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Quick-Look Tool for Gravity Field Accuracy Investigation

This tool explores the trade-offs in achievable gravity field accuracy by tuning parameters such as observation types, orbit height, inclination, and sensor/system accuracy. It provides a quick assessment of formal error estimations and assessments in terms of global spherical harmonic functions.

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Quick-Look Tool for Gravity Field Accuracy Investigation

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  1. On the Quick-look-tool and formations T. Reubelt, N. Sneeuw Institute of GeodesyUniversity of Stuttgart

  2. Quick-look-tool • Capabilities • investigation of trade-offs wrt. achievable gravity field accuracy (tunable parameters): • observation types (ll-SST, SGG, orbit perturbations, potential, accelerations) and combinations of them • orbit height • inclination • sensor/system accuracy (white noise, coloured noise, frequency dependent, …) • duration of observation-interval • ll-SST intersatellite-separation

  3. Quick-look-tool • Limitations • formal error estimations only, assessments only in terms of global spherical harmonic functions • no inclusion of aliasing (spatial and temporal) and/or omission errors • idealized circular repeat orbits • limited complexity of ll-SST observations (only along-track ll-SST, difficult or impossible to establish for pendulum or cartwheel)

  4. Quick-look-tool Test-Cases investigation of trade-offs for requirements review (Task 1 Report): → basic scenario: GRACE-like-formation ● σρ_dot= 1 μm/s, ● h = 450 km, ● I = 89°, ● T = 30 days, ● ρ = 200 km

  5. Quick-look-tool

  6. Quick-look-tool

  7. Quick-look-tool

  8. Quick-look-tool

  9. Quick-look-tool

  10. Quick-look-tool • Results • larger spatial resolution with • lower orbit • higher sensor accuracy • larger intersatellite-separation (@ same sensor noise) • longer observation period • but: lower orbit doesn’t scale the accuracy of the solution, it only improves higher degrees l • too large intersatellite separation leads to common-mode effects in lower degree harmonics • for lower degrees (here: l < 100) ll-SST is more accurate than SGG • combination of ll-SST and SGG improves resolution • largest combination effect: two ll-SST sensors on different inclinations

  11. Space-time-sampling / repeat orbit •  revolutions in  nodal days •  and  relative primes (no common divisor) • repeat period • orbit period •  space-time scales of a single (/) repeat orbit: • - minimum spatial scale: • - minimum temporal scale:

  12. Space-time-sampling sampling theorems • Nyquist • Heisenberg

  13. /-repeat multi-groundtrack Interleaved ground-track -shift Space-time-sampling (Heisenberg)

  14. Space-time-sampling how many “sensors” ? Given spatial samling Dspace and temporal sampling Dtime • different (/)-repeat-modes possible to reach aim • single groundtrack-strategy (t-shift) • interleaved groundtrack-strategy (-shift) • minimum number of „sensors“ N : • worst case scenario, though

  15. Formations • Simulations • duration: 1 month • sampling: Δt = 10 s, • orbit height: h = 450 km (non-repeat), • static field EIGEN-GRACE02S, degree/order 50/50 • acceleration approach, σrhoddot = 10-8 m/s² (no other error sources)



  18. Formations

  19. Formations

  20. Formations (perigee drift of Cartwheel) behaviour of Cartwheel due to perigee drift (≈ 4° for a polar orbit) situation 23 days later : radial ll-SST over poles situation at time t0: radial ll-SST over equator

  21. Formations (perigee drift of Cartwheel) radial ll-SST over equatorial regions (-16° < φ < 16°) radial ll-SST over polar regions (φ > 74°) (results from 8-day solutions)

  22. Formations • Results • advanced formation types improve the isotropy and sensitivity of measurements and thus lead to higher gravity field accuracy • The technical realisation of advanced formations are more difficult and expensive (formation control, Doppler effects, laser pointing, …) • GRACE, PENDULUM, CARTWHEEL are stable in Hill-frame, LISA changes in Hill-frame (→ changing sensitivity and isotropy?) • CARTWHEEL-behaviour (radial vs. along-track signal) changes due to perigee-drift (4° per day): • good for static gravity field • undesired for time-variable gravity field (changing isotropy, GRACE-like striping pattern for certain points of time) • for I = = 63.4349° / 116.5651° no perigee-drift, • homogeneous CARTWHEEL, useful in Bender formation ?

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