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Hazard Communication

Hazard Communication. 4. 2. 3. Employee “Right-to-Know” Law 29 CFR 1926.59. W. Standard Highlights. Differentiates Between Federal & State Hazard Determination Written Program Labels / Other Forms of Warnings MSDS Employee Information & Training Emergency & Non-Emergency Situations.

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Hazard Communication

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  1. Hazard Communication 4 2 3 Employee “Right-to-Know” Law 29 CFR 1926.59 W

  2. Standard Highlights • Differentiates Between Federal & State • Hazard Determination • Written Program • Labels / Other Forms of Warnings • MSDS • Employee Information & Training • Emergency & Non-Emergency Situations

  3. FACTS: Approximately 1:4 workers are exposed to one or more of over 8,000 hazardous chemicals 23% of total US population may have been exposed to one or more hazardous chemicals PURPOSE: To present information and training to employees exposed to hazardous substances Haz-Com Standard

  4. Haz-Com Standard OSHA Promulgated Interim Rule: 1983 • Compliance 5/86 • Manufacturing Codes 21-39 Only OSHA Promulgated Interim Rule: 8/20/87 • Compliance 9/20/87 • Chemical Mfg..., importers, distributors to ensure MSDS’s provided with next shipment • Compliance 5/23/88

  5. Stability Compatibility Reactivity Pyrophroic Combustible Compressed Gas Explosivity Oxidizer Haz-Com Standard Difference Between Federal & State Standards MSDS = Basis for determining whether a chemical is hazardous Characteristics of a chemical to pose physical hazards:

  6. HAZCOM The Hazard Communication Standard Requires: • Written Haz-Com Program • Hazard Determination, Chemical Inventory • Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS

  7. Written Program • Training In: 1. Health Hazards 2. Evaluating Hazards 3. Use of MSDS’s 4. Emergency Procedures

  8. HAZCOM Written Communication Program • Program for container labeling and other forms of hazard warning • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) availability • Employee Training / Information Program • List of hazardous substances in the workplace • Inform employees of the hazards of non-routine tasks • Procedure for informing contractors & employees of the hazards associated with work in a facility

  9. HAZCOM Hazard Determination • Operations / Processes • Categories / Definitions • Physical / Health Hazards • Methods of Detection • Methods of Control / Protection

  10. Physical Hazards Flammable Reactive Incompatibles Oxidizer Health Hazards Irritants Corrosives Anesthetics Sensitizers Asphyxiants Systemic Poisons Biohazards HAZCOM Hazardous Chemical Categories

  11. Chemical Name Supplier name & address MSDS available Chemical HMIS Container type & size Quantity of chemical Storage location Operation / Process Number of employees exposed Chemical Inventory Identify all Jobs and Processes Requiring the Use of Hazardous Chemicals and List Those Chemicals

  12. Material Safety Data Sheets The employer must maintain copies of the required MSDS’s for each hazardous chemical used or produced in the work place and shall ensure that they are readily accessible during each work shift when employees are present

  13. Chemical Identification Physical/Chemical Characteristics Hazardous Ingredients Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Reactivity Data Health Hazard Data Spill, Leak, Disposal Information Special Protection Special Handling, Storage, Packaging Transportation Data Major MSDS Headings

  14. Material Safety Data Sheets • Physical & Chemical Properties • Understanding the way chemicals behave can help haz-mat teams anticipate hazards a substance may create during an emergency • Boiling Point: Temperature at which a liquid changes to gas • Example: Water boils at 212°F • Importance: It determines whether a substance will be a liquid or gas at ambient temperature

  15. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Corrosivity: A compound which can quickly damage skin, metal, or other solids Example: If strong acids or bases are stored in metal containers, they will rapidly eat through the container Importance: Corrosives can harm skin, lungs, eyes, mouth and stomach

  16. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Solubility: The measure of how readily a chemical dissolves in water Example: Alcohol readily mixes with water, but motor oil does not Importance: If a liquid spill into a waterway and is not soluble, it will either float or sink

  17. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Viscosity: Having relatively high resistance to flow. Temperature effects viscosity Example: Water has a low viscosity, while heavy crude oil has a much greater viscosity Importance: Since viscosity changes with temperature, highly viscous materials may become runny at higher temperatures and spread rapidly

