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Getting Captioning Started on Campus: Lessons Learned. Dean Brusnighan Assistive Technology Specialist Purdue University.
Getting Captioning Started on Campus:Lessons Learned Dean Brusnighan Assistive Technology Specialist Purdue University All right the first thing I will do is to check to see that everybody can hear me OK, alright. My name is Dean Brusnighan and I am from Purdue University. My title is assistive technology
Getting Captioning Started on Campus:Lessons Learned Dean Brusnighan Assistive Technology Specialist Purdue University specialist. And I am very pleased to have you here today. Thanks for coming, The title of my session is Getting Captioning Started on Campus: Lessons. I am pretty informal show any
Getting Captioning Started on Campus:Lessons Learned Dean Brusnighan Assistive Technology Specialist Purdue University you have a question please feel free to interrupt me. I hope that we will have a good dialogue going. And I hope that I will be able to provide some information that will be useful to you.
Getting Captioning Started on Campus:Lessons Learned Dean Brusnighan Assistive Technology Specialist Purdue University How many of you are here because you do not have captioning going on your campus right now? Wow about half or more. Okay. That is where Purdue was about a year and a a half ago. I
Getting Captioning Started on Campus:Lessons Learned Dean Brusnighan Assistive Technology Specialist Purdue University have only been in my position three years. About a year and ½ ago I started asking questions and trying to get answers about what captioning was going on on campus. There was none.
Background • A one-year, campus-wide, proof-of-concept project • Provide captioning in broad categories: • Administrative video • Academic video • Intercollegiate Athletics So, hopefully I can provide some information that is helpful to you. Some background, I received funding through the vice president of information technology at Purdue for a one year
Background • A one-year, campus-wide, proof-of-concept project • Provide captioning in broad categories: • Administrative video • Academic video • Intercollegiate Athletics campus wide proof of concept project. And what that means to me is I was going to try to do captioning in a bunch of different areas on campus and see if any of it worked and if it did work try
Background • A one-year, campus-wide, proof-of-concept project • Provide captioning in broad categories: • Administrative video • Academic video • Intercollegiate Athletics to help someone else understand this is how to do it and help them, take over. And the idea was to provide captioning in three broad categories.
Background • A one-year, campus-wide, proof-of-concept project • Provide captioning in broad categories: • Administrative video • Academic video • Intercollegiate Athletics 1) Administrative video. 2) Academic video. 3) Intercollegiate athletics.
Agenda • YouTube • Commencement Ceremonies • Echo 360 • Intercollegiate Athletics • What I learned So the agenda items for today we will talk about youtube, we will talk about commencement ceremonies, those are both under the administrative category. We will talk about echo 360,
Agenda • YouTube • Commencement Ceremonies • Echo 360 • Intercollegiate Athletics • What I learned which is the academic portion. And we will talk about intercollegiate athletics. And all along the way I will be sharing with you lessons I have learned along the way.
Administrative Video The first thing we will talk about is YouTube. At the time this project started Purdue had it on its Purdue channel, about 200, a little more than 200, YouTube videos on the Purdue channel.
Administrative Video And so part of our captioning funding was to take all of ? those and work through the backlog and provide captions for all of those. So we felt like this is a pretty public face? of Purdue, let
Administrative Video us make sure it is accessible. As we were working through those with a student employee, we found out that YouTube was offering this machine transcription for free so we decided, well
Administrative Video ok, let’s set up a test to compare fixing that machine transcription that is free against paying a captioning vendor to do it for us and see what the difference in cost would be.
YouTube • Set up a test to compare costs: • fixing machine transcription vs. • paying a captioning vendor (Automatic Sync Technologies) Our captioning vendor at Purdue is Automatic Sync Technologies, we have been working with them from the beginning and that was the result of a student doing some
YouTube • Set up a test to compare costs: • fixing machine transcription vs. • paying a captioning vendor (Automatic Sync Technologies) research and looking at different captioning vendors. I would be happy to talk to you about that after the session. That was not the focus of today. So we wanted to test these two things. And
YouTube • Set up a test to compare costs: • fixing machine transcription vs. • paying a captioning vendor (Automatic Sync Technologies) we chose 16 different videos from the Purdue channel with a variety of lengths from 2 minutes to 8 or ten minutes I think was the longest one. And we chose them according to different
YouTube • Set up a test to compare costs: • fixing machine transcription vs. • paying a captioning vendor (Automatic Sync Technologies) criteria. Some of them had a lot of background noise and some of them were created in a studio so they did not have background noise. Uh, yes, let’s close the door. So we tried to
YouTube • Set up a test to compare costs: • fixing machine transcription vs. • paying a captioning vendor (Automatic Sync Technologies) offer a variety of different kinds of videos to the machine transcription and to the vendor to see what the differences would be.
