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This guide provides all the materials and information needed to conduct a Rider Rally, including a script, agenda, and presenter's notes. It covers topics such as drive to survive, vehicle safety, and team registration.
Rider Rally • Presenter’s Notes 34-64 • Delivery Service Expert Job Aid 65-66 • Drive to Survive Quiz/Answers 67-68 • Vehicle Safety Check 69 • Suspect Identity Chart 70 • Rally Tally 71 • Team Registration Form 72 12-33
Presenter’s Notes Purpose of this Guide: • This guide includes the materials you need to conduct a Rider Rally. It includes: 1. Things to do on the morning of the meeting. 2. Information on your role during the meeting. 3. A copy of the agenda to guide you through each topic and help keep you on schedule. 4. Your script to conduct the Rally. • The script is divided into topics that match the Agenda. • Some of the topics include an Event. An event is an activity that is scored for points that are posted on the Rally Tally board. Events are lettered A through G. The time allowed for each Event is included in the total time for the topic. Specific time allocations for the various parts of each event are included in the script and Presenter’s Notes. • Follow the time guidelines in the Presenter’s Notes. The times may differ somewhat from the times indicated in the script. 12-34
Morning of the Meeting Action List for Area Coach 4 Assigned To: TO DO ___ ___________ Assemble all handouts. ___ ___________ Gather all necessary supplies and materials. ___ ___________ Gather refreshments. ___ ___________ Gather prizes. ___ ___________ Add arrows to Direction Signs and post on streets near building (like real estate signs) and on building doors and hallways. ___ ___________ Get tables, chairs, and Rally Tally board set up. ___ ___________ Pick up and block out a section of the parking lot near the door to be used for the Vehicle Safety Check. ___ ___________ Make a table tent for each restaurant. Put the restaurant name and location on both sides. ___ ___________ Put each restaurant’s average “% Under 30” on their table tent in bold numbers. ___ ___________ Put an envelope in a convenient place to be used during Event 6, Planned Interruption. ___ ___________ Set up refreshment table. ___ ___________ Set up prize table, but keep it covered or hidden from view. ___ ___________ Hold a RGM pre-meeting one hour before the Rally. (See next page.) ___ ___________ Synchronise your watches with RGMs who will serve as timekeepers to keep the Rally on schedule. 12-35
Rider Rally AGENDA Topic Duration Points # Time (Minutes) Topic Event Available 0 7:00 - 7:45 45 RGM Pre-Rally Meeting 1 7:45 - 8:00 15 Gathering / Forming Teams 2 8:00 - 8:05 5 Welcome / Why We’re Here 3 8:05 - 8:10 5 Follows Instructions A 10/Item 4 8:10 - 8:25 15 Drive to Survive Quiz B 10/Item 5 8:25 - 8:40 15 Vehicle Readiness C 10/Item 6 8:25 - 8:40 15 Planned Interruption D 10/Item 7 8:40 - 8:50 10 The Power of Observation E 10/Item 8 8:50 - 8:55 5 Ready for Work 9 8:55 - 9:00 5 The Home Service Organisation Toolkit 10 9:00 - 9:20 20 Roadblocks F50/Item 11 9:20 - 9:40 20 WOW: Waiter/Waitress on Wheels G 10/Item 12 9:40 - 9:50 10 Satisfaction Guaranteed H TBD 139:50 - 10:00 10 Wrap Up Same Time 12-36
RGM Pre-Rally Meeting (Page 1 of 3) Purpose: • To explain the role RGMs will play during the Rally. • To get assistance in setting up the meeting room. • To prepare RGMs to meet and greet the Riders as they arrive. RGM Role: Presenter’s Notes Script Thanks for coming early. I really appreciate you being here to help. Your participation is crucial to the success of this Rally. This will be one special day - one that our Riders should be talking about for a while. Let’s start by looking at an Overview of this meeting. I also want to spend some time explaining the role you will be playing in this meeting. The teams will be organised by restaurants. Each of you will be assigned to be a coach for one of the teams. You will not coach your own restaurant’s team. You will coach someone else’s team. It is really important that you do all that you can to help your assigned restaurant. In fact, I need you to be the role model of excellence. You need to help everyone. Be careful, and don’t provide any special help to your own Riders - have them ask other RGMs for help. You will also serve as the facilitators, judges, and scorers for your assigned team. As you serve in those roles, please keep in mind that we want everyone to feel like a winner. Give them a copy of the Rider Rally Overview and Agenda. Review Overview. Walk through entire Agenda. 12-37
