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Find our curated collection of 9x9 area rugs designed to fit any room. Select from a variety of colors, patterns and styles to improve your home's decor. Buy at RugsbySize for great rugs and excellent customer service.
GetBySize,LLC Choosethearearugforyourspace. Discoverawideselectionofarea rugsbysize,style,color,andpattern. Fromadvancedtotraditional,we havesomethingforeveryspace. Shopnowtomodifyyourroomwith the brilliant rug.
A b o u t U s We help you shop area rugs by size across rug and carpet retailers. Search rugs by width and length and simplify your shopping. Find all brands, types, shapes, and sizes of rugs including: Persian rugs, Round rugs, Outdoor rugs, Kitchen rugs, Bathroom rugs, Living room rugs, Cowhide rugs, Shag rugs, Sheepskin rugs, Oriental rugs, Turkish rugs, and more.
R o u n d R u gs Round area rugs are a stylish and versatile addition to any room in your home. These rugs come in various sizes, colors, and patterns, making them a perfect choice for adding a pop of color or texture to your space. Whether you are looking to create a cozy reading nook in your living room or add a touch of elegance to your entryway, round rugs are a great option.
Octagon Rugs Octagon area rugs are a unique and stylish addition to any room in your home. These rugs are designed in the shape of an octagon, providing a modern and geometric look that can complement a variety of decor styles. Octagon rugs come in a range of sizes, colors, and patterns, making it easy to find the perfect rug to suit your space.
9 x 9 A r e a R u g s Ifyou'relookingtoaddwarmthandstyleto aroominyourhome,considerinvestingina 9x9arearugs.Theserugsaretheperfectsizeforaddingapopofcolorandtexturetoanyspace,whetherit'salivingroom,bedroom,ordiningroom.Withawidevarietyofpatternsanddesignsavailable,you'resuretofinda9x9rugthatcomplementsyourexisting decor and ties the room together.
H a n d m a d e P e r s i a n R u g s Persianrugsarerenownedfortheir exquisitecraftsmanshipandintricate designsthathavebeenpasseddown throughgenerations.Theseluxurious rugsarehand-woveninIranusing traditionaltechniquesthatdateback thousandsofyears.EachPersianrugisa uniqueworkofart,withpatternsand colorsthatreflecttherichhistoryand culture of the region.
203-208-8380 C o n t a c t U s www.rugsbysize.com service@rugsbysize.com