Compare processes Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Quickly review video to identify problematic words or names Submit video to AST Review returned caption file to fix errors, if any Upload to YouTube • Download MT file from YouTube • Fix word recognition and timing errors • Upload to YouTube So let’s compare the processes first so you know exactly what we did. And again this is with a student employee who downloaded the machine transcription file from YouTube, fixed
Compare processes Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Quickly review video to identify problematic words or names Submit video to AST Review returned caption file to fix errors, if any Upload to YouTube • Download MT file from YouTube • Fix word recognition and timing errors • Upload to YouTube the word recognition errors, because the machine transcription was done through voice recognition, but also timing errors, discovered that the timing of the wording in the file was also
Compare processes Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Quickly review video to identify problematic words or names Submit video to AST Review returned caption file to fix errors, if any Upload to YouTube • Download MT file from YouTube • Fix word recognition and timing errors • Upload to YouTube inaccurate more than we would like it to be. So once those corrections were made they were uploaded back to ? YouTube. For the automatic sync technologies first the video was
Compare processes Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Quickly review video to identify problematic words or names Submit video to AST Review returned caption file to fix errors, if any Upload to YouTube • Download MT file from YouTube • Fix word recognition and timing errors • Upload to YouTube reviewed to identify any problematic words or names. With AST you can submit those words as a transcriber’s guide so they can get them right in the initial pass through rather than having to
Compare processes Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Quickly review video to identify problematic words or names Submit video to AST Review returned caption file to fix errors, if any Upload to YouTube • Download MT file from YouTube • Fix word recognition and timing errors • Upload to YouTube correct those after the fact. So that review was done, submitted the video to automatic sync and then reviewed the return caption file to fix any errors if there were any and uploaded it to YouTube.
Compare costs Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Editing time per video (avg): 31 minutes Employee cost: $8.50/hour Employee Cost per video: $4.47 Avg AST Cost per video: $8.01 Avg Cost per video: $12.48 • Editing time per video (avg): • 114 minutes • Employee cost: • $8.50/hour • Avg Cost per video: • $16.20 So the result of doing these 16 videos in both fashions, we found out a number of things. The cost for machine transcription, the student editing time for each of those videos
Compare costs Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Editing time per video (avg): 31 minutes Employee cost: $8.50/hour Employee Cost per video: $4.47 Avg AST Cost per video: $8.01 Avg Cost per video: $12.48 • Editing time per video (avg): • 114 minutes • Employee cost: • $8.50/hour • Avg Cost per video: • $16.20 averaged 114 minutes. So almost 2 hours, to correct all of the recognition mistakes, correct the timing and have it usable. So our employee cost, our student employee was $8.50 an hour,
Compare costs Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Editing time per video (avg): 31 minutes Employee cost: $8.50/hour Employee Cost per video: $4.47 Avg AST Cost per video: $8.01 Avg Cost per video: $12.48 • Editing time per video (avg): • 114 minutes • Employee cost: • $8.50/hour • Avg Cost per video: • $16.20 and that makes the cost, the average cost per video, $16.20. For submitting it to a vendor, the editing time collectively both before submitting it to AST and afterwards was 31 minutes on
Compare costs Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Editing time per video (avg): 31 minutes Employee cost: $8.50/hour Employee Cost per video: $4.47 Avg AST Cost per video: $8.01 Avg Cost per video: $12.48 • Editing time per video (avg): • 114 minutes • Employee cost: • $8.50/hour • Avg Cost per video: • $16.20 average. Employee cost is the same. So that the cost per video for the employee’s time was $4.47. That does not include AST cost which on average per video was a little more than $8.00,
Compare costs Machine Transcription AST captioning vendor Editing time per video (avg): 31 minutes Employee cost: $8.50/hour Employee Cost per video: $4.47 Avg AST Cost per video: $8.01 Avg Cost per video: $12.48 • Editing time per video (avg): • 114 minutes • Employee cost: • $8.50/hour • Avg Cost per video: • $16.20 making the total then $12.50, $12.48. And you can see that that is roughly 75% of what we spent to correct something that was free.