RGM Pre-Rally Meeting (Page 2 of 3) Presenter’s Notes Script You need to help keep your assigned team on tasks. We have a very tight agenda that is full of activities. People will be busy during the whole Rally. That’s what we want. It will be important that when one Event is over, your team is ready to start on the next Event. In fact, time’s so important that we need to make sure we all synchronise our watches. I have _____; Let’s all set our watches on Rider Rally Time. You are now all in charge of keeping this Rally on schedule. If there are any questions that you can’t answer, use the “Delivery Service STAR” pamphlet as your answer guide. If you don’t know, then ask me. Otherwise, I want the Riders to see you “in charge” of the events. I’ll be the leader for the central ring. You will be the leaders for your assigned teams. Remember, we want the Riders to have FUN. We want to find ways to catch them doing things right and recognise them for that. In several Events, I’ll ask for some examples from each team. Help your assigned team display their knowledge. Make sure they know it is okay to brag about themselves. For some of the Events, I’ll need you to pass out handouts and grade the results. Please do this quickly so we don’t lose time having the Riders sitting around waiting for us. Again, remember; be generous with the points you award. Synchronise watches. Give each of them a copy of the “Delivery Service Expert” handout. 12-38
RGM Pre-Rally Meeting (Page 3 of 3) Presenter’s Notes Script Your first role is to make the table tents for your assigned team. Print the Restaurant location name on both sides of the table tent, and place it in the centre of the table. Write in the “% Under 30” in big bold numbers, and put your name on the sign so they know who you are. I’ll also give you some paper, pens/pencils for your team to use. I will need some of you to position yourselves at the doors, in the hallways, by the refreshments, etc., so you can meet and greet the Riders. The rest should stand near the tables. As the Riders arrive, there are some things they should be told to do immediately. I’ll share that with you in a few moments. Give them instructions in a positive and friendly way. Remember, that it’s show time for you, too. If possible, you should get most of this done before starting time. Here are the Team Registration Forms and Table Tents you’ll need for your assigned teams. Now let me review what is to happen during the gathering time. (Review next page “Gathering/Forming Teams” with RGMs.) Give them their Table Tents and some marking pens, plus a pad of paper and several pens/pencils. Give them the Average “% Under 30” for each restaurant. Give them copies of the Team Registration Form. Give them a copy of the “Gathering/Forming Teams.” 12-39
1 Gathering/Forming Teams Page 1 of 1 Time: 7:45 - 8:00 am 15 minutes Material Required: • Table tents indicating each restaurant • Team Registration Form Presenter’s Notes Script Hi! Welcome to KFC Rider’s Rally! You need to find the rest of the team members from your restaurant. The tables are marked with a sign for each restaurant team. When you find your table, complete the Team Registration form on the table. Have Team Registration Form at the table. Have Riders sign in as close to the order in which they arrived as possible. Have Coaches check columns if Riders are in complete uniform and on time. 12-40
Time: 8:00 - 8:05 5 minutes Material Required: • Rider Rally Tally Board 2 Welcome/Why We’re Here Page 1 of 2 Presenter’s Notes Script Welcome! I’m glad you’re here. My name is ______________. I am the (your title). Today is a historic day. Today you will be participating in a meeting that is similar to ones that KFC Delivery Riders all across the world have attended or will be attending soon. Although your business is hectic and stressful at times, we want you to remember that KFC is really about your success, making friends, and having fun. We know that your job as a Delivery Rider has you working alone most of the time. We appreciate the maturity that you demonstrate as you provide our direct service link to our delivery customers. We’re conducting this Rally as a way to demonstrate just how important you are to us, to the entire KFC family, a forty year old + family with 10,000 locations, and our parent - Tricon, which includes KFC and Taco Bell. We want this to be a fun time for you. We have several different Events that you will be participating in during this meeting. We will be keeping score of how well you do in those Events, and there will be prizes given out based on those scores. Remember, learning and teamwork are the goals. Have Rider Rally Tally board mounted in a highly visible location. Introduce any other helpers, visitors, or guests. 12-41
2 Welcome/Why We’re Here (Continued) Page 2 of 2 Presenter’s Notes Script We will end this meeting at 10:00 a.m. If we are to get through everything on the agenda, we will need your help. Please pay attention to the instructions you will receive for each Event. If you have any questions ask your assigned Coach for help. When one Event is over, we will have to move quickly to the next Event. So keep up with us. Work together as a team and have FUN!! 12-42
