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Efficient Lead Generation Methods for Discover-e Account Manager

Learn about Discover-e's latest lead generation methods and efficient processes for Account Managers to handle projects within time constraints and produce quality deliverables. Real-time communication protocols ensure seamless workflow with clients. Stay updated with the unique job ticket process transition to an electronic system, media handling procedures, de-duplication milestones, and pre-production checkpoints. Improve productivity with indexing, searching, and Tiff production milestones, along with password cracking protocols.

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Efficient Lead Generation Methods for Discover-e Account Manager

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  1. Lead Generation Methods

  2. Marketing / Sales pitch of Discover-e • Quality product • Capacity to handle volume • Ability to work within time-constraintsVersatility / Flexibility?? • Valuable asset to firms’ discovery process

  3. Other Job details discussed / confirmed with Client • Scheduling of Project Stages • Schedules of deadlines and incremental stage completion – Account Manager must get approval from Production… • Incremental stage, or Milestone completion schedule must be agreeable/sustainable for Client, Production and other staff. • Deliverables schedule and Type/Quantity to be charted and approved. _______________________________________________ ***Real-time communication of the above protocol, both internally and with Client!!***

  4. Job Details confirmed with Client (cont’d) • Unique processes / steps will require testing prior to use, and the need for flexibilityshould be addressed/discussed with the client • such versatility can be used as a selling-tool, upfront • the perceived value of this Discover-e feature should allow the Account Manager some latitude and deliverable-deadline flexibility • it is imperative that the AM obtain approval of Prod./Project Managers, to avoid false / unrealistic Client expectations.

  5. Creation of Job Ticket • Job ticket completion and approval will be required for project initiation • Discover-e is moving from the manual, paper-based job ticket protocol to an Electronic Job Ticket system • Completion of required fields will be necessary, or the electronic job ticket will be invalid • Electronic Job Ticket “Event” creation triggers a message, notifying key personnel that the job has been entered • Job ticket and status will be visible / available on “Job Tracker” panel • Deadline must be approved by Project Manager…aggressive deadlines must be clear and get approval by Production Manager, as well

  6. Handling the Media • At the same time as the opening of the Job Ticket, Check-in requires the production of a backup copy of the media • This is part of the security Clients can expect at Discover-e and can be used as a selling feature • The purpose is to verify that the media is sound and free of disk, or burn errors This is a flash-point that can delay a project and the Account Manager should have informed the Client of this at the time of the job ticket preparation

  7. De-Duplication Milestone • Pre-processing de-duplication complete (+ detail of data set) - Billable Service - Billables Manager • # of initial records to be de-duped • # of records remaining • # of dupes removed • Location of original, un-de-duped data • Location and name of de-duped data • PST analyzer will be used to generate a report for each original and de-duped PST. Once generated the report and the file should remain as a file pair and not separated. • Integrity QC - Was the correct and complete data set de-duped as instructed?

  8. Pre-Processing / Pre-Production Milestones • Report generation - Milestone • Migration from one email platform to another (Including Load MSGs or EML files) - Milestone • Pre-process indexing - Milestone • Pre-process searching – Milestone • Pre-process hash-based filtering – Milestone • Pre-process transfer of filtered data - Milestone

  9. Loading Milestone • Loading - Milestones upon completion – • (1) Data Loaded - (No msg-log only) & • (2) All Loading Completed (+ detail of which data AND milestone specific detail listed below)- Milestone msg sent. • Operators generate an event entry that they have verified their settings (No msg sent) • Path & file name of data loaded (& subfolder if applicable) • # records loaded • # dupes encountered • # duplicate emails eliminated

  10. Indexing Milestone • Operators generate an event entry that they have verified their settings. (No msg sent) • # of records indexed • # of encrypted / corrupt files that did NOT index This is a flash-point that can delay a project and the Account Manager should have informed the Client of this at the time of the job ticket preparation

  11. Searching Milestone • Operators generate an event entry that they have verified their settings including the specific file from which the search terms were copied (No msg sent) • # records searched • # of hits • Total # of records flagged

  12. Tiff Production Milestone • Operators generate an event entry that they have verified their settings; this includes the verification of MS-Outlook profile settings which determine what name appears at the top of each email (No msg sent) • Operators log in to the Event Tracker that they have commenced a Generate Tiffs Session. Upon completion, they log that they have completed the session (log only, no msg sent) • # records set to ‘Do Not Process’ • # of raw, un-qc’d tiff images generated • # of blank grid pages removed • # of Password Protected files remaining

