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Understanding Fatty Degeneration of Coccyx

Learn about imaging findings and diagnosis of fatty infiltration in sacrum and coccyx segments. Explore causes and treatment options for malalignment and pain. Visit the provided links for in-depth information.

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Understanding Fatty Degeneration of Coccyx

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  1. Click here to email me: Jalaljalalshokouhi@hotmail.com Visit my webpage by clicking here: www.medimage.ir Fatty degeneration of coccyx Jalal JalalShokouhi-M.D. ISR and CIRAD president, Jaam e jam and koorosh medical centers jalaljalalshokouhi@hotmail.comwww.medimage.ir+989121137884 ShahyarPashae, anatomist, Bonidaddaneshnamenegarifarsi Mohammad hosseinHerischi, professor of orthopedy, Baku, Republic Azerbaijan

  2. X-ray and X-ray CT show bony content of sacrum and coccyx. • Alignment of coccyx is not regular in population and lateral,anterior and posterior deciations are common. Anterior deviation or inward deformity is more common. • By MR-imaging we fund fatty infiltration in 5th segment of sacrum and all segments of coccyx and this is a population variant in 97% of them. Cause could be immobility of these parts. • T1 and STIR-T2 images in sagittal plane are the key for diagnosis.

  3. X-ray cannot show coccyx in details X-ray CT can shows calcification degree of segments MRI can shows fatty content of the segments or bone marrow

  4. Mal-alignment of coccyx is not a pathology (is variant) painfull coccyx could be extracted even by normal imaging findings.

  5. T2 sag. Fatty infiltration of S3-S4-S5 and all coccyx

  6. T1 sag.

  7. 97% of population in our random study in PACS show full fatty infiltration of 2 lower sacral segments and all segments of coccyx.

  8. T1 and T2 sag. Of regular sacrococyx

  9. What is the cause: could be immobility MRI pulses of T1 sagittal and STIR-T2 are used for net diagnosis (key for diagnosis).

  10. T1 and T2 sag. Anteverted cocyx

  11. Deformed coccyx

  12. Peri-sacrococyx inflammation by STIR images Look at the “whale” ,anterior to the rectum , an animal as biggest mammal

  13. Close up view

  14. http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/lower-back-pain/coccygectomy-surgery-coccydynia-tailbone-painhttp://www.spine-health.com/conditions/lower-back-pain/coccygectomy-surgery-coccydynia-tailbone-pain • http://www.basicspine.com/conditions-procedures/spine-conditions/coccyx.html • http://morphopedics.wikidot.com/coccyx-injury • http://ehealthforum.com/health/sacrum-coccyx-mri-t389625.html • http://ehealthforum.com/health/chronic-coccyx-pain-for-years-mri-showed-nothing-t299414.html • http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/fatty+degeneration • http://symptoms.rightdiagnosis.com/cosymptoms/coccyx-pain/degenerative-joint-changes-desc.htm

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