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Are you a tech startup looking to take your business to the next level? Discover the top five mobile apps that every tech startup needs to succeed. With these apps, you'll stay ahead of the competition and cultivate success. Get ready to power up your business and achieve success with ease! #techstartup #mobileapps #succeed
The Top 5 Mobile Apps Every Tech StartupNeedsto Succeed Digitaltransformationisrealandhappening.Everytechstartupisworkingtowardsenhancingthe world with suitable technology solutions. However, your team may be hassled in the midst of meeting other requirements. If you have taken up a lot of clients, but your processes aren’t streamlined,it can hamper productivity. Let’s imagine a situation where a team is working on two different requirements. The members may need to connect daily but, they are working remotely. This can lead to a situation where the membersare unaware of theprogress. You may experience delay in the tasks owing to a lack of communication. This can eventually delaythe tasks indefinitely, causing extra coststo the company. However,ifyouinvestintherighttechnologyorsolutions,youcaneasilyremovethe bottlenecks.Thiscanhelpyoudeliversuccessfulprojectsontimeandextend high-quality solutions. Mobile apps are a great way to enhance team efficiency and offer extensive productivity. You will notice that mobile applications give your business the ability to respond on time. It also helps you stayat the top ofyour project’s progress andenhance the team’sability. We will introduce you to the top five apps that are important for every tech startup. It will ensure streamlinedprocesses,smoothcommunicationandbetterplanning.Let’s discusseach applicationin detail. TopFiveAppsEveryTechStartupNeeds
Wehavecuratedthetopfiveapplicationsthatcanfurtheryourbusinessandaddtoitssuccess. Let’s dive intothe features,benefits and reasonsto usethem foryour startup. #1GoogleDriveandDocs It is important for the tech startup to stay organized and synchronized. With a large number of files and a lot of documentation, they may need space. One of the finest apps for business productivitythat allows smooth collaboration. For instance, Google Drive will allow the members to upload the project and extend access to the different stakeholders. The different teams and their members can access the project, give theirviewpoints and offer revisions. This will happen asynchronously, which will give your team the ability to complete the project on time. Yourmembers won't need to connect by Email or via phone/meetings to discuss the edits orrevisions.Thiswouldhelpyousavetime,enhanceproductivityandgettheprojectcompleted.; UtilizingtheCloudStorage GoogleDriveandDocsusecloudstorage.Thismeansitextendseasystorageandaccesstothe projects. Youcan even purchase the storage space if your project requirements are more than thefree available space. Cloudstoragecomeswithin-builtprotectionandmalware.Youwillnoticethatitextends exceptional security to your project documents. Owing to cloud storage, retrieving a document is fasteras compared tosending it viaEmail or other methods. DocumentSharingandCollaborationFeatures One of the massive reasons to choose Google Drive or documents is the collaboration feature. You can even connect with the team members on a single document and complete the revisions. Theprocess is asynchronous andtime-saving. You can also connect in real-time and complete the document requirements. As a result, you are ableto remove thebottlenecks in project management. #2Slack:TeamCommunicationandFileManagement
If you want to enhance real-time communication, you must include Slack. This entrepreneur app is renowned for being the startup’s best buddy for communications. It helps the teams manage theirqueries and get aptresponses on time. You can create separate channels on Slack, which allows you to have discussions on separate topics. for instance, if you have a few members involved in the design, you can create a channel specifically for that. It will ensure that the team gets the work done on time. It will increase the real-time discussions, document sharing and meetings between the members, thus enhancing the team’s responsiveness. The workflow is well managed when you are working with the Slack mobile application. Here are the top features or reasons that make Slack an important inclusion in your tech startup. No wonderSlack isone of thebest productivityapps for smallbusinesses. EasySetupandUserInterfaceDesign OneofthemainreasonstochooseSlackforcommunicationprotocol and enabling better organizationis the ease of setup. You can get started with Slack easily. Create a business account, and you get a fixed number of freemessages.Itdoesn’taddtoyourcosteither.Youcanalsochooseapremiumplanifneeded. StreamliningCommunication,CollaborationandFileManagement It is important for businesses to streamline their communication. The team members should be ableto connect in real time. Slackallowsteammemberstosharefiles,discussimportantissuesandconnectover problems/bugsin real time. They can integrate with other important project management tools inside the application. This allowsthem to reducetheir efforts and enhancethe outcomes. #3Evernote:ProjectPlanningToolforStartups
