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gg Absorption and Pair Production. gg Absorption and Pair Production. 0. Threshold energy e thr of a g -ray to interact with a background photon with energy e 1 :. 2. e thr = . e 1 (1 – cos q ). e +. e -. q. e pk ~ 2/ e 1. e g. e 1. gg Absorption.
gg Absorption and Pair Production 0 Threshold energy ethr of a g-ray to interact with a background photon with energy e1: 2 ethr = e1 (1 – cosq) e+ e- q epk ~ 2/e1 eg e1
gg Absorption Delta-Function Approximation: VHE gamma-rays interact preferentially with IR photons:
Spectrum of the Extrgalactic Background Light (EBL) Starlight Dust (Finke et al. 2010)
EBL Absorption (Finke et al. 2010)
gg Absorption Intrinsic to the Source Importance of intrinsic gg-absorption is estimated by the Compactness Parameter: Radiation Transfer Equation gives: Fnint if tgg « 1 ≈ Fnint/tgg if tgg » 1
gg-Absorption Internal to the Source Break in the g-ray spectrum at (or beyond) energy eg → Limit on Doppler factor! eg nFn ~ n1-ax eg-ag Fn 2/eg eg-(ag + ax) tgg « 1 → tgg (eg) ~ egax tgg » 1 eg
Pair Production Spectrum Simplest approximation: g+ = g- = (e1 + e2)/2 (e0 = 2g) Interaction of two power-law photon spectra with indices a = 1.5
Pair Cascades • The produced e+/e- may have enough energy to radiate new g-rays (Compton), possibly with enough energy to be subject to gg-absorption + pair production … • (Deflected) IC cascades may be detectable in GeVg-rays, lead to extended halos -> Limits on B-field
Magnetic-Field Limits 1ES 0229+200 (z=0.14) 1ES 1218+304 (z=0.182) RGB J0710+591 (z=0.13) Cascade IC emission Unabsorbed g-ray spectrum EBL-absorbed g-ray spectrum + cascade IC emission Several VHE (> 100 GeV) g-ray blazars are not detected by Fermi (100 MeV – 100 GeVg-rays)!