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This PhD proposal aims to investigate how improving indoor environmental conditions in classrooms can enhance the alertness, vitality, and educational outcomes of teachers and students in higher education. The study will analyze the impact of upgrading classroom specifications, from quality class B to A and A+, on user interactions and educational results. The research will also evaluate the effectiveness of Dutch standards in indoor environment design for educational settings. Contact Henk W. Brink for more information.
how to create an Optimal Classroom Experience PHD Proposal Henk W. Brink Bron: Partnership for 21st Century skils, zd
Betrokken partijen Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Faculteit Bouwkunde Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Lectoraat FM, SIFM, KCNR, HG FB) • Henk W. Brink, MSc, promovendus (HG) • Prof. dr. HeliantheKort, promotor (TU/e, HU) • Dr. Mark Mobach, copromotor (HG, HH) • Dr. Marcel Loomans, copromotor (TU/e) Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
Onderzoeksmodel Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
Uitgangspunt Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
Voorbeeld Naast lucht en temperatuur zijn er ook normen geformuleerd voor geluid en licht (= Onafhankelijke Variabelen). Energieverbruik wordt niet meegenomen in het onderzoek Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
To what extend supports the Dutch standards related to indoor environmental conditions for classrooms the alertness and vitality of teachers and students in higher education, the quality of the lessons and knowledge transfer (dissemination, absorption), and education outcome (knowledge, skills)? And can educational outcome be positively influenced when state of the art innovations are applied to improve the indoor environment in classrooms in higher education? Hoofdvraag Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
Klaslokaal B Voldoetaancategorie B Klaslokaal A Voldoetaancategorie A Analyse van verschillenenmogelijkerelaties met onafhankelijkevariabelen Opzet experiment 1 InnovatiefKlaslokaal Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
Onderzoeksvragen fase 1-2 • What is the influence of the indoor environment on teachers and students in higher education? (desk research) • What is the influence on users, interactions, and outcome in a controlled setting when quality class B specifications will individually be improved to quality class A specifications? (quantitative, experimental and control groups Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
Onderzoeksvragen fase 3-4 • What is the influence on users, interactions, and outcome in a controlled setting when a classroom that meets quality class A specifications will individually be improved to a state of the art classroom (quality class A+)? (quantitative, experimental and control groups) • How effective are the Dutch specifications for the indoor environment with respect to the educational process and how can the outcome be improved and translated into a practice-based specification and measurement tool for higher education? (desk research, practice-based tests, interviews) Optimal Classroom Experience 17 mei 2018, Lectoraat FM
Dank voor jullie aandacht H.W. (Henk) Brink Facility Management Research Group Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, The Netherlands h.w.brink@pl.hanze.nl +31 (0)505952249