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Oceanic Influence on Global Water/Energy Cycle PI: W. Timothy Liu; Co-I: Xiaosu Xie and Wenqing Tang. Project Status:
Oceanic Influence on Global Water/Energy Cycle PI: W. Timothy Liu; Co-I: Xiaosu Xie and Wenqing Tang Project Status: Year 1, 2, & 3:Developed, improved, and validated spacebased moisture transport. Applied to achieve continental water balance over South America. Examined the influence of midlatitude mesoscale ocean processes on large scale high level atmospheric energy and water balances. Year 4 & 5:Water/energy balance over global ocean Xie,X.,W.T. Liu and B.Tang 2008: Remote Sens. Environ., 112, 1846-1855. Liu, W.T., X. Xie, and P.P. Niiler, 2007: Ocean-atmosphere interaction over Agulhas Extension Meanders. J. Clim., 20(23), 5784-5797. Liu, W. T., X. Xie, W. Tang, and V. Zlotnicki, 2006: Spacebased observations of oceanic influence on the annual variation of South American water balance. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L08710, doi:10.1029/2006GL025683. Science Issue: Characterization and understanding of oceanic influence of global water/energy cycle was hampered by sparsity of data Approach: Develop and improve methodology of spacebased retrieval of moisture transport, evaporation, and momentum flux over ocean and relate them to global water/energy cycle Satellite-based Data: QuikSCAT, AMSR-E, AIRS, ISCCP, TRMM, MISR, AMSU Other Data: ECMWF,ECCO, Lagrangian drifters, river discharge, Argo Study Period: 2002 to 2007 Persistent and Penetrating Signatures of Ocean Fronts in the Atmosphere NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) Product provided to Lin, Scholsser, Waliser, NEWS Product used by Hilburn NASA QuikSCAT, TRMM, EOS WCRP GEWEX, CLIVAR, VAMOS, NSF W. Timothy Liu, Updated April 2, 2008