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The French experience of internationalisation Louise Watts CampusFrance. Perspektywy Education Foundation Krakow, 20 th -21 st April 2009. Study in Poland Conference. The French experience of internationalisation. Outline of presentation. Context Key issues Mutualisation
The French experience of internationalisationLouise WattsCampusFrance Perspektywy Education Foundation Krakow, 20th-21st April 2009 Study in Poland Conference
The French experience of internationalisation Outline of presentation • Context • Key issues • Mutualisation • Institutional initiatives • CampusFrance CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation I. Context The number of students in the world: • 2000: 92 million • 2006: 135 million • 2025: 263 million (+95 % compared to 2006) Worldwide student mobility: • 2000: 1.9 million mobile international students • 2006: 2.9 million (83% studying in OECD countries) • 2020: 5.8 million • 2025: 8 million (+176% compared to 2006) • Sources: OECD, UNESCO, BC, IDP, Altbach and Bassett. CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation I. Context Destination countries (2006): • USA: 584 814 • UK: 330 078 • France: 263 094 (247 510) • Germany: 259 797 • Australia: 242 498 • Poland: 11 365 • Increased competition from other world regions (USA, Australia, Asia…). • Source: UNESCO / DEPP (France) CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation I. Context Top ten sending countries to French universities (2007): • Morocco • Algeria • China • Tunisia • Senegal • Germany • Cameroon • Lebanon • Vietnam • Italy • Source: DEPP Africa:47.5% Europe: 23% Asia: 21.7% CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation I. Context In French universities in 2007, international students studied at the following levels: They represented 38.9% of doctoral students and 11.7% of all students. Source: DEPP • Undergraduate: 43.7% • Master’s: 43.7% • Doctoral: 12.6% CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
I. Context The French experience of internationalisation France has 87 public universities offering the entire range of academic disciplines. The Grandes Ecoles are unique French institutions in parallel to the university system. Extremely selective, they offer programmes in business, engineering, public administration, teaching, research… There are also art schools, schools of architecture and specialised institutions. CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
I. Context The French experience of internationalisation France committed to the Bologna Process from the start. • the 3-tier system adopted • academic year organised in semesters • ECTS implemented and periods of mobility recognised • Agence d’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (AERES) created in 2006 CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
II. Key issues Aspects of internationalisation: The French experience of internationalisation • Student mobility (incoming and outgoing) • Staff mobility • Partnerships, cooperation and exchange • Learning environment • Internationalisation of curricula and research • Language teaching and intercultural understanding CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation II. Key issues Why attract international students ? • Political benefits ? • Financial gain ? • Academic gain ? • Cultural and social benefits ? • Positive impact on national students and staff ? • Human resources gain ? CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation II. Key issues Issues for France: • Quality / quantity ? • Diversity of international students ? • Which levels, which fields ? • Working after studying ? • Commercial "taboo" ? CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation III. Mutualisation In response to global competition, there is increased clustering within France • University mergers and alliances: e.g. Strasbourg • Globally-oriented clusters with scientific specialisations • Regional positioning: PRES • Opération Campus CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation III. Mutualisation CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation III. Mutualisation CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation III. Mutualisation Joint promotion initiatives: • HEIs under one label, e.g. “Paristech” (www.paristech.fr), itself a member of the “IDEA league” (www.idealeague.org) • Common promotion, application and student integration: the “n+i” system (www.nplusi.com) • Innovative distance learning language preparation for engineering students • Promotion towards a specific country: Université Franco-Allemande (www.dfh-ufa.org), Université Franco-Italienne – Università Italo-Francese (www.universite-franco-italienne.org) CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation III. Mutualisation Participation in European networks and initiatives: • Erasmus Mundus • Erasmus • ECW • Tempus • Joint degrees • European promotion CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation IV. Institutional initiatives Institutionalstrategies focus on identifyingkey areas and implementingtargeted promotionactivities: • Participation in fairs and events • Missions and visits to HEIs • Liaison with CampusFrance offices • Recruitment drives • Use of alumni as ambassadors CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation IV. Institutional initiatives A key factor of successisensuringstudy programmes are attractive to international students: • Courses designedespecially for international students • Programmes taught in English • French language and studyskillstuition • Wide range of specialisations • Ensuring programmes