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Understanding Food Additives: Safety, Regulation, and Risks

Explore the world of food additives through safety testing, regulation, and potential risks. Learn about common additives such as E131, E104, E120, E415, E160a, E627, E621, E904, and E120.

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Understanding Food Additives: Safety, Regulation, and Risks

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  2. EINE KLEINE INTRODUCTION • "All things are poisons; nothing is without poison; only the dose determines whether there is a harmful effect". Paracelsus (16th Century Philosopher) • Use of food additives is controlled by law • Extensive check on the safety

  3. SAFETY TESTING • Tests on animals • How reacts additive in body • Checking chances of genetic damages • Find level of an additive that has no observable harmful effect.

  4. REGULATION • EU law states that food additives are allowed only if: • they present no hazard to health at the level used in foods • a reasonable need for the additive can be demonstrated (e.g. in the processing or preservation of food) • they do not mislead the consumer

  5. JUICE E131 (Patent Blue V) May cause allergic reactions It is not recommended for children Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through skin. Banned in USA, Norway and Australia E104, 202, 338 can also be found

  6. RED BULL Glucuronolactone (stimulator) Rumours about causing brain tumor Proven to be false Used as detoxicant according to merck index(1668). Caffeine, taurin, E150c,d

  7. YOGHURT E120 (Carmine) Produced by some scale insects Used also in cosmetic products Problem for vegetarians In Europe allowed only for certain groups of foodstuffs E951, 163

  8. MAYONNAISE E415 (Xanthan gum) thickener Produced by fermentation of glucose or sucrose by the Xanthomonas campestris bacterium Causes allergic reactions

  9. MARGARINE E160a (β-Carotene) Carotenodermia

  10. CRISPS Disodium guanylate (E627) flavour enhancer Not safe for babies under 12 weeks Should be avoided asthmatics and people with gout. Produced from dried fish or seaweed Disodium inosinate (E631)-similar E471 mono- and diglycerides (emulsifier)

  11. CRISPS(MSG) Mono sodium glutamate E621 (flavour enhancer) Improving taste As neurotransmitter in brain Produced with bacterial fermentation In larger quantities in older cheese and soy

  12. CANDIES Shellac E904 Used for shiny look Produced from insects (vegetarians) Carminic acid E120colouring agent Also produced from insects (vegetarians) E141, 171 (Wimbledon) E903, 901 (waxes)

  13. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Have a nice day

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