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FOLDING A PAPER BIRD. BIRD IN THE CAGE. 材料: 西卡紙、竹筷、雙面膠或白膠 作法: 將小鳥與鳥籠的圖案 ( 可以先上色 ) 黏在西卡紙上再剪下來,以雙面膠將竹筷固定後,再將二面黏合。 原理: 轉動紙扇,會使視覺產生影像暫留,看起來就像小鳥被關在鳥籠裡。. PAPER WHIPPING TOP. 材料 : 圓形紙、牙籤、保麗龍膠
BIRD IN THE CAGE 材料:西卡紙、竹筷、雙面膠或白膠 作法:將小鳥與鳥籠的圖案(可以先上色)黏在西卡紙上再剪下來,以雙面膠將竹筷固定後,再將二面黏合。 原理:轉動紙扇,會使視覺產生影像暫留,看起來就像小鳥被關在鳥籠裡。
PAPER WHIPPING TOP 材料:圓形紙、牙籤、保麗龍膠 作法:用圓規在表紙上畫三個圓圈,再將圓圈用剪刀剪下來。剪好之後,在一個圓圈上,畫上自己喜歡的圖案,然後在圖案上著色。再將三個圓用膠水重疊在一起,黏好,再壓平。然後再用錐子在圓心的地方,鑽一個小孔,再用牙籤或削好的尖形竹筷子,穿過圓心,尖端朝下,就完成了。
PAPER BOMB 材料:報紙(或約長40公分寬30公分的紙) 1、把較長的那一方對摺後,再打開。 2、四個角沿著中線往內摺。 3、再整個對齊。 4、對摺後再打開。 5、把左右兩邊的角沿著中線往下摺。 6、把紙往後摺,形成一個三角形,紙炮完成了。 使用方法:抓緊兩個尖角,用力往下甩,就會發出很大的響聲。
SHUTTLECOCK 材料:塑膠袋一個、十元或五十元硬幣一個、橡皮筋一條、剪刀 做法:1.長、寬小於30公分的塑膠袋,摺找出中心點——橫向對摺後再縱向對摺, 即可找出塑膠袋上畫+的中心點。 2.塑膠袋分別二端摺幾摺,如圖2,方便剪成條狀。 3.將硬幣放在中心點「+」上。4.抓起塑膠袋包好硬幣,握住,另一隻手拿起橡皮筋,套在硬幣下方的抓握點上 ,一直繞到橡皮筋無法再纏繞,可愛的毽子就完成了。
Step 1 Please divide participants into 4 groups.
Step 2 Please draw a score chart on the white broad to count the score. 隊輔計分方式:1st Place=>4 points/2end Place=>3points 3rd place=>2points/4th place=>1 point
Round 1: Who can make more? Time: 5 minutes Rules: Within 5 minutes, the team can make more paper birds than other teams wins.
Round2: PAPER WHIPPING TOP Time: No limitation. Rules: Each team leader needs to count the spinning time of paper whipping. Every participants spin the whipping top one person one time then the leader counts the time. After all participants finishing the spinning, team leader add the total time. The total time of which team is longer than others wins the game.
Round 3: SHUTTLECOCK Time: One person 2 minutes. Rules: Each team leader needs to count the numbers of kicks for each participants. For every time, each team assign one team member to the front to kick the shuttlecock. The team leader needs to count the number of kicks and add all three members’ kick. The total kicks of which team more than the others wins the game.
Round 4: BAMBOO GUN Time: Each team for 3 minutes. Rules: Each team leader needs to count the numbers of balloon within 3 minutes. Each team has 3 minutes to shoot the target by DIY bamboo gun. The team leader needs to count the scores in 3 minutes.