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Jeopardy. Civil War/Reconstruction. Q 6. Q 11. Q 16. Q 21. Q 1. Q 2. Q 7. Q 12. Q 17. Q 22. Q 8. Q 13. Q 18. Q 3. Q 23. Q 9. Q 4. Q 14. Q 19. Q 24. Q 5. Q 10. Q 15. Q 20. Q 25. Final Jeopardy. Question 1. This man was the general of the Union army that defeated Lee.
Jeopardy Civil War/Reconstruction Q 6 Q 11 Q 16 Q 21 Q 1 Q 2 Q 7 Q 12 Q 17 Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 3 Q 23 Q 9 Q 4 Q 14 Q 19 Q 24 Q 5 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20 Q 25 Final Jeopardy
Question 1 This man was the general of the Union army that defeated Lee.
Answer 1 Who was --Ulysses S. Grant?
Question 2 Identify Robert E. Lee.
Answer 2 Who was 1. the leader of the Army of Northern Virginia 2. offered command of theUnion forces at the beginning of the war but chose not to fight against Virginia 3. opposed secession, but did not believe the union should be held together by force 4. urged Southerners to accept defeat at the end of the war and reunite as Americans ?
Question 3 Identify Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.
Answer 3 Who was --a skilled Confederate general from Virginia ?
Question 4 This man was a former slave who escaped to the North and became an abolitionist.
Answer 4 Who was --Frederick Douglas ?
Question 5 The first shots of the Civil War were fired here.
Answer 5 Where was --Fort Sumter ?
Question 6 This was the first major battle of the Civil War.
Answer 6 What was --the first Battle of Manassas (Bull Run) ?
Question 7 This made freeing the slaves thefocus of the war.
Answer 7 What was --the Emancipation Proclamation ?
Question 8 This was the result of the Battle of Vicksburg.
Answer 8 What was --divided the South; the North controlled the Mississippi River ?
Question 9 This was the turning point of the war.
Answer 9 What was --the Battle of Gettysburg; the North repelled Lee’s invasion ?
Question 10 This event ended the Civil War.
Answer 10 What was --Lee’s surrender toGrant at Appomattox CourtHouse in 1865 ?
Question 11 Name four major deciding factorsin winning the Civil War.
Answer 11 What were 1. the Union blockade of southern ports 2. control of the Mississippi River 3. battle locations influenced by the struggle to capture capital cities 4. control of the high ground ?
Question 12 Identify seven effects of the Civil War.
Answer 12 What are 1. families & friends wereoften pitted against one another 2. Southern troops became increasingly younger & more poorly equipped & clothed 3. much of the South devastated at end of war 4. disease a major killer 5. combat brutal & often man-to-man 6. women left to run businesses in North & farms/plantations in South 7. collapse of Confederacy made Confederate money worthless ?
Question 13 The woman who created the American Red Cross.
Answer 13 Who was --Clara Barton ?
Question 14 Identify the five effects the Civil War had on African Americans.
Answer 14 What are 1. fought in both Union & Confederate armies 2. Confederacy used slaves as naval crew members & soldiers 3. Union enlisted them as sailors early in the war 4. paid less than white soldiers 5. discriminated against and served in segregated units under the command of white officers ?
Question 15 Identify Robert Smalls.
Answer 15 Who was --an African American sailor and later a Union naval captain who was highly honored for his feats of bravery and heroism and became a Congressman after the Civil War ?
Question 16 This 13th Amendment does this.
Answer 16 What is --bans slavery in theUnited States and any of its territories ?
Question 17 The 14th Amendment doesthis.
Answer 17 What is --grants citizenship to all persons born in the United Statesand guarantees them equal protectionunder the law ?
Question 18 The 15th Amendment does this.
Answer 18 What is --ensures all citizens theright to vote regardless of raceor color or previous conditionor servitude ?
Question 19 Identify the Reconstructionpolicies for the South.
Answer 19 What were 1. Southern military leaders could not hold office 2. African Americans held public office 3. African Americans gained equalrights as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, whichauthorized use of federal troops to enforce it 4. Northern soldiers supervised the South ?
Question 20 This was the major problemafter the Civil War.
Answer 20 What was --Southerners resented northern “carpetbaggers” who tookadvantage of the South during Reconstruction ?
Question 21 Explain the Civil Rights Actof 1866.
Answer 21 What was --African Americans gained equal rights and federaltroops were authorized to enforce the law ?
Question 22 This man was a skilled Confederategeneral from Virginia.
Answer 22 Who was --Thomas “Stonewall”Jackson ?
Question 23 At this battle, the North repelledLee’s invasion, marking theturning point of the war.
Answer 23 What was --the Battle of Gettysburg?
Question 24 This Civil War nurse created the American Red Cross.
Answer 24 Who was --Clara Barton ?
Question 25 These Amendments guaranteeequal protection under the lawfor all citizens.