3 Follows Instructions Event #A Page 1 of 1 Points: 10 each for uniform & on time, plus 10 if both Time: 8:05 - 8:10 5 minutes Material Required: • Completed Team Registration Form Presenter’s Notes Script You already have completed the first Event, and I’ll bet you didn’t even know it! Do you remember that your invitation told you to come in uniform and to be on time to this meeting? That was a requirement to be ready to work for this rally. When you arrived, you were asked to sign-in. Then your Coach checked to see if you were in uniform and on time. Your Coach has calculated your team’s score. Your team was awarded 10 points for everyone in complete uniform, 10 points for everyone who was here on-time, and an extra 10 points for everyone who did both - arrive on-time and in complete uniform. That’s your score for the first event, Event A. I’ll record your team’s name on this Rider Rally Tally board, and I’ll record your score for Event A. We’re off and running, and the early leaders are (announce first, second, and third place teams) ______________ _______________ _____________. Record Scores and Standings. Lead a cheer. 12-43
Time: 8:10 - 8:25 15 minutes Material Required: • Copies of Drive To Survive Quiz. • Copies of the Answer Key to the Drive To Survive Quiz. • An empty envelope to give away during planned interruption. 4 Drive to Survive Quiz Event #B Page 1 of 2 Points: 10/answer Presenter’s Notes Script We’re going to start with a topic that is very important to us, and that is your safety. Instead of having me stand up here and review the rules you need to know, the second Event is a quiz. You get to tell us how much you already know. Have you ever wished you could have some help when you had to take a test? Well, today is your lucky day! Your Coach will distribute copies of the Drive to Survive Quiz to each team. You should work together as a group to answer the questions. Put all of your answers on one official copy of the quiz. You have five minutes to answer as many of the questions as possible. Each correct answer is worth 10 points. When you are done, stay right there, because we will grade the test as a group. Pretend this is a delivery order, only you don’t have 30 minutes - you only have 5. Are you ready? GO! Distribute copies of the Drive To Survive Quiz to the Coaches. Keep track of the time; allow only three to four minutes. Distribute copies of the Answer Key to the Coaches. 12-44
Presenter’s Notes Script Time’s up! Put your pencils down. Give your official copy of the answers to your Coach. Your Coach has an Answer Key and will grade the questions with you. You have three minutes to grade your quiz. Time’s up! Let’s have the scores. Give Coaches one to two minutes to grade quiz. 4 Drive to Survive Quiz (Continued) Page 2 of 2 SPECIAL NOTE: The PLANNED INTERRUPTION should occur here. See Event D for more details. Presenter’s Notes Script • During the Planned Interruption, you should acknowledge the person trying to interrupt you. • Ask what he/she wants. • Tell the person that you have the report with you. • Ask the person to come up and get the report. • Give the report to the person. • Continue as if nothing happened. • Record Scores and Standings. OK, where were we? Let’s finish collecting the scores. After two Events the leaders are (announce first, second, and third place teams) _________________ ___________ _____________________. 12-45
5 Vehicle Readiness Event #C Page 1 of 2 Points: Ten points for each item on inspection form. Time: 8:25 - 8:40 15 minutes This is done during the same time as Topic 6 Material Required: • Vehicle Safety Check forms for each vehicle. NOTE: A SECOND PERSON IS NEEDED TO CONDUCT THIS EVENT WHILE THE REST OF THE METING CONTINUES. Presenter’s Notes Script You can’t even get the opportunity to serve the Customer if you don’t have a vehicle that is prepared to get you to your Customers. Each team needs to pick one vehicle that is prepared to serve Customers. It will be used for a Vehicle Safety Check. The vehicle must have been driven here by a Rider from your team. Sorry, you can’t go out to inspect all of your team members vehicles to pick the best one. You need to find one of your team members who is confident that his or her vehicle is the vehicle that should be used for your team. Take a minute to decide whose vehicle will be used. OK. Time’s up. Will all the lucky Riders whose vehicle have been chosen please stand up? The rest of this part of the Event will take place outside with the vehicles. Will the Riders please bring their vehicles to the (name a place near the building) for the inspections? When you have your vehicles together ________ (introduce second person who will handle the inspections), we will work with you to complete the inspections. The rest of us will stay inside and continue with the next topic. Allow about one minute for them to pick a vehicle. 12-46
5 Vehicle Readiness (Continued) Page 2 of 2 Presenter’s Notes Script A second person other than the presenter should conduct the rest of this Event. Be sure no one inspects his or her own vehicle. Give each person a Vehicle Safety Check form. Get points totalled for each vehicle, and be sure you know which vehicle belongs to which team. To do this as fairly and quickly as possible, you will be the inspectors. You need to form teams of two people. Let’s count off by two’s. 1, 2; 1, 2, and so on. Now the 1s will inspect the vehicles belonging to the 2s. Then the 2s will inspect the vehicles of the 1s. Here’s the form to use. You have five minutes per vehicle to conduct the inspection. All Done? Let’s go back inside and total the points for each vehicle. 12-47
