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Literacy Takes Flight at FRC

Literacy Takes Flight at FRC. Literacy that Works for All Students. Lisa Boles Cathy Oresnik Sherry Klassen. Literacy Strategies.

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Literacy Takes Flight at FRC

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  1. Literacy Takes Flight at FRC Literacy that Works for All Students Lisa Boles Cathy Oresnik Sherry Klassen

  2. Literacy Strategies Read the following recommendation engine post. While you are reading, really think about your thinking. When you are finished discuss your thinking with a partner. I want that Panasonic 103-inch TV. My wife says that’s too big. Is she right? Optimal viewing distance at 1080p = diagonal screen size ÷ 0.84, maximum OVD for 103-inch screen = 122.619 inches. Recommendation: If seat to screen distance >122.619 inches: Purchase TV; if <122.619 inches: Construct home theater space of necessary size; purchase TV. Recommendation Engine Ask an Algorithm Comprehension Strategies (Adapted From: Daniels, Harvey and Steineke, Nancy (2011)Texts and Lessons for Content-Area Reading. Toronto, Heineman)

  3. Literacy Strategies cont’d Some reliable and well-replicated research has been done over the past few decades (Pearson and Gallagher 1983; Pearson, Roehler, Dole, and Duffy 1992;Pearson 2009) to identify the cognitive strategies good readers use. Skilled readers: • Monitor their comprehension • Visualize and make sensory images • Connect to their background knowledge • Ask questions of the text • Draw inferences • Determine what’s important • Synthesize

  4. Holding Your Thinking According to John Hattie’s meta-analysis, Visible Learning, reciprocal teaching is one of the most effective teaching strategies. Typically, students record their thoughts using one literacy strategy and then share their thoughts with others in their group, thus modeling their thinking for each other. Alternatively, this form can be used as a note-taking frame to hold your thinking in all of the categories to be shared in discussion following reading/viewing. Synthesize Question Summarize Connect

  5. Meeting the Needs of All Students Pyramid of Intervention Intensive • RIT for TRAN and CP • Welcome Center Targeted • EAL • RIT Option Universal • Literacy Strategies • Poster Application in Content Areas • Lesson Planning • Scribbler • I love to Read Month CSS

  6. Why Literacy? • Teachers expressed a concern about the literacy levels of their students • Dufours’ recommendation… “ …the key to effective collaboration is to ensure that educators focus on the “right” things- the things that actually impact student learning.” They go onto suggest that after in-school PLCs have been established, PLC’s should focus on identifying essential outcomes, developing common assessments and creating plans for students who do not understand… improving student literacy. These are among the “right” things.

  7. Our Students • 100-110 new EAL arrivals per year • Exponential EAL increase in last 10 years • EAL Academic → Myriad of Needs • ↑ Refugees, students who have not experienced success in their home country, disengaged males • Parent expectations that put stress on students

  8. Our Students (con’t) • FRC – 225 EAL students • 52 students in stage 1-2 • 47 students in stage 3 • Over 40 countries represented • Top 5 Countries: China, Korea, India, Iran, Nigeria • Approx. 50% of students speak a different language at home • Fountas and Pinnell 2013-2014 school year • 10 students in Grade 10 only who need direct interventions • (F&P scores, non-EAL, past and current grades, at-risk survey, classroom reviews) • Another 22 potentials

  9. Getting Started • 2009-2010 formed a Literacy Interest Group • Research - 2 Groups • Judith Irvin- Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy • Cris Tovani - I Read It But I Don’t Get It. • Shared… Discussion… Established Priorities throughout the Literacy Journey • Defined Working Definition of Literacy • Planned to bring in Cris Tovani for Kickoff in Pinawa • Find support for Literacy Coach

  10. FRC Literacy Coach – Cathy Oresnik 2010-2011 – Literacy Coach Established • 2 Sections each semester to Chair the committee and work with staff • Taking the Lead on Adolescent Literacy – Resource used to continue planning for Literacy at FRC • 14 parameters – Michael Fullan and Lyn Sharratt

  11. Literacy Working Definition: To be literate means to competently make meaning of any symbolic representation of an object, idea or concept to create and communicate understanding. Fullan and Sharratt Definition The development of a continuum of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that prepare all learners in a changing world community. It begins with the fundamental acquisition of skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, representing, responding and mathematics. It becomes that ability to think, apply, and communicate effectively in all subject and program areas in a variety of ways and for a variety of purposes. – The 14 Parameters (p.ix)

  12. The role of the literacy coach Making Connections beyond FRC • Collaboration with other schools and PTSD staff on divisional literacy initiatives • Development of the Provincial Reading is Thinking continuum and piloted RIT at FRC • Liaison with feeder schools

