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MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL IN CHANGING TIMES. Edward B. Yost, PhD, SPHR. October 2013. BEM VINDO A OHIO UNIVERSITY. Our Task Today – Three Levels of Analysis and Human Capital. #1 MACRO: Sustainability, Strategy, and the Business Model – Competent managers understand how value is created
Our Task Today – Three Levels of Analysis and Human Capital • #1 MACRO: Sustainability, Strategy, and the Business Model – Competent managers understand how value is created • #2 MESO: Talent Management, maximizing returns through human capital architectures – Talent pools, pivotal positions, differentiated human capital architecture that adds value • #3 MICRO: Employee Engagement – Crafting and leading for individual performance
Level 1 MACRO: Sustainability, Strategy, and the Business Model
What is Strategic Success? • Delivering high value results to significant stakeholders Financial Success Operational Success Customer Success Workforce (People) Success
Strategic Success Chain Strategy Execution Competitive Advantage Sustainability
Defining the Business Strategy Strategy is: The central, integrated, externally oriented concept of how we will achieve our objectives. (Hambrick & Fredrickson)
Sharing our Experiences What is your organization’s “STRATEGY”?
Strategic Success Chain Strategy Execution Competitive Advantage Sustainability
What is “Strategic Competitive Advantage?” Enacted or Utilized Distinctive Competency that: • Allows the organization to differentiate itself from competitors • Cannot be readily duplicated or imitated • Provides a positive economic benefit(s) – KPIs
3 Roads to Strategy Execution & Competitive Advantage Managers can select a path to follow • Betting on the incompetence of competitors – blind ambition • Acquiring and utilizing the competencies of others – merger, acquisition • Using existing resources & competencies efficiently, effectively and differently – resource based
The Secret Revealed! What is the SECRET of obtaining a Strategic Competitive Advantage? Not just having a strategy and competencies but executing the strategy.
Strategic Success Chain Strategy Execution Competitive Advantage Sustainability
Sustainability • Pursuit of LONG TERM business success focusing on a triple bottom line: • Economics - Profits • Social - People • Environmental - Planet
Sustainability Defined “The commitment by an organization to balance financial performance with contributions to the quality of life of their employees, the society at large and environmentally sensitive initiatives” SHRM
Top 5 positive ($) outcomes from sustainability initiatives for stakeholders • Improved employee morale, 2) More efficient business processes, 3) Stronger public image, 4) Increased employee loyalty, 5) Increased brand recognition. Source: Advancing Sustainability: HR’s Role (SHRM, 2011)
Developing Human Capital in Changing Times What IS Human Capital?
Human Capital Defined The collective sum of the attributes, life experience, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm that people choose to invest in their work. Weatherly 2003
Human Capital Defined The collective sum multiplicative product of the attributes, life experience, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm that people choose to invest in their work. Weatherly 2003 with a little help from Ed
Attributes of Human Capital Markets • Various levels of value • Appreciates and depreciates • Markets are shifting from Closed (balance sheet talent) to Open System (crowd sourcing) • Individually owned but collectively realized
Human Capital: The Invisible Resource • It is vested in the human resources often in the form of intellectual and social capital. • It is acquired, developed, utilized, and sustained through the management practices. • Being invisible it is harder to duplicate.
Human Capital Value inherent in the form of individuals collectively interacting in the context of formal and informal systems • Individuals are the repository for human capital • Systems, process, culture and context extract the value of individuals
Human Capital Has Value “People are our most valuable asset” PROVE IT! Must be demonstrated by management practices and actions that compose the Human Capital Architecture
Sharing our Experiences What do organizations you know value?
Expectativas de TodosquePossuemInteresseDiretoouIndiretonaOrganização • Acionistas(proprietários) desejam um retornoqueconsideramjusto no investimentofeito. • Clientesdesejam um alto valor agregadoaoprodutoouserviçoqueconsomem, e umamanutenção(garantia) quemantenhaseu valor. • Empregadosdesejamumarelação de empregoqueforneçacompensaçõesintrínsicas e extrínsicasemcontrapartidaàscontribuiçoesquefazem. • Publicoesperaque a organizaçãotenharesponsabilidade social e se preocupetambém com o bemestar dos cidadãos (cidadania corporative)
Escolher as partesinteressadasemcada par que a suaorganizaçãoiriaconsiderarcomo a maisimportanteemtermos de tempo e outrasatribuições de recursos. • 1. Cliente___ Proprietário(acionista) ____ • 2. Empregado___ Cliente___ • 3. Empregado___ Publico___ • 4. Proprietário(Acionista) ___ Empregado___ • 5. Cliente___ Publico___ • 6. Proprietário(Acionista) ___ Publico___
Instruções para o preenchimento das questões Pense em uma organização com a qual você está familiarizado. Talvez a organização que você trabalha agora. Para cada par de partes interessadas selecionar o que você sente é mais importante para a organização que você escolheu. Pense sobre os recursos dedicados ou as políticas que afetam o grupo de partes interessadas. Quando você completar você irá gravar o número de vezes que você selecionou o grupo de partes interessadas e escrever o número no espaço fornecido.
Stakeholder Importance Vamos Compartilhar - Qual dos 4 stakeholders (clientes, proprietários, público e empregados) a sua organização seria mais provável em atender:Em primeiro lugar?Última?
Knowing – Doing Gap How Big is the Gap? “Only 1 in 10 of the 88,000 respondents in our Global Workforce Study agreed that their organization’s senior leaders treat employees as vital corporate assets. A larger percentage reported that their leaders act as if employees don’t matter.” Gebauer ad Lowman, 2008
Level 2 #2 MESO: Talent management, maximizing returns through human capital architectures
Developing Human Capital in Changing Times Managing Talent for Strategic Success
The Challenge for Managers Human Capital IMPACTSthe Bottom Line To create value through Human Capital requires a fundamental change in how it is recognized and managed in most organizations.
What is Strategy Execution? • Value Creation – Enables the Value Proposition for all stakeholders • The aggregated combination of the firm’s resources applied by the strategic business units • Results from managerial decisions for resource allocations and tradeoffs
Application: Focus on a Strategic Business Unit -Primary Pharmaceutical Industry Strategy Execution Enables the Value Proposition for Stakeholders Production Research & Development Marketing Human Resources
Critical Outcomes for Strategy Execution Research & Development Group in Primary Pharmaceuticals 1. New Product Applications 2. Reduce Time to Market
Talent Management • Talentship requires a redefinition of the traditional service role of HR managers in organizations. • This involves a managerial focus on the process of "talent segmentation" and the need to focus managerial attention on "pivotal talent pools".
Human Capital (Pivotal Talent Pools) Strategy Execution Competitive Advantage Sustainability
Talent Segmentation • Talent segmentation is as vital to strategic success as customer segmentation. • Talent segmentation involves identifying pivotal talent pools where human capital makes the biggest difference to strategy execution
Sharing our Experiences How do organizations you know use segmentation?
Customer Segmentation • Does your organization segment customers? • What are these customer segments? • How are they treated differently?
Talent Segmentation • Does your organization identify specific talent pools? • What are these talent pools? • How are the management practices different for these talent pools?
The Question Is…. Why is customer segmentation more common than talent segmentation?
Drilling Down in Human Capital Pivotal Talent Pools Pivotal Positions Determine the Pivotal Positions to Deliver Strategy Execution
Sharing our Experiences Which position, Characters or Sweepers are most pivotal?