6 Planned Interruption Event #D Page 1 of 2 Points: Ten points for each correct item identified Time: 8:25 - 8:40 15 minutes This is done during the same time as Topic 5 Material Required: • Presenter needs an empty envelope to give to person who interrupts. • Suspect Identity Charts for each person. • Script card for Intruder. NOTE: A second person, who is not known to the Riders, is needed to act as the intruder. Presenter’s Notes Script Distribute copies of the Suspect Identity Chart to Coaches. Allow four to five minutes. How are we doing? You have shown how you arrive ready to work in Event A. In Event B, you demonstrated your knowledge of the safe ways to drive to survive. Now you have one of your team members outside proving that his or her vehicle is worthy of your trust for Event C. And, we have already completed half of Event D. Did anyone notice the interruption we had during the scoring of the quiz B? I hope so! Because that was the first half of Event D. This Event will allow you to demonstrate your power of observation. Pretend, just pretend, that the interruption was not just an interruption, but that it was a robbery. And, you were there! You are all witnesses. What did you see? Can you describe the intruder? Your Coach has copies of the Suspect Identify Charts that you should use to identify what you saw. You’ll have about five minutes to complete one identity chart for your team. Ready? GO! OK time’s up! Put down your pencils. Let’s bring the “robber” back in and grade the charts. 12-48
6 Planned Interruption (Continued) Page 2 of 2 Presenter’s Notes Script Let’s start at the top and work our way through the form. Your assigned Coach will grade your ID Chart. You’ll get one point for every item correctly identified. I’ll read the item, and then we’ll ask our ‘robber’ to give us the correct answer. Let’s collect the scores. I’ll record the points for Event D first. Now let’s collect the points from Event C from the inspectors who are back from their vehicle inspections. After four Events, the leaders are (announce first, second and third place teams) _______________ _____________ ______________________. Take no more than 8 minutes to work through the form item by item. Record Scores for Event D, Then Record Scores for Event C. Report standings. 12-49
7 The Power of Observation Event #E Page 1 of 1 Points: Ten for each item on list. Time: 8:40 - 8:50 10 minutes Material Required: • Pads of paper for each team. Presenter’s Notes Script We’ve just had two tests of our powers of observation. One was the vehicle inspections done outside; the other was with the suspect identification. Some of you clearly saw more than others did. Your power of observation is important to your success as a Delivery Rider. Most robberies or incidents can be avoided if you know the signals. Can you think about other observations that are important to your safety as a Rider? I want you to work together in your teams to make a list of other things to observe. Put together one master list for your team. Your assigned Coach will review the list and give you two points for each item you identified, as long as it is reasonable. For example, listing “looking for UFOs” would not get any points. You’ll have about six minutes for this. Ready? GO! OK. Time’s up. Put your pencils down, and let your Coach review your list. Our goal is to avoid incidents by being “street smart” so before we collect scores, let’s take a few minutes and have each team read three or four items from their list. Try not to repeat anything we have already heard. Let’s collect the scores. After five Events, the leaders are (announce first, second, and third place teams) ________________ ___________ _______________________. Collect responses from group. Allow about five minutes. Coach should score the list and return it to team. Coach should be pretty flexible on what is acceptable. Have each team read some items from their list. Record Scores and Standings. 12-50
8 Ready for Work Page 1 of 1 Time: 8:50 - 8:55 5 minutes Material Required: • None Presenter’s Notes Script So far we have focused on the things you do to prepare yourself to do your work. Some other items of preparation are also important. Besides preparing your vehicle, what or how else do you prepare for work? Raise your hand if you have an answer. Select people to give answers. Thank them for their answer. Reinforce the best answers. Reinforce these answers: Uniform, map, flashlight, petrol, etc. Note: You are almost at the halfway mark. It should be 8:55. If it’s not, you need to adjust your pace. 12-51