  13. Password Cracking Milestone • Password Cracking (Where applicable)- Milestone upon completion - Password Cracking Complete - Cracked Documents Queued for Tiff Generation (+ detail) • # of Password Protected files • # of Cracked files - $ Service - Billables Manager included in msg recipients • # of Protected files remaining • Password Success Rate (%)

  14. Image QC Milestone • Operators log in to the Event Tracker that they have commenced an Image QC Session. Upon completion, they log that they have completed the session (log only, no msg sent) • Total # of pages after Image QC • # of unprintable ‘Blank’ images that were slipsheeted with a customer msg. • # of non-cracked Password Documents remaining that will be represented only by a Password Protected slipsheet (those that will not or could not be cracked)

  15. Production Milestone • Message to Production Staff only. Account Managers will be notified later, pending volume QC & data validation • Operators generate an event entry that includes their settings, starting Bates # & volume #, OCR format, previous Bates # in sequence, OrderID / DocID filter, production set name, output location, etc. • Total # of volumes & volume numbers • Bates ranges for each volume • Output location & production set folder

  16. Text Extract Milestone • Message to Production Staff only. Account Managers will be notified later, pending volume QC & data validation • Operators generate an event entry that includes their settings, Field list (from XML file), starting Bates #, previous Bates # in sequence, Load ID(s) processed & volume #, production set name & output location • Total # of volumes & volume numbers • Document numbering ranges for each volume • Output location & production set folder

  17. Post-processing • Post processing (This is processed & recorded on a per volume basis; not the entire section. In future versions of the tracker, we will have a ‘Volume Detail’ tracker category) • Multipage OCR • Load file generation • Image Key / Annotation burned in • Other utilities such as Split Other Props, Make Slipsheets, etc.

  18. Volume QC Milestone • File QC – Integrity QC, Do I know exactly why I am asked for each value on the QC sheet? What is the purpose of each question? What would it mean if it was incorrect? • Summation/Concordance QC • Deliverable Media QC – Think about what could still be wrong. • Integrity QC (new) - This is to verify that the production followed the steps outlined from the beginning. • Search verification test - On searched data, run unindexed search of Source/Attach/Email folders using the responsive terms (Seeking zero hits in the case of a non-responsive production) or (Seeking highly dense population of hits in the case of a responsive production.)

  19. Deliverable QC Milestone • This Milestone message to include the Billing and Deliverables Managers, along with the others • Volume and Bates # ranges for each volume as values taken from the actual deliverable media to confirm there are no gaps, dupes or overlaps • Number of pages per volume • Number of records per volume • Custodian / Source for each volume • Folder names/structure of each volume’s root level contents. (e.g. Attach, Data, Email, Images or Data, Images, Source) • Data folder - List the exact files by name inside the Data folder of each volume to verify that only that which is requested by the client is present and properly named • Label QC – • Verified Volume # & Bates Range match data on media; NOT QC SHEET! • Verified accurate spelling of Custodian, Client, Project • Aesthetics QC - Label looks 100% professional. • Tiffchecker completed & operator name.

  20. Archive QC Milestone • Internal msg for production • Data detail: Volume and Bates # ranges for each volume as values taken from the actual archive media; NOT THE QC SHEET! • Custodian / Source for each volume • Folder names/structure of each volume’s root level contents. (e.g. Attach, Data, Email, Images or Data, Images, Source) • Data folder - List the exact files by name inside the Data folder of each volume to verify that only that which is requested by the client is present and properly named • When we deliver a volume that contains only a subset of our standard production

  21. Shipping QC Milestone • This Milestone message will also include the Billing and Deliverables Managers, along with the others • Manifest Entry QC - Each entry is QC’d to confirm the accuracy of this report. • Verified Volume # & Bates Range match data on Labels and in shipping container or packaging; DO NOT SIMPLY COPY DATA FROM THE QC SHEET! • Verified accurate spelling of Custodian, Client, Project Name • Aesthetics QC - Manifest looks 100% professional. • Grammar QC - All language is highly professional, free of slang, casual language, misspellings and grammar errors. • Email Recipient list - Verify that the proper recipients are being notified • Shipping details confirmed • Carrier verified • Shipping option verified (Next day, 1st Overnight, Saturday, etc.) • Recipient name confirmed • Verify address, phone number • Insurance amount correctly entered • PO generated for “expensible” shipping methods • Packaging & Content verification • Disks, drives are secure • Manifest is in a clearly & neatly labeled envelope.

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