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Course Basics

Course Basics. Presented by Elisa P. Paramore Program Counselor. Course Basic # 1. Have a positive attitude - Think of every course as an opportunity to enhance your skills - Try to learn at least one new piece of material during each class session

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Course Basics

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  1. Course Basics Presented by Elisa P. Paramore Program Counselor

  2. Course Basic # 1 • Have a positive attitude - Think of every course as an opportunity to enhance your skills - Try to learn at least one new piece of material during each class session - Remember you will only get as much out of a class as you put in it

  3. Course Basic # 2 • Do all assignments - Instructors give assignments to either help you with class projects or to help you learn material for exams - Remember it is your responsibility to complete them - Complete extra credit assignments that may be offered

  4. Course Basic # 3 • Make sure you understand, and seek help if you do not - ask questions during class - see your instructor during office hours - find out what other resources are available on campus to help you understand material- examples include: the library, Instructional Support Center, and Student Support Services

  5. Course Basic # 4 • Manage your time - get to class on time and stay the entire period - make a calendar of all class assignment due dates – review it weekly

  6. Course Basic # 5 • Be an Active Participant in Class • it is not enough to just show up, you have to get involved in class discussions • some instructors even base part of your final grade on class participation and attendance

  7. Course Basic # 5, con’t • Make at least one friend in each class - this person can help keep you informed as to material you may have missed if you are absent from a class session - this person can also be a study buddy for tests

  8. Course Basic # 5, con’t • Get to know your instructor - instructors want you to succeed in class as much as you do- it helps them to be able to help you best if they know something about you and problems you may be having in the class- be honest with them

  9. Course Basic # 5, con’t • Sit near the front - this allows you to be able to see and hear the instructor better - this allows acts as a means to help you stay focused and not get distracted - it also shows the instructor that you are

  10. Course Basic # 5, con’t • Speak up - school is the best place to get over your fear of speaking to a group which will help you at work and in everyday life - it allows you to get answers to questions you may have about material

  11. Tips to Help You Speak Up • Do not be afraid to make a mistake, instructors nor classmates are not just waiting for the opportunity to make fun of you- remember “There is no such thing as a stupid question” • When you speak, make eye contact with the person you are speaking to • Speak loudly enough that everyone in the room can hear you

  12. Course Basic # 6 • Identify your personal goals and needs - ask yourself what you want to get from the class- doing this will help you focus on what you need and enable you to ask for specific help from the instructor in achieving your goal - make a list of at least 5 short term goals and 5 long term goals and then think of ways to link those goals to your class

  13. Course Basic # 7 • Hang in there • do not give up just because things may get tough, remember that you will either have to take the class again in the future or you will not resolve your misunderstand of the material and experience the same problems in the future • if you do have to withdraw from the class, make sure that you do what ever is necessary to help insure you do not experience the same problems the next time you take the course- i.e. get help

  14. Course Basic # 8 • Understand your syllabus - instructors give you a syllabus as a tool to help you understand what the course will be about and what will be expected of you - read the syllabus after the first class session if the instructor does not go over it with you during the first class session so that you can ask questions about anything you do not understand - check it regularly to make sure you stay on track

  15. What Is Included in a Syllabus • Course description • Course objectives • List of materials needed • Grading policies and grading scale • Course Policies • School Policies

  16. Course Basic # 9 • Understand your textbook features - look for tools such as: headings, boldface words, charts and boxes, graphs, definitions, chapter review and summaries to help you understand material - each one of the features have a specific purpose

  17. Purposes of Textbook Features • Headings introduce main concept to be covered • Boldface words highlight key terms • Charts and boxes give graphic representation of information and list important words or facts • Definitions explain key terms • Chapter reviews and summaries discuss main points discussed in chapter

  18. Studying Textbook Chapters • Use brightly colored highlighter to mark important headings and information that explains them so you can review them later • If you don’t want to mark in your book, write the following important information from a chapter in a notebook: - Chapter # and title, Important headings and page #’s, important terms and page #’s, location of important charts and boxes, and page # of summaries and reviews

  19. Course Basic # 10 • Understand Test directions by following these steps: • Listen to oral directions- instructor may give you key advice or directions not written on the test, such as specific time limit • Look at whole test before starting- look for questions you can answer quickly and easily • Read written directions- understand key terms of directions so you will know how to answer each question

  20. Course Basic #11 • Think critically whenever you read • This means that you need to learn how to examine information you read or hear before accepting it as truth • This includes reading newspaper and magazine articles and essays, print ads and commercials, as well as textbook chapters • Each one of these types of material have their own typical purpose and set of questions you should ask yourself

  21. Typical Purpose and Questions for Newspaper and Magazine Articles and Essays • Typical Purpose- Inform or entertain • Who wrote piece being read, what are his or her qualifications to write about the subject • What is the main point of the piece • Is there enough evidence to support the main point (if an opinion is given, is there enough evidence to support it?) • Does the writer show bias? If so, what points seem to be missing from the argument

  22. Typical Purpose and Questions for Newspaper and Magazine Articles and Essays, con’t • Do I agree with the main point as presented and supported by author • Does anything seem odd or unrealistic based on the information I know • Does the author achieve the purpose • What unanswered questions do I have

  23. Typical Purpose and Questions for Advertisements and Offers • Typical purpose- to get you to buy something • What are the main claims made by writer or speaker • Does anything seem to good to be true about the claim(s) made • If there is fine print, what does it say • What guarantee, if any, is made and does it seem realistic, will the sponsor put the guarantee in writing • If I accept the offer what are my obligations

  24. Typical Purpose and Questions for Textbooks • Typical purpose- inform or explain concepts, events, or processes • Who wrote textbook or chapter and what are his/her qualifications to write on the subject • What is the main point • If the author lists or cites resources, are the current • Do I understand what I have read • Does the writing achieve its purpose • Do I have any unanswered questions

  25. Conclusion • I hope this information has been useful in helping you learn how to get the most from each of your courses. If you are viewing this online, please come by Student Support Services, Malone Hall 116, and pick up an Academic Seminar Evaluation form to fill out and turn in, or you may fill out the form online by returning to the main screen of the Student Support Services webpage and clicking the “Forms” tab on the left and then clicking on “Academic Evaluation Form”. After completing the form, simply click “Submit” and it will be sent toHannah Yohn. • If you have any suggestions for future seminar topics, please see Ms. Paramore or another Student Support Services staff member. https://forms.troy.edu/forms/dothan/sss_Academicseminarevaluation.html

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