9 The Home Service Operations Toolkit Page 1 of 1 Time: 8:55 - 9:00 5 minutes Material Required: • Podded map Presenter’s Notes Script Let’s take a few minutes to talk about some other improvement steps that have been taken by KFC, or will be coming soon, to help make your job easier and more profitable. In the Home Service Operations Toolkit are new tools. In the Capacity, Layout and Organisation section, new tools and techniques are provided to help analyse each location and to make improvements that will reduce in-store production time. For some restaurants, this includes new storage and dispatch speed racks. In the Systems and Procedures section, new tools and techniques have been provided to help analyse each location and to make improvements that will increase order taking and production capability. For some restaurants, this includes new phone lines and additional order taking terminals. In the Trade Area Mapping section, new tools and techniques are provided to help analyse each trade area and make better decisions on how to bundle orders and route deliveries. One new capability introduced in the Mapping sectionis a concept called “Podding.” Podding refines the way a trade area is divided. In the past, we divided the trade area into grids. Grids are usually uniform and square. With Pods, the trade area can be divided into more natural service areas that follow natural boundaries like rivers or highways. It should be a big help in hitting our objective of 100% of our Deliveries Under 30 Minutes. How do these changes help you? What do these changes do to improve your profitability? Here’s one example: refining our maps will improve dispatch performance and that will save you petrol. Note: If you are running ahead of schedule, you can add one of the following. An Example: If there is no bridge crossing a river in a grid, two orders on opposite sides of the river can’t be delivered together. Share the “Blue Sky” future concept, ASK: How would you like to have your own POD that you deliver to every time you work? Select people to answer. Thank them for their answer. Reinforce the best answers. 12-52
10 Roadblocks Event #F Page 1 of 2 Points: 50/commitment; max 150 Time: 9:00 - 9:20 20 minutes Material Required: • Pad of paper for each team. Presenter’s Notes Script We’ve talked about the preparations you do and the things that the company and/or Franchise group has done to help you improve your service and your profitability. Sometimes, we don’t prepare as well as we should. Even if we do, perhaps something else happens that gets in our way, something that becomes a roadblock in making a timely delivery. These roadblocks have a direct, negative effect on our “% Under 30” score. Our guests have told us that they want timely deliveries, and that they get upset if we are late. What are the roadblocks that get in your way, and what can you do to reduce or eliminate them? I’m going to give you a chance to answer those questions in this next Event. I’ll give you five minutes to brainstorm as a team. Create one list of the roadblocks for the team. Then I’ll give you another five minutes to pick one or two of those roadblocks that you and your team members can do something about. You’ll need to tell us what the roadblock is, and what your team is committed to doing to reduce or eliminate it. It needs to be a serious commitment, one that starts on your next shift. Let’s deliver this one in under 30 minutes, way under. Ready? OK. Take five minutes and develop a list of your roadblocks. GO! 12-53
10 Roadblocks (Continued) Page 2 of 2 Presenter’s Notes Script Allow them about four minutes to develop a list. Allow another four minutes. Give each team about one minute to report. Thank each team for their willingness to make a commitment. Record scores and standings. OK. The first five minutes are about up. You should now be picking the one or two roadblocks that you can do something about, and figuring out what you can commit to doing about it when you return to work. You have another five minutes. GO! OK. Time’s up. Let’s go around the room and listen to what each team is commit to do to improve their delivery times. WOW! We’ve heard some really good stuff! I’m impressed with what you are willing to do to improve your “% Under 30” scores. I’m sure we will see some immediate and lasting improvements in those scores. GOOD LUCK. Each commitment that was made is worth 50 points. Let’s collect the scores. After six Events, the leaders are (announce first, second, and third place teams) _________________ ____________ _____________________. 12-54
11 Waiter/Waitress on Wheels Event #G Page 1 of 3 Points: 10 points for every team member who adds an idea. Time: 9:20 - 9:40 20 minutes Material Required: • Pad of paper for each team. Presenter’s Notes Script The “moment of truth” is when YOU are interacting with the Customer at his or her door. That’s when our secret ingredient makes all the difference in the world. Think about some of the people who provide you service. For example, the person who cuts or styles your hair. What happens when your regular stylist is not available? Are you uncomfortable? Do you prefer to wait for your regular stylist to return? Do you tip your regular stylist more than someone you’ve never seen before? We believe that the interaction at the door is the most important part of the job because that is where YOU, as a representative of KFC, have an opportunity to make a personal connection with the Customer. When YOU treat a Customer as you would a friend or a member of your family, you develop a relationship with a Customer and gain their trust. When you have a Customer’s trust, you would never consider having them as the third delivery on a run. You wouldn’t do that to someone who is counting on you for a great Product. You know the third Chicken isn’t good enough for people you care about. That is the reason people prefer to do business with someone they know. That is how Customer loyalty is built. Think about everything you do in preparation for what happens at the door. It’s as if you’re putting on a play, and when the door opens, it’s like the curtain going up. When the door opens, it’s time to SHOW YOU C.A.R.E. 12-55
