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ITE SERRANI Falconara Marittima. Comenius Project 2012-2014 SOFT-The Water Issue. On the beach to get some water! A short video. OUR EXPERIMENTS IN THE LAB -SEA WATER ANALYSIS-. Results 1. Test for traces of nitrites .
ITE SERRANIFalconara Marittima Comenius Project 2012-2014 SOFT-The Water Issue
OUR EXPERIMENTS IN THE LAB -SEA WATER ANALYSIS- Results 1. Test fortracesofnitrites. With the Griessreagentour sample turnedbrightpink. Thismeansthatitcontainednitrous acid, a signoflong-termpollutioncausedbynitrogenousfertilizers. 2. Test fortracesofsulphates. The water sample testedcontainedconsiderablequantitiesofsulphatessincewith the reagentitimmediatelyturnedturbidwith a white precipitate, a signofpollutionbydetergents and town and industrial waste.
3. PH acidity of the water samples. To test the pH level of the water samples we used Litmus paper and the pH tester. Using Litmus paper we found a pH of 8 and with the pH tester a pH of 8.5. This means that our water sample was polluted by discharge from drains with a high content of detergents. 4. Test for traces of detergents. The sample turned bright blue. This means that it contained many surfactants including foams, detergents and emulsifying agents. These are toxic and their presence denotes a high level of pollution. From these tests we conclude that our sea is very polluted!