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Time and Labor Meeting. May 3, 2010. Welcome. Meeting Agenda. Welcome SHARP Key Dates General Information New Employee Setup Self-Service Time and Labor Reports Security Training Wrap Up & Questions. Welcome and Introductions. Presenters:
Time and Labor Meeting May 3, 2010
Meeting Agenda • Welcome • SHARP Key Dates • General Information • New Employee Setup • Self-Service • Time and Labor Reports • Security • Training • Wrap Up & Questions
Welcome and Introductions Presenters: • Connie Guerrero, Enterprise Readiness Manager, Sunflower Project • Kristine Scott, SHARP Security Administrator, Division of Personnel Services
Data Conversion Events and Dates Friday, June 18, 2010: This is the last day that users will be able to enter transactions prior to the conversion. Conversion to the integrated version of SHARP will take place starting after batch processing finishes Friday evening. Saturday, June 19, 2010 to Tuesday, June 22, 2010: SHARP will be converted to include the integration with SMART. Wednesday, June 23, 2010: Access for SHARP and Self-Service users to the integrated version of SHARP is scheduled to be restored on June 23rd. SHARP and Self-Service User IDs and passwords will be the same as User IDs and passwords on Friday, June 18, 2010.
Longevity Bonuses Longevity will continue to default into timesheets with the appropriate amounts and Time Reporting Codes. No funding (task profile) will be defaulted. Agency HR Staff have access to see who is eligible for Longevity each pay period and should enter the appropriate funding for the longevity transactions on the timesheet. Agency determines the funding for Longevity payouts. Employee could be paid with default funding if funding tied to the time entered is not correct or if a task profile is not entered on the timesheet (If you require the employee enter a task profile on the timesheet, change the time reporting template to "SOKTASKREQ“).
Adjustments Adjustments will continue to be a multi-step process. First step is to "request the adjustment" when the paycheck number and other key data is entered on the request page within Payroll. Then the timesheet is updated to reflect the correct TRC, Hrs, funding. It will then process through Payroll/General Ledger(GL)/Project Costing (PC). If the adjustment is strictly due to funding, it is updated within GL/PC. You can choose to update Time and Labor so it matches GL by using the Adjust Paid Time functionality (Time and Labor > Report Time > Adjust Paid Time)
Time Reporter Data • Agencies must enroll each employee for whom time will be reported or created in Time and Labor as a time reporter. When enrolling a time reporter, specify how the person will report time and how the system will process that time. • Time Reporter Data Hyperlink is located on the Employment Data page of the Job Data Component. Time Reporter Data: Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data.
Time Reporter Data Click on the Time Reporter Data Hyperlink to access the Time and Labor Data page
Time and Labor Data Page Payable Time Start Date: Only visible when employee is first enrolled as a Time and Labor employee. IMPORTANT: DON’T FORGET TO CHANGE THIS DATE. IT MUST BE EQUAL TO THE HIRE DATE. IF THE WRONG DATE IS ENTERED, WE CANNOT CHANGE IT ONLINE; IT WILL REQUIRE PROGRAMMING STAFF TO UPDATE IT. Effective Date: Equal to the Hire Date / Payable Time Start Date
Time and Labor Data Page Time Reporter Status: Active or Inactive. When separating from State service or moving to a non-Time and Labor agency, add a row and new effective date and change the Status to Inactive. Send Time To Payroll: Defaults to on. Leave checkbox on. Time Reporter Type: Defaults to Elapsed. Leave as Elapsed.
Time and Labor Data Page Time Reporting Template: This field determines what shows up on the timesheet. Hours, TRC, and Taskgroup will always show on the timesheet. Other fields, such as Task Profiles or Combocodes, are shown based on the Time Reporting Template selected here. Workgroup: Used to define the rules and time reporting codes used by a specific employee. IN = Interface Agencies; SS: Self Service Agencies; TK: Time Keeper Agencies
Time and Labor Data Page • Taskgroup: Agency Defined (10 characters). We strongly recommend your Taskgroup begin with the first 3 digits of your agency number. • SOKNONTASK: Used for employees not reporting time to Projects. Their funding is set up using Dept Budget Table/Position funding and NOT based on Task Profiles. Also their hours won’t be in Project Costing. • Other Taskgroups: Your agency comes up with the names. Then your agency creates task Profiles and attaches the task profiles to the task groups, so when the employee is looking at his timesheet and clicks on the Task Profile magnifying glass, only those Task Profiles associated with that taskgroup are visible. NOTE: Employee could change the taskgroup value and then see the task profiles associated with the taskgroup that was just selected. • TCD Group: Only for Interface agencies (03900; 12200; 14300, 71000)
Work Schedule Work Schedules are required and used to default time reporting codes and hours into the SHARP timesheet. Work Schedules are also used by Time and Labor rules. For new hires/rehires/employees who have moved to your agency from another agency, you will not have access to the Assign Work Schedule page for the employee until the day after the Job Data transaction has been entered due to security jobs that run at night. The Assign Work Schedule Page will be available the next day for you to enter the employee’s work schedule.
