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ON READINESS OF A TEACHER TO INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY Сухачева Т.В., Сухачев В.В. ФГОУ СПО «Минусинский сельскохозяйственный колледж», г. Минусинск Мельников Е.С. к.т.н. доцент ФГОУ ВПО, Красноярский государственный аграрный Университет Г. Красноярск.

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  1. ON READINESS OF A TEACHER TO INNOVATIVE ACTIVITYСухачева Т.В., Сухачев В.В.ФГОУ СПО «Минусинский сельскохозяйственный колледж»,г. МинусинскМельников Е.С. к.т.н. доцентФГОУ ВПО, Красноярский государственный аграрный УниверситетГ. Красноярск О ГОТОВНОСТИ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЯ К ИННОВАЦИОННОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ

  2. INNOVATION IS A CHARACTERISTIC FOR ANY professional work of a person and consequently becomes a subject of studying, analysis and introduction. • Innovations do not arise spontaneously; they turn up by scientific searches, an advanced pedagogical experience of individual teacher and of a whole collective. • This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs in management.

  3. INNOVATIVE PROCESS OF TRAINING INCLUDES: • Revision of the maintenance of education; • Updating of forms, methods and tutorials; • Creation and use of modern educational technologies; • Development of creative abilities of a teacher and students.

  4. MOTIVES FOR INCLUSION IN INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY CAN BE: • Reception of additional earnings; • Work necessity; • Recognition and respect from a governing body and colleagues; • Professional duty necessity; • Realisation of own creative potential and self-development.

  5. MOTIVES Absence of motivation testifies to unavailability of the teacher to innovative activity. • The material motive corresponds to weak readiness for innovative activity. • HIGH LEVEL READINESS corresponds to motivational structure in which the leading part is self-realisationand self-development.

  6. THE HEAD OF ANY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION is obliged to carry out all reforms strictly on a legal basis. The rule of law – the important and necessary tool of administrative activity. Without a normative regulation normal work is impossible. Such administrative practice is an innovation itself.

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