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200. Question: What was the first project we created?. Answer. 200. Answer: Dance Party. Back to Table. 400. Question: What are the little characters you can add to your animation called?. Answer. 400. Answer: Sprites. Back to Table. 600.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 200 Question: What was the first project we created? Answer

  2. 200 Answer: Dance Party Back to Table

  3. 400 Question: What are the little characters you can add to your animation called? Answer

  4. 400 Answer: Sprites Back to Table

  5. 600 Question: How many steps does the move command start out as? Answer

  6. 600 Answer: 10 Back to Table

  7. 800 Question: If you want to change the sprites outfit what tab do you click? Answer

  8. 800 Answer: costume tab Back to Table

  9. 1,000 Question: Name 5/10 command categories for your sprite? Answer

  10. 1,000 Possible Answers: Motion ,looks, sound, pen, data, events, control, sensing, operators, more blocks. Back to Table

  11. 200 Question: What was the first map we started creating stuff on? Answer

  12. 200 Answer: First Tutorial Back to Table

  13. 400 Question: What was the objective of Road Kill? Answer

  14. 400 Answer: To get to the other side without getting hit. Back to Table

  15. 600 Question: What button do you click on to Browse games? Answer

  16. 600 Answer: Load world button. Back to Table

  17. 800 Question: What is the first playable game? Answer

  18. 800 Answer: My Orchard Back to Table

  19. 1,000 Question: How many different color options are available for the liquid you can place in Kodu? Answer

  20. 1,000 Answer: 10 Back to Table

  21. 200 Question: What is the theme in the first 3 stages of Code? Answer

  22. 200 Answer: Angry Birds Back to Table

  23. 400 Question: What color is the tile that says “While path ahead”? Answer

  24. 400 Answer: Pink Back to Table

  25. 600 Question: What was the animal you had to eliminate during the angry bird levels? Answer

  26. 600 Answer: Pig Back to Table

  27. 800 Question: What is the max amount of trophies you can be awarded in Code? Answer

  28. 800 Answer: 27 Back to Table

  29. 1,000 Question: Name 3/6 block options in stage 11 of Code? Answer

  30. 1,000 Possible Answers: Actions, Colors, functions, loops, math, and variables. Back to Table

  31. 200 Question: How many pins did you need to have per board when we first started Pinterest? Answer

  32. 200 Answer: 5 Back to Table

  33. 400 Question: Can you like other peoples posts in Pinterest? Answer

  34. 400 Answer: Yes Back to Table

  35. 600 Question: When we had to do the valentines day board how many pins did we have to have. Answer

  36. 600 Answer: 1 Back to Table

  37. 800 Question True or False- Only the people you invite can see your boards? Answer

  38. 800 Answer: True Back to Table

  39. 1,000 Question: When you click on the search bar does your recent search history pop up? Answer

  40. 1,000 Answer: Yes Back to Table

  41. 200 Question: Can you click on the apps tab on google chrome to get to the google store? Answer

  42. 200 Answer: Yes Back to Table

  43. 400 Question: In the top left hand corner of the store front page do they call the store Google Web store or Chrome Web store? Answer

  44. 400 Answer: Chrome Web store? Back to Table

  45. 600 Question: What is the first App Mrs. Giddens told us to download? Answer

  46. 600 Answer: Inspiartion Back to Store

  47. 800 Question: What is the first tab under the apps tab in the store? Answer

  48. 800 Answer: Popular Back to Table

  49. 1,000 Question: Name 2/5 apps you automatically start out with when you open the apps tab? (Before Downloading anything). Answer

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