1961 • Nickname: Papa
A writer A war hero A war correspondent An expatriate A lion hunter A marlin fisherman A womanizer A drinker An overbearing ego A tragic figure What was Hemingway?
Hemingway infant(Slides 3~12 from http://myweb.dal.ca/diepev/3220/Hemingway%20Sun.ppt#257,1,Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961)
Hemingway, 1905 • He discovered his lifelong love for hunting and fishing during his family trips to Michigan.
His father was a doctor. His mother taught music. He was the second child. He had 4 sisters and 1 brother. Hemingway , 1906
HemingwayRed Cross Uniform, about 1918 • From the fall of 1917 to the spring of 1918, he worked as a cub reporter for the Star. • In 1918, he volunteered in WWI as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross.
Hemingway in Italy • He was wounded in both legs by mortar and machine-gun fire.
Hemingway’s First Lover • He stayed in a hospital in Milan and fell in love with a nurse Agnes von Kurowsky. • 71/2 older • The experience led to “A Farewell to Arms.” (1929)
The Sun Also Rises (1926) • An international success • Based on Hemingway’s own experiences • Chronicled a group of American expatriates living in Paris who travel to Pamplona, Spain for the San Fermin Festival
Hemingway’s First Wife • Hadley Richardson Hemingway (1921-1927) • Wealthy • Moved to Paris • One son, Jack
Hemingway, 1928 • I wished I had died before I ever loved anyone but her. -"A Moveable Feast“
A Farewell to Arms (1929) • A WWI ambulance driver who is injured in action and falls for his nurse. • It has a tragic end, reflecting the Lost Generation’s post-war dienchantment.
Hemingway’s Second Wife • Pauline Pfeiffer (1927~1940) • A close friend of both Hadley and Earnest • Two sons, Patrick and Gregory
Second Wife 「一個未婚女子忽然成了一個已婚婦女的臨時手帕交,於是搬來和他們夫婦住在一起,這時候,她便在不知不覺中天真而無情地一步步設法贏得別人的丈夫。這丈夫是個作家,成天忙著,很少有時間陪伴太太,有個朋友陪她總是好的。丈夫工作結束以後,他就發現身邊有兩個迷人的女子,一個是新鮮而陌生的。如果他活該倒楣,他就會同時愛上這兩個。」 「起初是刺激、好玩,而且維持一段日子。所有的邪惡都是從純真中開始的就這樣,你開始說謊,又恨說謊,這就毀了你......」 (摘自《流動的饗宴》238頁)
In 1933 • He fulfilled a lifelong dream when he and wife Pauline went on an African hunting safari. • The experience led to his best short story, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.” (2002) Hemingway on safari in Kenya, Feb 1934
Hemingway’s Third Wife • Martha Gellhorn (1940~1945) • A reporter he met in 1936 • Accompanied Hemingway to Spain as a correspondent in 1937 • Independent, had her own ideas
For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) • A great success in a world falling into WWII. • The story focused on the Spanish Civil War and an American fighting for the country he has grown to love.
Hemingway’s Fourth Wife • Mary Welsh (1946~1961) • A feature writer for TIME • They moved to Cuba. • They also constantly quarreled.
The Old Man and the Sea (1952) • The publisher sent it back and claimed it was unpublishable. • But they did like the last part about an old Cuban man and his battle with a monster marlin. • Won Pulitzer Prize, 1952 • Won Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954
Hemingway’s Writing Style • Sparse • Subtle • Streamlined prose resonating with power
Hemingway’s Fall • In 1954, while on safari in Africa, he and his wife had a plane crash. • The second plane crashed on take-off. • He lost kidney function and got high blood pressure. • The drug for high blood pressure had depression as a side effect. • He could not stand the shock treatments.
Hemingway Life, 1961 • He put a gunshot to his head to commit suicide in 1961, 20 days before his birthday.
Famous Quote • I've seen you, beauty, and you belong to me now, whoever you are waiting for and if I never see you again, I thought. You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil. --"A Moveable Feast“ • More quotes http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ernest_Hemingway