11 Waiter/Waitress on Wheels (Continued) Event #G Page 2 of 3 Points: 10 points for every team member who adds an idea Presenter’s Notes Script You’re not simply transporting a product and dropping it off. You’re getting ready to perform for people who are looking forward to seeing you. When you think about your job as a Waiter or Waitress on Wheels, it changes the way you look at what you do. You’re not in the transportation business. You’re in the service business. People in the service business find ways to always say “Yes” to their Customers. I want each of you to think about a time when you found a way to say “Yes” to a Customer when you personally demonstrated “The 6 Rules of Service.” When you either: 1. Surprised the Customer with a service difference 2. Acted as if service is your product 3. Delivered great service 4. Remembered the Customer is the measure of good service 5. Loved serving people, or 6. Were personally accountable for service I want you to team up with one other member of your team and share your own examples. I’ll give you about four minutes. That’s two minutes each, so share the time. OK. Time’s up. Now I want you to share the examples you each talked about with the rest of your group. You need to select one person to be the recorder and write down all of the examples. Try to collect at least one example from every member of your team. Allow about four minutes. 12-56
11 Waiter/Waitress on Wheels (Continued) Page 3 of 3 Presenter’s Notes Script Allow about four minutes. Be sure each team gets a chance to read their examples. Thank each team for their examples. Reinforce the best ones. Record Scores. I’ll give you about four minutes to collect the examples. OK. Time’s up. Now your Coach will award ten points for every member who contributed an example. Before we collect the scores, let’s hear some of the examples. I’ll give each team a chance to read four or five of their examples. Let’s start with Team ___________. Let’s collect the scores. After several Events, the leaders are (announce first, second, and third place teams) __________________ ___________ _______________. 12-57
12 Satisfaction Guaranteed Event #H Page 1 of 4 Points: See Presenter’s Notes, page 8-60. Time: 9:40 - 9:50 10 minutes Material Required: • Pad of paper for each team. Presenter’s Notes Script Well, our time is almost up, and the scores are pretty close. I think if we hurry we might have time for one last Event. This Event could change the ranking significantly. Although we have been talking about service, we can’t ignore the fact that the food is also pretty important. We know we have the best products, and we even have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. That guarantee covers product and service. Even with the guarantee, our guests tell us we don’t handle complaints very well. This is something we need to improve. It really is simple to do, particularly if you think about it this way: Whoever hears the complaint first should be the last. Customers don’t like having to complain more than once. And, if the team member who hears the complaint practices “LAST,” then he or she should be the last person to hear the complaint. Let me explain what I mean about practising LAST. LAST stands for: Listen, Apologise, Satisfy, and Thank. 12-58
12 Satisfaction Guaranteed (Continued) Page 2 of 4 Presenter’s Notes Script L - Listen: Sometimes we should just keep quiet and listen to what the customer has to say. It makes it so much easier to solve the problem if we take the time to find out what it is. A - Apologise: This sounds so simple, but it is actually something we often ignore. Most of the time our customer wants us to acknowledge that something is not right. Too often we get defensive and that just makes the customer angry. It is OK to apologise for any inconvenience we may have caused the customer. S - Satisfy: Believe it or not, if we did the first two: Listened & Apologised, we usually have satisfied the customer. Sometimes it takes more. If it does, we must do whatever it takes to satisfy the customer. Remember, the customer may not always be right, but the customer is ALWAYS the customer. And we want that customer to be our customer, not the competitor’s. T - Thank: Now, this may sound strange, but we should thank our guests for having the interest and taking the time to tell us when something is not right. That at least gives us a chance to fix it. If the customer didn’t value our relationship, they wouldn’t tell us. Thank the customer for helping us to serve them better. Maybe you can see how if the first person who hears a complaint uses LAST, then that person could easily be the last person to hear that complaint. 12-59
