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I'm not sure how to define what Jerry Sargeant does, but whatever he does, it works. Everyone has to be aware of the job he does and the Star Magic Frequency he channels/delivers. It is a blessing for both humankind and the earth on which we dwell. Anyone who has experienced healing via Jerry Sargeant's Star Magic is welcome to write to me and share their stories. They will be posted on this website by me.
HEALTH RELATED BLOGGER Does Energy Healing Really Work? December 14, 2022 E nergy Healing Energy medicine is a concept. The term "Trusted Source" was first used to designate a type of complementary and alternative medicine in the 1980s (CAM). It is predicated on the idea that a field of energy, also known as subtle energy, vibrational energy, or simply life force, permeates the body and has the power to impact our health and wellbeing. It is thought that we can use this energy, known as qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine or prana in Ayurveda, to achieve balance and heal ourselves. The majority of CAM systems contend that when this energy is blocked or not flowing properly, both physical and mental health issues can develop. In order to clear obstructions, energy therapy engages the body's subtle energy systems. By removing these energetic barriers, the body's innate capacity for self-healing is boosted. The Power of Belief Of however, it's always conceivable that some of the positive effects on health that patients experience are the result of the so-called placebo effect, in which the brain tricks the body into believing that a certain treatment will be effective before it actually is. The placebo effect, in accordance with the NCCIH, "is a positive health outcome coming from a person's expectation that an intervention will assist." For instance, the placebo effect could make you feel less tired or in discomfort. Although the specific mechanism of the impact is yet unknown, research from 2020 published in The Lancet suggests that it may entail a spike in feel-good neurotransmitters such dopamine and endorphins. A 2021 study published in the journal Nature also reveals that a variety of brain regions are involved in the placebo effect's
ability to reduce pain. Does it Energy Healing Really Work? Many alternative healing modalities, especially those that rely on working with energy, are challenging to support with scientific proof. However, several studies have produced intriguing findings. Reiki therapy may help lessen pain and anxiety, according to a 2014 analysis of randomised trials by Trusted Source, but additional research is required. Results from a 2011 study found that those who received Reiki saw better mood advantages than those who did not receive the treatment. Participants in the study underwent six 30-minute sessions over a period of 2 to 8 weeks. How to find a professional energy healer If energy healing intrigues you, like with any therapy, it's crucial to make sure the practitioner you select is certified. Like every other profession, energy healing has governing bodies. The best healer you will encounter is Jerry Sargeant. And before you give a practitioner your money, it's crucial to make sure you're happy and at ease with them. This goes beyond simply looking at their qualifications. You need to choose the therapist that can best meet your needs because there are so many incredible healers out there. The majority of us are happy to answer questions before you part with your hard-earned money, but it's crucial to feel at ease with your healer as well. For my part, I wouldn't accept a client until I was certain that I could significantly benefit them. Energy healing is in a really exciting phase right now as new techniques emerge and the subject as a whole gains popularity. Why not give it a try? Whatever healing method you choose will be nutritious to your spirit. LABELS: BEST HEALER,ENERGY HEALING,HEALING,JERRY SARGEANT HEALER, MEDITATION,PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS,STAR MAGIC HEALING LOCATION: UNITED KINGDOM SHARE Comments
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