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Možnosti evropského výzkumu v oblasti související s fytosanitární problematikou

Možnosti evropského výzkumu v oblasti související s fytosanitární problematikou. Jana Hajšlová Ústav chemie a analýzy potravin, VŠCHT Praha Jana.hajslova@vscht.cz Národní fytosanitární workshop 3.3.2009, Praha.

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Možnosti evropského výzkumu v oblasti související s fytosanitární problematikou

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  1. Možnosti evropského výzkumu v oblasti související s fytosanitární problematikou Jana Hajšlová Ústav chemie a analýzy potravin, VŠCHT Praha Jana.hajslova@vscht.cz Národní fytosanitární workshop 3.3.2009, Praha

  2. Activity 2.1:Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environment

  3. KBBE-2010-1-2-06:Deepened and enlarged cooperation between phytosanitary (statutory plant health) research programmes - ERA-NET • The aim is to prevent the introduction into the community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products or their spread within the Community. Due to climate changes and globalization, new threats are continuously emerging and the number and complexity of plant health problems increases every year, requiring enhanced research efforts. Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action (supporting action). The requested European Community contribution shall not exceed EUR 1 000 000.

  4. KBBE-2010-1-2-05: Integrated pest management in farming systems of major importance for Europe • better targeted use of all available pest control measures, including preventive measures, observation and pest monitoring, pesticides and biocontrol agents, • modelling and experimentation, including physiological and molecular understanding of plant-pathogen interactions and development of symptoms • targeting farming systems in which reduction of pesticide use and better control of pests and pathogens is expected to have major effects at the European scale Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (large scale integrating project). The requested European Community contribution shall not exceed EUR 9 000 000.

  5. Jaká jsou rizika pro konzumenty? Je lepší volit bioprodukty?

  6. OLIVE OIL Samples from Czech market 23 extra virgin olive oils from organic farming(O1 – O23) 23 extra virgin olive oils from conventional farming (C1 – C23) EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL The oil obtained from the fruit of the olive tree solelyby mechanical or other physical means under the conditions. particularly thermal conditions, that do not lead to alternations in the oil, and which has not undergone any treatment other than washing, decantation, centrifugation and filtration. Method of analysis GCx GC/TOF MS

  7. PAHs in olive oil Benzo(a)pyrene) Sum of 16 PAH = Sum of B[a]A, Chr, CP[cd]P, 5-MeChr, B[c]Fln, B[b]F, B[k]F, B[j]F, B[a]P, DB[ah]A, B[ghi]P, I[cd]P, DB[ah]P, DB[al]P, DB[ai]P, DB[ae]P

  8. PESTICIDERESIDUES in olive oils Chlorpyrifos-methyl Imazalil Iprodione Isofenphos Kresoxim methyl Lindane Malathion Metalaxyl Methacrifos Methamidophos Methidathion Mevinphos Monocrophos DDD DDE DDT Omethoate Oxyfluorfen Oxychlordane Paraoxon ethyl Parathion Parathion methyl Penconazole Permethrin Phenothrin Phenthoate Phosalone Phoshamidone Phosmet Pirimicarb Pirimiphos methyl Procymidone Propham Pyridaben Quinalphos Sulfotep Tebuconazole Tetraconazole Tetradifon Thiobendazol Tolclofos-methyl Tolylfluanid Triadimefon Triazamate Triazophos Trifloxystrobin Trichlorfon Vinclozolin Acephate Acrinathrin Aldrin Azinfos ethyl Azinfos methyl Beta cyfluthrin Bifenthrin Bromophos ethyl Bromophos methyl Brompropylate Bupirimate Captan Carbaryl Carbophenothion Cyhalothrin Cypermethrin Cyprodinyl Deltamethrin Diazinon Dieldrin Difenoconazole Difenylamin Dichlofluanid Dichlorvos Dimethoate Endosulfan alfa Endosulfan beta Endosulfan sulfat Endrin Ethion Etrimfos Fenamiphos Fenarimol Fenchlorphos Fenitrothion Fenoxycarb Fenthion Fenvalerate Fludioxonil Folpet Formothion HCB Heptachlor Heptenophos Hexythiazox HCH alfa HCH beta HCH delta Chlorfenviphos Chloropham Chlorothalonil Chlorpyrifos


  10. Pesticides n - number of positive samples

  11. Rezidua pesticidů ve vzorcích z ekologického a konvenčního zemědělství na českém trhu

  12. 282 pesticides in LC- MS/MS multiresidue method Column: Supelco Discovery C18 , Mobile phase: MeOH (A), 0.01M amm. acetate (B) Flow: 0.3 ml/min Kovalczuk T., Lacina O., Jech M., Poustka J., Hajšlová J.: Novel approach to fast determination of multiple pesticide residues using UPLC-MS/MS. Food Addit. Cont. 25(4), 444–457 (2008). PERFORMANCE OF METHOD EMPLOYING QQQ: for all analytes 4 identification points at concentration levels  0.01 mg/kg available requirements of 2002/657/ECmet

  13. Various contaminants may occur in cereal grains • PESTICIDES • MYCOTOXINS • PLANT TOXINS • POPs • PAHs Is it possible to examine the presence of these toxins in a single run?

  14. Pesticides and all regulated mycotoxins within single run in 8 minutes (UPLC- TOF MS) Pesticides: Mycotoxins:

  15. NEW AMBIENT MASS SPECTROMETRY …opens the doors to many challenging applications in various areas including food / feed control - Reduced / minimal sample prep - No chromatographic separation

  16. Trifloxystrobin Azoxystrobin Pyraclostrobin Picoxystrobin Dimoxystrobin Kresoxim methyl

  17. Imazalil in citrus fruit detected in 1 minute Cl pattern direct screening of peel Element composition Concentration measured in crude extract by DART TOF MS was 34µg/kg.

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