12 Satisfaction Guaranteed (Continued) Event #H Page 3 of 4 Presenter’s Notes Script OK. Now for the final Event. I’ll need a volunteer from each team. Go ahead and decide who it will be. I need all of the volunteers to come up front. I want to share with everyone some secret phrases that will really help to cool down an upset customer, and convince the customer that you want to help make things right. Here are the secret phrases. Volunteers, you should pay close attention because I’m going to ask you to use one of these phrases as part of the Event. Ready, here’s the secret phrases: “I made a mistake.” “You have a right to be angry.” “I agree with you.” “I apologise.” “I take full responsibility.” “Please allow me to fix this for you.” OK. Let’s start with the volunteer from the ________ team. Your team has _________ points. This Event is worth ____________ points. That would put you in first place. Remember that I want you to use one of the phrases I just quoted. The audience will be the judge. Remember that I’m the customer. “I’m angry as hell, and I’m not going to take it any more.” Well audience, how did he/she do? Did he/she use one of the phrases correctly? That puts the ___________ team at ____________ points. Show them where they should stand, facing you and the audience. Use the information on the Rally Tally board to fill in the blanks. Check to see how many points would be needed for the fourth or fifth placed teams to take over the first or second place. That’s how many points this event should be worth to keep everyone in the competition. Play the role: Act angry! Give volunteer a chance to respond. Let the audience response determine if the phrase used was acceptable. 12-60
12 Satisfaction Guaranteed (Continued) Event #H Page 4 of 4 Presenter’s Notes Script Pick the next lowest scoring team. Play the role: act angry! Give volunteer a chance to respond. Let the audience response determine if the phrase used was acceptable. Pick the next lowest scoring team. Continue picking the next lowest scoring team until you have given every team a chance. Let’s see who is next? That would be the __________________ team, with ______ points. ______ points would put them in first place. The same rules as before. Use one of the phrases. But this time you can’t use the same phrase as the one used before you. You have to use a different phrase. Remember that I’m the customer. “You are ten minutes late!” Well audience, how did he/she do? Did he/she use one of the phrases correctly? That puts the ______________ team at ______ points. Now let’s see who’s next? That would be the _______________ team, with ______ points. ______ points would put them in first place. The same rules as before. Use one of the phrases. Remember that you can’t use the same phrase as the ones used before you. You have to use a different phrase. Don’t forget, I’m the customer. Use one of these complaints or make up your own: “My last order was delivered cold.” “I don’t like it that you don’t accept credit cards.” “The last Rider wouldn’t take my coupon because she said it had expired.” “Didn’t I see you driving around the block for five minutes?” “I was on hold for five minutes.” “Why didn’t you bring the drinks I ordered?” 12-61
13 Wrap Up Page 1 of 3 Time: 9:50 - 10:00 10 minutes Material Required: • Prizes sorted and displayed. Presenter’s Notes Script Well, that about wraps it up for us. I promised to get you out of here by 10:00. I know some of you are heading into work, and some of you have other plans for the day. I want to take a few minutes and congratulate each and every one of you for your efforts here today. I really appreciate your attention and hard work. I get energised by the energy I saw displayed here today. I hope you had some fun, learned something about one another, or got to spend some time with friends you don’t see very often. I also hope that you understand how important you are to our Customers and to our business. You are the key performer in the “Door Show.” We need you to be prepared for work, aware of any safety risks out there. Also, we count on you providing Great Service ALL of the time. You are our Waiters or Waitresses on Wheels. WOW! I am looking forward to seeing how well you do on honouring the commitments you made to improve our “% Under 30.” Don’t get disappointed if you don’t see dramatic results right away. There are many roadblocks that can and do come up. We have to chisel away at them and get them out of our way. I also really hope the next time you get a chance, you will remember to use one of the phrases we learned today when a customer is upset. Use one of the phrases and see if it makes a difference on how easy it is to satisfy the customer. 12-62