What I Learned #1 • A captioning vendor can be a better solution than alternatives in some cases. So what I learned there is that a captioning vendor can be a better alternative in some cases depending on what you’re starting with and what you’re trying to end up with. But it is
What I Learned #1 • A captioning vendor can be a better solution than alternatives in some cases. not necessarily intuitive that it’s less expensive to pay someone else than to do it yourself. But that is something we learned through this process. Not only that, but we found some unexpected benefits.
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content Remember all those 200 videos in YouTube on the Purdue channel. when we got through most of those and I was contacting the undergraduate admissions office to see if they
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content had videos on their website that needed to be captioned to improve accessibility. [I] found out that low and behold, they were using. almost all of the videos on their website are drawn
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content from the Purdue channel YouTube site. So that when we captioned those YouTube videos on the Purdue channel, under-graduate admissions all of a sudden had most all of their videos
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content captioned for under-graduate admissions. So, sometimes good things can happen even though you don’t plan for them. Any questions about that before I go on?
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content Questions from audience Inaudible Quality? Tell me more about what you mean. Question from audience inaudible.
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content Yes final product indistinguishable as far as we could tell. We did not do the research to ask particular individuals to go through and tell us. Yes, another question
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content Questions from audience inaudible We chose 16 different ones with a variety of times and a variety of background noises and things like that so that it, so it would
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content not be, so we would have a true comparison about, so the shortest one was about 2 minutes, the longest one was eight or 10 minutes. Does that answer? your question?
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content Questions from audience inaudible Ok, the automatic sync vendor that we’re using doesn’t require a contract. You can set up an account which is free and then
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content you submit videos to them and they will bill your school or your department at the end of the month for things that you submitted to them. You can also reduce the cost by paying
What I Learned #2 • Providing captions in one area can lead to unexpected benefits in another area • Undergraduate Admissions now has captions on almost all of their online video content ahead on an account, and then the cost per video minute goes down based by how much you buy at a time. Questions from audience inaudible
Administrative Video Right. Right. So administrative video number two. Commencement ceremonies. I have a picture of a number of students in their cap and gowns. At Purdue commencement
Administrative Video ceremonies are held in a pretty large auditorium that seats 5 or 6000 students and it is also shown on the local access cable TV channel and it’s also simulcast on the web. So when I was
Commencement Ceremonies • At Purdue, available on: • Local access cable TV • Simultaneous webcast • What did I start with? • Fear of the unknown • My fears were unfounded thinking about approaching commencement and trying to get captioning going there, again I knew this was something very public facing, wanted it to be accessible. What did I start with, I
Commencement Ceremonies • At Purdue, available on: • Local access cable TV • Simultaneous webcast • What did I start with? • Fear of the unknown • My fears were unfounded started with a lot of fears of the unknown, a lot of fears of the unknown, I, my original thought was OK lets try to captioning for the audience in the hall, because really until I talked to the folks
Commencement Ceremonies • At Purdue, available on: • Local access cable TV • Simultaneous webcast • What did I start with? • Fear of the unknown • My fears were unfounded I wasn’t aware that it was simulcast on the web. So, I called the registrar’s office, they referred me to this unit of campus called hall of music productions. They’re the people who do the
Commencement Ceremonies • At Purdue, available on: • Local access cable TV • Simultaneous webcast • What did I start with? • Fear of the unknown • My fears were unfounded TV broadcast and all of that kind of TV collaboration kind of thing. So, talked to them, told them my idea and they said providing captions on screens inside the halls is actually a lot
Commencement Ceremonies • At Purdue, available on: • Local access cable TV • Simultaneous webcast • What did I start with? • Fear of the unknown • My fears were unfounded more difficult than you’d think it would be just walking off the street. So they said that is more of a long-term project so let go of that idea, but then found out that it was broadcast on TV and