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CMPF112: Computing Skills. Lecturer’s Information. Lecturer’s name: Alan Cheah Kah Hoe Room number: BW-4-C43 Email: alancheah@uniten.edu.my Website: http://metalab.uniten.edu.my/~alancheah/CMPF112 Section : PPOU Class Hours: Tuesdays 12-1pm, Wednesdays 9-11am
Lecturer’s Information Lecturer’s name: Alan Cheah Kah Hoe Room number: BW-4-C43 Email: alancheah@uniten.edu.my Website: http://metalab.uniten.edu.my/~alancheah/CMPF112 Section : PPOU Class Hours: Tuesdays 12-1pm, Wednesdays 9-11am Venue : Tuesdays – CFGS, Wednesdays - COIT Appointments can be arranged via email.
Objectives • This course aims at teaching the students to use two of the most prevalent operating systems nowadays, which are Windows and Linux operating systems. • This course also teaches the students to use Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). • Upon learning the tools, the students would be able to utilize their skills on completing their assignments or project tasks during their degree program upon completion of the foundation program
Assessment Quizzes 10% Assignments 10% Mid Term 15% Online Test 15% Final Examination 50% TOTAL100% However bonus marks (5%) will be given for attendance and class participation.
Class Policies Attendance for lecture is compulsory. Attendance for less than 80% of the lectures will result in students being barred from taking the Final Exam. Dress in proper attire corresponding to Universiti Tenaga Nasional dress code. If you are absent from the lecture due to Unfit/Sick – Only Uniten Dispensary MC is allowed. Emergency – letter of guardian is required No make up quiz will be given for whatever reason.
Class Policies Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be penalized accordingly. Late submission of assignments will not be accepted. Lab hours will be unsupervised except for certain hours of the semester for online test and etc. Always have fun in my class and do not fail this subject as it is harder to fail this subject than to pass the subject. There is also some unwritten class policies.
Useful Quotes the star 29th June 2009: From : Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah He added that there were three characteristics differentiating undergraduates from school students: age, as undergraduates are young adults and should act accordingly; the ability to learn without spoon-feeding or tuition; and having the freedom to voice their opinions. “There are many channels for students to voice their opinions; the problem is that they don’t know or don’t use these channels,” he said, adding that students can speak through their student council representatives, make an appointment with their vice-chancellor, e-mail the ministry or even chat with him on Facebook. The deputy minister also said he wanted undergraduates to realise that university was not all about academics, as they should also get involved in other activities like sports.