13 Wrap Up (Continued) Page 2 of 3 Presenter’s Notes Script As you leave today, I want you to dream about your future at KFC: • Maybe it’s owning your very own POD and getting paid an incentive for building sales in that area. • A future where you are personally serving and building your own Customers in your POD, and calling your Customers back to make sure everything was great. • Where your Customers know you by name, trust you, and are loyal to you. • A future where you can have more direct influence on your own profitability. I don’t think that future is very far away. Oh, I almost forgot! Who won, and what do they get? Well, as far as I’m concerned, everyone won, and everyone should get something! So, let’s do it that way. I’ll let you know the rankings by team. I’ll start with the first place team and work my way down the list. When your team is announced, every team member should come up to the prize table, and you each get to pick one prize of your choice. You can pick any prize that you want - but just one. There are enough prizes for everyone. However, those teams that had the higher score get first choice. After you get your prize, you are free to go or you are more than welcome to help us finish off the refreshments. Once again, thank you for your participation today. It was fun for me, and I hope it was fun for you. I hope you learned something new that will help you deliver Excellent Home Service. 12-63
13 Wrap Up (Continued) Page 3 of 3 Presenter’s Notes Script • Make this fun. • Play some music in the background. • Shake hands with every Rider. • Thank and congratulate each Rider personally. Continue this until all teams have been recognised. OK, the team that came in first place with a score of ______ is the _____________ team from (location) ____________. Congratulations to the ______________ team. Let’s have a round of applause for them. Will all the members from the _______________ team please come up and pick a prize. OK, the second place team is _______________ from (location) ______, with a score of ______. Congratulations to the ______ team. Let’s have a round of applause for them. Will all the members from the __________________ team please come up and pick a prize. THE HOME SERVICE CHALLENGE NEVER ENDS! 12-64
Rider Rally T F T F Drive to Survive Quiz Answer each question below as either True or False. 1. Speed on the road, not in the restaurant. 2. Turn your vehicle off whenever you leave it. 3. Signal your turn at least 5 seconds before turning. 4. Take the back roads and least travelled routes to avoid traffic. 5. Stop so you can see the rear wheels of the vehicle in front of you. 6. Planning ahead is the best way to get pizzas to the customers quickly. 7. Walk slowly when making a delivery so customers can tell who you are. 8. As long as you pay them, speeding tickets will have no impact on your job. Rider Rally Drive to Survive Quiz Answer each question below as either True or False. 1. Speed on the road, not in the restaurant. 2. Turn your vehicle off whenever you leave it. 3. Signal your turn at least 5 seconds before turning. 4. Take the back roads and least travelled routes to avoid traffic. 5. Stop so you can see the rear wheels of the vehicle in front of you. 6. Planning ahead is the best way to get pizzas to the customers quickly. 7. Walk slowly when making a delivery so customers can tell who you are. 8. As long as you pay them, speeding tickets will have no impact on your job. 12-67
Drive to Survive Quiz Answer Key T F Answer each question below as either True or False. 1. Speed on the road, not in the restaurant. Speed happens in the restaurant, not on the road. 2. Turn your vehicle off whenever you leave it. . 3. Signal your turn at least 5 seconds before turning. 4. Take the back roads and least travelled routes to avoid traffic. Use well travelled roadways and the safest route. 5. Stop so you can see the rear wheels of the vehicle in front of you. 6. Planning ahead is the best way to get pizzas to the customers quickly. 7. Walk slowly when making a delivery so customers can tell who you are. Walk quickly and stay alert. 8. As long as you pay them, speeding tickets will have no impact on your job. Speeding causes accidents and can result in termination. 12-68
Vehicle Safety Check 12-69
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event After After After After After After After After A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H Events Event/Total Event/Total Event/Total Event/Total Event/Total Event/Total Event/Total Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Standings KFC Delivery Operations Toolkit Rally Tally 8-71 Points November 15, 1999 Team Name 12-71
Rider Rally Team Registration Form Unit #: ____________________ Location: _______________________________ Rally Team Name Be sure you are signing in on your unit’s Team Registration Form. Put a in the column if you are in complete uniform and/or were on-time. Rider Complete UniformOn-Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. To Score: 10 points each _________ uniform 10 points each _________ on-time 10 points each _________ with both _________ Total 12-72