  13. The role of the literacy coach(con’t) Universal • coordinated peer coaching opportunities for teachers (Literacy Labs) • Researches and provides resources for, and plans with, classroom teachers • Meets with department teams during team planning time • Plans staff meeting PD activities and writes monthly Literacy Focus staff newsletter • Chairs literacy committee • Works with literacy committee to plan larger PD days • Administers Fountas and Pinnell assessments to all new students • Helps plan I Love to Read month and other school-wide initiatives • Staff advisor for our literary magazine, The Scribbler, and coaches debate • Updates literacytakesflight website and Scoop it page http://www.scoop.it/t/current-topics-in-adolescent-literacy

  14. The role of the literacy coach (con’t) Targeted • Participates in classroom reviews • Brings the literacy lens to articulation meetings, at risk meetings, etc. • Piloted/teaching Reading is Thinking Intensive • Member of team planning intervention program for struggling readers

  15. Kick Off – 2010/11 - Year 1 Universal Chris Tovani – 7 Strategies for all teachers to use in their subject area Making connections Questioning the text Determining importance Create mental image Synthesize Information Draw inferences Repair understanding

  16. Going Deeper – 2011/12 - Year 2 Universal • Literacy Labs – Opportunities for teachers to gather in groups of 3 or 4 with the literacy coach, share plans to use a literacy strategy in a lesson, view the implementation of the strategy and debrief the success of the implementation • Poster Development – Deepen teacher understanding and consistent language and delivery for students

  17. Literacy Strategies in Science

  18. Literacy Strategies in Math

  19. Literacy Strategies in Business (QR Codes)

  20. Deeper Still…– 2012/13– Year 3 Universal • EAL Strategies as PD Focus • EAL Stages on Class lists • Fountas and Pinnell Levels on Class lists • Fountas and Pinnell Assessment for new students • Monthly Newsletter - Literacy Focus • Organize staff meeting literacy PD activities • Publishing of The Scribbler • I Love to Read Month

  21. Deeper Still….2012/13 – Year 3 (con’t) Targeted • Reading is Thinking Course • E Class Strategies • Classroom Profile Review Intensive • Welcome Center • Transition and Credit Program delivery of Reading is Thinking

  22. Backward Design/UDL – 2013/14– Year 4 Team planning time: Lesson study model • All Subject area teams developed a subject specific backward design template. These teams of teachers work together to develop, deliver and assess lessons/units. The literacy coach to be used as a resource to help facilitate the process and provide observation and feedback.

  23. Accomplishments • Literacy posters make literacy strategies visible • Literacy is a focus in teacher planning • The Scribbler in its 4th year • Literacy focus newsletter and activities make literacy a part of every staff meeting

  24. Accomplishments (con’t) • 3 sections of Reading is Thinking, and RIT used to support learning in Credit and Transitions Programs • Creative Writing option • Literacy and EAL levels available in Mayet and on class lists • Established Practice - Classroom Profile Meetings • Annual Celebration of what is accomplished

  25. Challenges • More wide spread adoption of the peer coaching/job embedded collaborative model of teacher development • More use of the literacy coach in class • Supporting Program Leaders work to focus on lesson planning • Keeping literacy at the center of our planning • Supporting Language Learners with no formal schooling

  26. What’s Next • Division-wide system for Student Profiles and Data Collection • EAL Math course and LAL programming • Lesson Study – Job-embedded learning that involves planning together using various effective strategies – focusing on the discussion around what is effective. • Developing targeted Intensive Reading Intervention Plan for students reading below level. • 21st Century application to Literacy

  27. Questions ?

  28. Think time • Considering your school division circumstances, what would you need to do to move forward to further promote literacy? • What could it look like in your schools? • What supports would be needed? Synthesize Question Summarize Connect

  29. Resources • Brownlie, F., Fullerton, C., Schnellert, L. (2011). It's all about thinking: Collaborating to support all students in math and science. Winnipeg, MB: Portage and Main Press • Brownlie, F., Schnellert, L.(2009). It's all about thinking: Collaborating to support all students in English, Social Studies and Humanities. Winnipeg, MB: Portage and Main Press • Irvin, J., Meltzer, J., & Dukes, M. (2007). Taking action on adolescent literacy: An implementation guide for school leaders. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development • Irvin, J., Meltzer, J., Dean, N. & Mickler, M. J. (2010). Taking the lead on adolescent literacy: Action steps for school-wide success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. • Sharrat, L., & Fullan, Michael. (2012) Putting Faces on the data. Thousand Oaks, CA; Corwin Press • Sharrat, L., & Fullan, Michael. (2009) Realization: The change imperative for deepening district-wide reform.Thousand Oaks, CA; Corwin Press • Tovani, C. (2000). I read it, but I don’t get it. Portland Maine: Stenhouse Publishers

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