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Baking Labs: Yeast Breads

Explore the world of yeast breads in this educational and hands-on baking lab. Learn about different types of yeast, techniques for kneading and rising dough, and how to achieve the perfect loaf.

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Baking Labs: Yeast Breads

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Dr. Strangeloaf The Perfect Loaf When you bake w/ Labs Yeast Breads Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Dr. Strangeloaf What is an issue with active dry yeast?

  3. $100 Dr. Strangeloaf -Dough takes a long time to rise

  4. $200 Dr. Strangeloaf What is a better term for “puching down” bread

  5. $200 Dr. Strangeloaf -Folding (3 fold wallet)

  6. $300 Dr. Strangeloaf What’s another reason (aside from taste) for adding salt to our dough?

  7. $300 Dr. Strangeloaf -slows and regulates fermentation process

  8. $400 Dr. Strangeloaf What are the different types of yeast available to bakers?

  9. $400 Dr. Strangeloaf -Fresh -Dry Active yeast -Instant Rapid rise yeast

  10. $500 Dr. Strangeloaf What is the percentage breakdown of what bakers put into their breads?

  11. $500 Dr. Strangeloaf 50% flour 30% water 15% air 2% salt and yeast

  12. $100 The Perfect Loaf What is a reason why your bread might be too small?

  13. $100 The Perfect Loaf -size of pan was too large -oven too hot, or dough was too cold -Insufficient rising period

  14. $200 The Perfect Loaf If your dough was either underkneaded or over kneaded - what would the dough look like?

  15. $200 The Perfect Loaf -dough is sticky

  16. $300 The Perfect Loaf What are two characteristics of the perfect loaf?

  17. $300 The Perfect Loaf -has risen to about double in size -exterior is an even golden brown -crust is tender and thin -interior has small air bubbles -should spring back after being cut

  18. $400 The Perfect Loaf List two reasons why our crust may be pale:

  19. $400 The Perfect Loaf -sugar omitted -dough allowed to rise too long -temperature of dough too high during mixing and rising -used water instead of milk

  20. $500 The Perfect Loaf What might cause our bread to be dry?

  21. $500 The Perfect Loaf -rising temperature too high -not enough shortening/fat

  22. $100 When you bake w/ What does bread symbolize?

  23. $100 When you bake w/ -warmth, affection and home

  24. $200 When you bake w/ What type of texture can eggs help produce?

  25. $200 When you bake w/ Fine and delicate texture

  26. $300 When you bake w/ What is the unique property of wheat flour when made in bread?

  27. $300 When you bake w/ Unique physical properties, when mixed with liquid, stretch to form an elastic-like framework capable of holding in the gas bubbles produced by yeast.

  28. $400 When you bake w/ What is the function of fat in our yeast breads?

  29. $400 When you bake w/ -Acts as a lubricant, making a dough that stretches more easily as the gas is given off by the yeast. -Adds flavor, contributes moisture and tenderness

  30. $500 When you bake w/ What is the difference between adding milk and water into our breads?

  31. $500 When you bake w/ Milk – more velvety grain and the bread itself toasts better and keeps better Water – wheaty flavor, and a crisp crust

  32. $100 YEAST BREADS Why do we oil our bread surface?

  33. $100 YEAST BREADS To allow for easy stretching

  34. $200 YEAST BREADS How can we tell if our dough has risen enough?

  35. $200 YEAST BREADS Push two fingers deep into the dough, if the indents stay the dough is ready

  36. $300 YEAST BREADS What is fermentation?

  37. $300 YEAST BREADS The process by which yeast grows and reproduces

  38. $400 YEAST BREADS What does yeast produce that gives rise to our dough?

  39. $400 YEAST BREADS Carbon Dioxide

  40. $500 YEAST BREADS How do yeast cells reproduce and what is the name of it?

  41. $500 YEAST BREADS Asexually, known as budding

  42. $100 Labs Once we shaped our focaccia what did we do before putting into the oven?

  43. $100 Labs Brush with olive oil and press insalt and rosemary

  44. $200 Labs What were 3 of the differences you noticed from our pizza pops and the pilsbury pizza pops?

  45. $200 Labs. Knew all the ingredients in one One tasted better One had fresh ingredients One took much longer to make

  46. $300 Labs When making pizza pops what are 2 ways you can ensure the filling doesn’t escape?

  47. $300 Labs Seal the sides and press with a fork Don’t overfill the pizza pop

  48. $400 Labs What is the purpose of leaving an inch on one side of the dough before rolling?

  49. $400 Labs So you can seal your cinnamon buns

  50. $500 Labs In our cinnamon bun lab – why did we use the loaf pan instead of a cake pan?

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