canbeclearlyidentified and contents and means of deliveryunderstood CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation IV. Institutional initiatives Developinglinks withpartner institutions underpinsmany French HEIs’ strategies: • Signing of MoUs and bilateralagreements • Staff and student exchanges • Joint projects • Joint programmes • Delivery of TNE CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation IV. Institutional initiatives Improvinghosting services for international students has been a priority for increasingattractiveness: • Dedicated international office • Website in English withspecific information • Information guides • Institutionalwelcome and integrationweek • Assistance withhousing and administrative procedures • Facilitating links with French and other international students • Tutoring CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance Created in 1998 under the name of EduFrance. Became CampusFrance in 2007. • The national agency for the promotion of French higher education overseas • A non-profit-making agency serving the public interest • Under the supervision of several Ministries • Working in cooperation with key French stakeholders such as the Conferences and serving the interests of HEIs CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance • CampusFrance workswith all French HEIs and in particularwithitsmembers. • The Agency has 219 member institutionsincluding: • mostuniversities • 58 engineering schools • 40 business schools and • specialised institutions CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance CampusFrance has 119 offices in over 80 countries which: Overseas staff are coordinated by CampusFrance in Paris and attend training sessions. In close to 30 countries, an online application system has been implemented which facilitates the visa application. • inform, counsel and assist students interested in studying in France • and carry out in-country promotion activities (fairs, university visits…). CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance CampusFrance’s target regions: • 1998:Asia and Latin Americawerekey priorities: Emerging countries where France was not attractive enough • 2005:Europealso became a main target: Political and statistical reasons • 2007:Africa(esp. French-speaking countries) added: Managing the demand for French HEIs • TheMiddle Easthas been a second priority throughout the years. CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance • Participation in important international events (Universal Exhibition, Year of France in Brazil…) • Organisation of traditional fairs and testing of new formula: thematic visits and events, interview sessions, institutional matchmaking, European fairs etc. • Institutions can also participate in Les Rencontres or Academic Innovation Workshops to promote French programmes with a high degree of employability Programme of events, attracting 150 000 visitors/year, elaborated in liaison with the French authorities, Conferences and HEIs: CampusFranceAgence nationale pour la promotionde l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance The CampusFrance website www.campusfrance.orgcan be consulted in over 20 languages • It allows easy access to information on preparing a study stay in France, from choosing a programme to arriving in France • 53 country-specific websites have also been developed • In 2008, 3.6 million visitors consulted 15.5 million web pages CampusFranceNational agency for promoting French higher education abroad
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance • An online catalogue gives access to over 33,000 French higher education study programmes • Doctoral programmes are searchable through 20,000 keywords or 80 thematic disciplines • The catalogue, available in English, features a presentation of doctoral programmes as well as details on research units and links to HEIs CampusFranceNational agency for promoting French higher education abroad
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance CampusFrance publishes regularly updated information guides designed for international students, such as: • TheChoose France guide, published in several languages, providing information on the French higher education system, study opportunities and France’s cultural assets • and quality of life • The 6th edition of the catalogue of programmes taught in English containing information on over 550 programmes taught • in English at French HEIs CampusFranceNational agency for promoting French higher education abroad
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance CampusFrance produces regular publications aimed at its members and other stakeholders: • Courrier CampusFrance, a bi-monthly newsletter providing information on the Agency’s activities in France and abroad • Les Notes de CampusFrance, providing analyses, evaluations and comparisons of issues pertaining to student mobility CampusFranceNational agency for promoting French higher education abroad
The French experience of internationalisation V. CampusFrance Over the past years, CampusFrance has increased its participation in European initiatives: • Leader of the consortium composed of DAAD, Nuffic and the British Council responsible for implementing a series of European Higher Education Fairs in Asia • Studies and analyses carried out with the Academic Cooperation Association • Participation in Erasmus Mundus action 4 projects The Agency continues to develop its links with partner organisations in Europe. CampusFranceNational agency for promoting French higher education abroad
Thank you for your attention !louise.watts@campusfrance.org The French experience of internationalisation