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New host naming policy. IT-DSS feedback Collected by CERN ID: 57287 with contributions from 55023, 96271, 109353 and others. General 1/2. IT-DSS services use physical machines with physical devices attached (disk arrays, tape drives)
New host naming policy IT-DSSfeedback Collected by CERN ID: 57287with contributions from55023, 96271, 109353 and others.
General 1/2 • IT-DSS services use physical machines with physical devices attached (disk arrays, tape drives) • In multiple services, hosts do not change names during their production lifetime • Current host names contain physical location information • Examples: LXFSRD57A01, TPSRV655, LXBSP0722 • Speeds up physical interventions by simplifying machine localization • Different host names help service managers, SysAdmins and operators to be immediately aware of different services running on the machines • Examples: C2PUBLICSRV201, EOSLHCBSRV2, LXTSM614, AFS260 • Name suggests the service running on the machine • Name suggests the importance of the machine • If wrongly intervened on, can have cascading effect on many other machines
General 2/2 • With the new policy, additional lookups in various databases will be needed • Adding administrative overhead in daily operations • While the machine unique information can be linked to the physical hardware for the duration of its lifetime, renaming should be allowed and be part of the service • Having 16 character long names is impractical in human (telephone) conversation while solving a problem • Cut & Paste is not always an option when dealingwith install failures / misbehaving machines
Technical 1/2 • DNS was created to “most prominently translate easily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses” • Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System • Proposed policy is more complicated than IPv4 addresses • 15 digits vs. 4 bytes (even MAC address (6 bytes) would be simpler) • Various EDH documents vs. static CERN subnets • Random vs. sequential numbers • Proposed policy not only suggests the human unusable name, but also requests creation of DNS alias which should never change • Example: Interface name: P05153026178575.CERN.CH IP aliases: CD5153026-CR018016C • The DNS alias is however duplicating information from the name which may lead to inconsistencies • Wouldn’t the suggested (never changeable) DNS alias be sufficient?
Technical 2/2 • Using DNS aliases • Machines / Applications are not aware of DNS aliases • Any application with central host catalog will use its hostname(rather than the alias name (AFS has tools like this)) • Monitoring would work but alarm follow-up would be more complex(alarms will still be sent with the hostname, not the alias name) • Procedures would need to be modified • It might lead to human errors (in high stress situations) on all support levelseven with correct procedures • The shell prompt includes the real hostname, not the alias name • When working with >5 prompts open, it is difficult to know which prompt to use (accident reboots of a production non-HA server instead of a new node install) • Applications require (significant) (re-)development • CASTOR User Privilege Validation daemon (CUPVD) is hostname based:stage st ^c2cmssrv10[1-2].cern.ch$ ^castorsrv[1-4]0[1-3].cern.ch$ TP_OPER
Alternative proposal • All physical machines are equipped with IPMI board • Proposal: Use the main NIC for user names; use IPMI NIC for procurement team names • IPMI board stays with the system • User and procurement team naming spaces are separated and independent • (Idea drafted by Julien Leduc)
Conclusion • The suggested policy helps hardware life-cycle management • Its deployment is affecting many other groups each having to deal with its own cost • Affected groups do not see clear benefits • Loosing track of machine history and protection against host name reuse should be solved in applications requiring this information • For example by using never changeable DNS aliasthat identifies the physical hardware • We thought about alternative solution separating user and procurement team host naming spaces • Host renames should be allowed • Service managers should be responsible for their services(including the host names)
Summary for discussion • Problems • Scheme is human error prone (too many (random like) numbers) • Additional overhead / lookups required forinformation needed instantaneously (e.g. in emergency) • For role / importance / location of a machine • Procedures and tools need modifications • Verbal communication about hostnames becomes impossible • Aliases NOT a solution • Alarms come by their hostname • Prompts use hostname (confusing with multiple terminal windows) • Application with reverse lookup break or need modifications • Registration and management of aliases labor intensive • Machines might have more than 1 DNS alias, which one is the important one? • Proposals: • Use IPMI board NIC • Allow renames, but track procurement data with static DNS alias