Work Schedule Assign Work Schedule: Navigation: Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Assign Work Schedule OR Manager Self Service > Time Management > Manage Schedules > Assign Work Schedule
Task TL255 SHARP Conversion of Time Reporter Data Activity Task TL255 (SHARP Conversion of Time Reporter Data Activity) will be sent out for a final time on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 and must be returned to the Time and Labor Team on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 (Go Live is scheduled for Wednesday, June 23, 2010. Submit completed Task TL255 to brent.smith@da.ks.gov
Time and Labor Self-Service Agencies who are deploying Time and Labor via Self-Service should encourage their employees to begin logging into Employee Self-Service now on a regular basis so they know their userid and password. Reports To Position Number- Time and Labor will use the supervisor assigned to the employee’s position via the ‘Report To’ position number to send an email notification that the employee’s time is ready to be approved when the employee submits their timesheet.
Time and Labor Self-Service If the incorrect supervisor is attached to the position it could result in the employee not getting paid as the email notification only goes to the direct supervisor. HR staff will have access to approve the reported time for the employee. Agencies using Self-Service should verify the ‘Reports To’ position number in Position Management is correct before June 18, 2010 and on an on-going basis.
Time and Labor Reports • Paper Time Document • TL Vacation Leave Overage – (same as current SHARP report) • Workers Comp Notification – (same as current SHARP report) • Leave Accrual - (same as current SHARP report) • Payable Hours Exception (over/under Employee’s FTE in Hours for both exempt and non-exempt)
Time and Labor Reports con’t Taskgroup Exception (If employee Changes Taskgroup on time-sheet) Payable Status (What is the status of the timesheet? ex: Needs Approval, Approved, Taken by Payroll Etc.) Existing SHARP Payroll Reports will still be available (PAY002, KPAYWAGE, etc.)
Paper Time Document Can Print by Department ID Range or by employee
Electronic Timesheet Electronic (on-line) Timesheet: Three options: SOKBASIC (like graphic below, but w/o Task Profile); SOKTASK: (graphic below); SOKDETAIL (Like below, but contains all GL/PC chartfields instead of Taskgroup / Task Profile):
Taskgroup Exceptions Report Taskgroup Exceptions Report: Displays timesheet data when a default taskgroup is changed. In this case, the default task group is 300NONTASK and the user changed it to 034-1021M. The Default Taskgroup is set up on Time Reporter Data.
Payable Status Report Payable Status Key: • AP: Approved • CL: Closed • DL: DilutedES: Estimated • NA: Needs Approval • PD: Paid • RP: Rejected • SP: Sent to Payroll • TP: Taken by PayrollOE: On-line Estimate Only • NP: No Pay • IG: Ignore
Time and Labor Security • Users must be mapped to Time and Labor roles prior to May 14th. • Between May 15th to June 18th, no roles will be mapped unless critical. • After June 18th, use the SHARP Security Form to request new roles.
Time and Labor Security Training needs to be completed prior to Go-Live for Time and Labor. SMART Training Contacts will receive information about Time and Labor courses in their weekly training enrollment reports from the SMART training team once the courses are available. Self-Service roles (for employees and managers) will be assigned systematically during conversion.
Time and Labor Security • Kristine Scott will distribute a listing of HR staff that have been mapped to Time and Labor roles with their current department ID’s to Time and Labor Agency Security Contacts to: • Assign Department Security to new SHARP Time and Labor Users. • Verify Department Security for current SHARP Time and Labor agency users. • If a User is mapped and training is completed, they will have access to Time and Labor roles at Go-Live.
Time and Labor Security • Agency Security Contacts can access the new SHARP Security Form on June 1. • http://www.da.ks.gov/sharp/documents/sharpsecurity.htm • Descriptions of the Time and Labor Security roles can be found at: • http://www.da.ks.gov/sharp/SecurityRoles.htm#tlur • Please contact Kristine Scott, kristine.scott@da.ks.gov if you have questions about SHARP Security.
Time and Labor Training • Time and Labor Web-based Training will be released no later than May 10, 2010 • Time and Labor training will be available online at http://www.da.ks.gov/sharp/WebCBT/CBT_Main_Menu.htm The SMART Course catalog will also have links to the training. • DATL370: Time and Labor Self Service; • DATL371: Time and Labor for Timekeepers; • DATL372: Time and Labor for Human Resource Administrators; • DATL373: Time and Labor Finance Maintenance
Help Desk "Service Desk" software used by SMART will be available for Time and Labor incidents to be submitted on-line. Also available is existing SHARP contact phone number (785-368-8000) with options for Time and Labor. Will be split between HR related and payroll/funding related TL. SMART contacts will also be added to the existing number for all SMART modules, including Projects and General Ledger.