Startupsmustplantheirprojectsefficiently forthebestoutcomes.Notes-takingandtask organization play a pivotal role in completing the planning. You might want to choose a tool that canmake this part efficient. Evernote is one of the finest and oldest planning tools that help startups track their notes. It also helpsbrainstorm ideasand organizethe entireproject into different tasks/sections. Youcaneasilyconvert your ideas into videos to share with the teams by integrating loom. Similarly,you canintegrate withMiro to createthe sketchesfor your application. OrganizingProjectswithNotes,Tasks,Reminders,Calendarsand More There are a lot of things that you need to manage as part of your project. You might need to keep accountofthe notesandthe tasks.Itis equallyimportantto keepupwith thereminders. You can easily create tasks in Evernote. Share the tasks and mention the due date to the people concerned.Youcanalsocheckwhichtasks arependingandwhyusingtheproductivity tool. Itallowsyoutosharethedocumentsandmaintainthecollaborationrequirementseasily. FosteringEfficiencyinBusinessProcesses It is equally important to make your processes efficient. You must be able to track the progress of the project. At the same time, you must ensure all teams are on the same page and enhance the accessibility. Evernote makes it easier for the teams to know the updates, gain access to tasks and upload documentson thego. Youcan accessthe toolfrom anywhere acrossdevices. It is also an excellent app that supports offline access. You can connect with the teams and look upthe docs evenwhen there is noInternet connection. #4 Trello: AgileProjectManagementPlatform Trellois one of the best project management tools available. A lot of businesses and startups have been using it to streamline processes. It can help you customize the task cards to enable bettermanagement.Youcanviewthe taskboardinmultipleformats-calendar, boardandcards. You can add the documents and even ensure that people are collaborating in the same space. Youcanautomatethenotifications,andmovementoftheprojectandenhanceproject management. A.CreatingBoardsforTrackingProjects
Youcan create multiple boards to handle the differenttasks that are important for the project. Youmight be ableto track the projectsfrom a single place. Youcan also create different boards for the different departments and tasks involved in the particularproject.It makesstreamlining thejobs anddefiningthe processesefficiently. B.EnhancingCreativeInputfromTeamMembers When you are working with design or development teams, it is important to understand the creative aspects of the project. You need to make sure all your team members are able to offer theirinputs in the most relevantmanner. C.AllowingIncreasedVisibilitythroughDashboards When you create a single place to manage all the projects, you get better visibility into the progress. It gives complete visibility into the different projects. You can also manage the different tasks,change deadlines,reassign themand ensuremonitoring key metricseasily. #5Intercom This is the conversational marketing application that every business needs when starting. You havefewerresourcesatyourdisposal.Intercomcanenableyoutocontinuecommunicatingwith yourusers while ensuringyou don’t investin more resources. It will help you stay connected with your audience even when you are not available. You can ensure that the audience gets the resolutions, and you are able to generate the leads while stayingaway. Real-timeMessengerSupport Yes, you can connect with your audience in real-time and extend messenger support as needed with this messaging application. It helps you extend two-way conversations with your customers. It will be helpful to make yourself available at your audience’s convenience with the right app solution. TrackyourSalesTeam WiththeIntercomapp, you can track your sales team’s performance. It can help you check on the revenue your team can generate with the Intercom application. It can also help monitor the team’s progress, andactivity andview the salesinsights fromthe dashboard.