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& Sc ence

THE MULTILATERAL COMENIUS PROJECT:. & Sc ence. THE BEST AMBASSADORS OF THE NATIONAL VALUES WITHIN EUROPE. ( September 2012 – August 2014). National ID: 12-PM-14-DJ-RO LLP project number: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1. LTTA. Project Coordinator: ”Tudor Arghezi” High School –Craiova, Romania.

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  1. THE MULTILATERAL COMENIUS PROJECT: & Scence THE BEST AMBASSADORS OF THE NATIONAL VALUES WITHIN EUROPE ( September 2012 – August 2014) National ID: 12-PM-14-DJ-RO LLP project number: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1

  2. LTTA Project Coordinator:”Tudor Arghezi” High School –Craiova, Romania Project partners: • Servet Çambol İlköğretim Okulu -Kocaeli, Turkey • The Secondary School of Economics and Management ”Elias Canetti”- Ruse, Bulgaria • Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Somoninie im. Józefa Wybickiego- Somonino, Poland • Kursenai Polytechnic School- Kursenai, Lithuania • Lycee Don Bosco- Wittenheim, France • IES San Cristobal- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain • Istituto Tecnico Statale “Maria Letizia Cassata”, Gubbio, Italy • Colégio Casa-Mãe, Paredes, Portugal ART AND SCIENCE – The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe National ID: 12-PM-14-DJ- RO LLP project number: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1

  3. SHORT PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT The purpose of the project is to foster four out of the eight EU keycompetences devised by the LLP: -Cultural awareness and expression; - Social, civic competence ; • Competence in foreign languages; • Digital competence. OBJECTIVES: • To develop the students' knowledge of art and science; • To develop the students’awareness of belonging to the common European area; • To remove prejudices regarding different countries/nationalities; • To foster the intercultural skills of students/teachers through the project activities; • To develop the students’skills to establish interpersonal relationships through team work; • To foster the students/teachers' English language skills; • To foster the students/teachers' IT skills; • To foster patriotic and European feelings through identifying the national values and promoting them, but also through the promotion of the common European values; ART AND SCIENCE - The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe National ID 12-PM-14-DJ- RO LLP project number: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1

  4. LTTA “Tudor Arghezi” High School- Panels dedicated to the project

  5. SHORT PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT The project includes activities oriented towards the promotion of the greatestnational artists and scientists and their work through workshops, symposiums, conferences, contests, presentations and exhibitions. There will be a wide range of products resulted from the activities, such as: multimedia presentations, posters, study cases, bilingual magazines, a guide on how to teach English through Art and Science, pictures, the Web/Facebook-pages of the project, etc. • ART AND SCIENCE - • The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe • National ID 12-PM-14-DJ- RO • LLP project number: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1

  6. PROJECT ACTIVITIES – 2012-2013

  7. PROJECT ACTIVITIES – 2012-2013

  8. PROJECT ACTIVITIES – 2012-2013

  9. PROJECT ACTIVITIES – 2012-2013

  10. PROJECT ACTIVITIES – 2012-2013 ART AND SCIENCE - The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe National ID 12-PM-14-DJ- RO LLP project number: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1

  11. LTTA The first project meeting-Romania - Oct- Nov, 2012

  12. LTTA Let’s try traditional Romanian dances!

  13. LTTA Young Scientists at Work

  14. LTTA Young Artists’Workshopss

  15. Visiting the City Hall of Craiova

  16. Visiting the Prefecture of the county of Dolj

  17. Enjoying the beauty of autumn in “Nicolae Romanescu” Park

  18. Project work- presentations,debates on project issues,

  19. Visiting the Iron Gates, Decebalus’ face carved in stone, The Gate of the Kiss and The Table of Silence- by C-tin Brancusi

  20. Bran Castle

  21. Visiting the Medieval Fortress of Rasnov

  22. You can follow us on: http://art-and-science.host22.com/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Art-Science-Comenius-Project/136119309868597

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