  18. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Specific Gravity: Ratio of density of a substance to the density of a reference substance, usually water, Specific Gravity=1 Example: Xylene has SG of 0.86 and will float on water, while FREON 113 has SG of 1.57 Importance: Chemicals that sink in waterways are difficult to clean up and/or detect

  19. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Vapor Pressure: The pressure characteristic at any given temperature of a vapor in equilibrium with its liquid or solid form, often expressed in “mm/hg” Example: Vapor pressure of acetone is 400mm; that of Xylene is 6.72. The higher the number the faster it will evaporate Importance: Materials with high VP can create toxic atmospheres within work areas

  20. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Volatility: This refers to how readily a liquid will vaporize or evaporate Example: Gasoline is a volatile liquid Importance: Volatile liquid can give off vapors which may be toxic, explosive and/or asphyxiant

  21. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Vapor Density: Relative weight of gas or vapor as compared to air which has a vapor density of 1 Example: Methane gas has a vapor density of 0.6, and will rise, while FREON 113 has vapor density of 1.6 Importance: Vapors / gases may be toxic, explosive and / or asphyxiant

  22. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Flammability: The ease in which a material (gas, liquid or solid) will ignite Example: Gasoline and acryolnitrile are flammable liquids, while propane is a flammable gas Importance: The flammability of a substance is important to know to determine potential for a fire

  23. Material Safety Data Sheets Physical & Chemical Properties • Flash Point: Minimum temperatures at which a liquid or volatile solid will produce gases/vapors to form ignitable mixture Example: Material Flash Point Fire Hazard Gasoline -45°F HIGH Acetone 0°F MEK 24°F Turpentine 95°F Diesel Fuel 110°F LOW

  24. Material Safety Data SheetsPhysical & Chemical PropertiesExplosive Limits • Lower Explosive Limit ( LEL ) • The minimum concentration of a substance in the air which is required for ignition. Concentrations below the LEL will not ignite and are “lean” • Upper Explosive Limit ( UEL ) • The maximum concentration of a substance in the air which is required for ignition. Concentrations above the UEL will not ignite and are “rich”

  25. Physical & Chemical PropertiesChemistry of Fire • The symbol demonstrates that fire needs 3 things to burn • Fuel (combustibles) • Oxygen (oxidizers) • Ignition source Oxygen Ignition Source Fuel

  26. The Haz-Com Standard Requires EMPLOYEE TRAINING 2 3 1 W CONTAINER LABELING

  27. Labels / Warnings • MSDS must have: 1. Identity of Substance 2. Hazard Warnings 3. Name/Address of Mfg.. 4. CAS # (some states require)

  28. Haz-Com Standard • MSDS: Based on hazard determination, employers are required to retain MSDS on each hazardous substance 1. May develop their own 2. Obtain from manufacturer

  29. Haz-Com Standard • Information / Training: 1. Establishes written program 2. Enforces info presented on labels and MSDS 3. Used to minimize exposure 4. Provided at initial assignment

  30. Employee Training Requirements • Provide information and training to employees working in areas with potential exposure to hazardous chemicals • Employees trained to be able to recall fundamental health and physical hazards associated with specific chemicals

  31. Employee Training Requirements • Employees must be informed of the hazards associated with performing non-routine tasks • Specific health and physical hazards • Protective measures to be utilized • Hazard control methods • Non-routine tasks, such as tank / pit cleaning, welding or other maintenance tasks

  32. Subcontractor Operations • Establish and define hazard communication program requirements for contractors or vendors performing work on the premises • Provide contractors with list of hazardous materials used in affected work area(s) • Contractors must inform plant operation managers of any hazardous materials scheduled for arrival. Provide MSDS’s

  33. Emergency / Non-EmergencySituations • Disclosure of chemical identity only in emergency situations (i.e. treating physician) • Disclosure in non-emergency situations only when health professional explains why info is essential to providing occupational health services

  34. Haz-Com “RIGHT -TO-KNOW” LAW • It is required by OSHA that every worker be informed of the chemical hazards to which they are, or may potentially be exposed • Workers shall be knowledgeable and able to readily identify, evaluate, and protect themselves from hazardous chemical exposure

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