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Precision Physics of Flavour in Light and Heavy Sectors

Explore the latest advancements in particle physics, including SM parameters, light sector investigations, heavy flavor studies, and search for new physics. Efforts to measure deviations from the Standard Model and uncover NP beyond SM limits. Stay updated with breakthroughs in neutrino interactions, flavor violation, and CP violation in charm and beauty sectors.

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Precision Physics of Flavour in Light and Heavy Sectors

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  1. Flavor and Precision Physics exp‘s Bostjan Golob University of Ljubljana/ Jozef Stefan Institute alsowith Introduction lightsector (m‘s, K‘s) p.3 - 6 t‘s p.7 - 8 charm p. 9-11 beauty p. 12-20 “Jozef Stefan” Institute University of Ljubljana The 27th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos Bari 03 - 08 June 2019

  2. Introduction Flavourphysics SM Parameters (mn = 0): aEM, aQCD, qW3 Higgs l, v 2 quark & l masses 9 CKM 4 * MP: Mature Physics NP: New Physics Precision (particle) physics SM calculation / exp. meas‘s → within SM (MP*) determinationof param. → beyond SM (NP) limits on NP parameter space J. Haller et al., Eur. Phys. J. C78, 675 (2018) S. Fajfer, N. Košnik, PLB755, 270 (2016) BigBang Theory, CBS scientific advisor: Prof. David Saltzberg, UCLA EXP. SM

  3. LightSector CLFV Charged Lepton FlavorViolation MP NP EFT L: NP energy scale L >~O(104TeV) MEG II data acquisitonfrom 2020 in 3 years Br(m→eg)~O(10- 52) LXe MEG, PSI 3 108 m/s F. Feruglio et al., EPJ C75, 579 (2015) DC M. De Gerone, EPJ 73, 07002 (2014) Br(m→eg) < 4.2 10 -13 Brexp(m→eg) < 610 -14

  4. LightSector (g-2)m manomalousmagnetic moment MP NP E821 exp., BNL E989 Exp., FNAL: 4x better precision, new results expected this summer flavor violating part of NP operator: m→eg flavor conserving part of same operator: amNP s(am)/am~510-7 3.7s 7s Y.Kuno, EPPSU2019, may 2019 G.W. Bennet et al. (mg-2Coll.), PRD 73, 072003 (2006)

  5. Light Sector Kaons Kaonmixing, CPV indirect CPV (in mixing, mainlyK→ p l n): eK≠ 0 NP eK→ L>~O(104TeV); direct CPV (in decay, mainlyK→ p p): eK‘ ≠ 0 MP Re(eK‘/eK)=(16.4 1.9) 10-4 [Re(eK‘/eK)]SM=(15 7) 10-4 (5 2) 10-4 NP? KaonRaredecays talk by C. Biino KTeV (2004), KLOE (2006), NA48 (2007) 17 11 <300 (90% C.L) 3.0 0.3 Y. Nir, EPPSU2019, Granada, may2019 M. Sozzi, EPPSU2019, Granada, may2019 talk by K. Yamamoto KOTO @ J-PARC KL→ p0nn n g KTeV (2004), NA48 (2007) g CsI H. Gisbert, A. Pich, arXiv:1712.06147 n A.J. Buras, arXiv:1805.11096 KL(+6x n, 7x g ) bkg.: ninduced hadron clusters in CsI

  6. Light Sector Kaons Kaon Rare decays E949 exp. @ BNL Measurement is continued by NA62@CERN; To reach ~10% relative accuracy by ~2022 K+→ p+ nn A.V. Artamonov et al. (E949 Coll.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 191802 (2008) 17 11 <300 (90% C.L) 3.0 0.3 M. Sozzi, EPPSU2019, Granada, may2019 KOTO @ J-PARC Used 2015 data This year new limit with 2016-18 data data taking still continuing KL→ p0nn M. Sozzi, EPPSU2019, Granada, may2019 talk by R. Lollini

  7. t leptons t Lepton Flavor Universality LFU is essential ingredient of SM many individual tests of NP xx : saturate uncertainty B‘(t  e n n): ALEPH@LEP tt : Belle@KEKB mt : BESIII@BEPCII A.Lusiani, EPPSU2019, may 2019 W - l= e-,m-,t - n gt/ gem=1.0020 ± 0.0013

  8. t leptons t Lepton Flavor Violation talk by C. Meaux talk by R. Venditti A.Lusiani, EPPSU2019, may 2019 CLEO Belle/BaBar Belle II/HL-LHC t  mg at e+e- t+t- backgrounds from e+e- m+m-g andt  mnn + noise g BrUL1/L t  3m at e+e- t+t- almost background free BrUL1/L

  9. Charm CPV Charmmixing & CP Violation mainplayers in heavyflavorstoday: LHCb @ LHC, Belle II @ SuperKEKB, BESIII @ BEPCII D0mixingestablished in 2007 by Belle & BaBar x=Dm/m, y=DG/2G CPV in charmsystemtiny lookingforNP sourcesof CPV talk by A. Rusov talk by R. Krishnakumar s ~ 3.7 GeV y(x)(D0D0, D+D-,…) L = 1033 cm-2 s-1 e- e+ mainlymeasurements byLHCb, Belle, BaBar A. Bevan, B. Golob, et al., ThePhysicsof B Factories, Springer (2014)

  10. Charm CPV Charmmixing & CP Violation CPV in decay: experimentallydemanding: ~ O(10-3)  systematicuncertainties tagging: D*+→ D0p+ talk by M. Martinelli R, Aaij et al. (LHCbColl.), arXiv:1903.08726 DACP=ACPK+K- - ACPp+p- taggingalso: B →D0m -X firstobservationof CPV in charm MP DACP=(-15.4 ± 2.9)  10-4 B.R. Ko et al. (Belle Coll.), PRL 109, 021601 (2012) ACPKSp+=(-36.3 ± 11.5)  10-4 K0asymm.

  11. Charm decays n Ds(ST) Charmdecays Ds+→ m+n BES III: s=4.178 GeV, e+e-→ DsDs* Ds* Ds talk by M. Rotondo m g, p0 Doubletaggedevent fDs=252.9 ± 3.7 ± 3.6 MeV or |Vcs|=0.985 ± 0.014 ± 0.014 (|Vcd/Vcs|=0.2191 ± 0.027 ± 0.009) fDsLQCD=249.9± 0.4 MeV A. Bazavov et al. (FermilabLatt.& MILC Coll.), PRD 98, 074512 (2018) |Vcd/Vcs|fit=0.23047 ± 0.00045 MP M. Tanabashi et al. (PDG), PRD 98, 030001 (2018) M. Ablikim et al. (BESIII Coll.), PRL 122, 071802 (2019)

  12. Beauty CPV B e- e+ Dz ~cbgtB ~ 200mm B Energy: TEST of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa B-Factories, e+e-: BaBar (SLAC)/Belle (KEK)1999 – 2010 Belle II (KEK) 2018 – MS e+e-  q q, l+l - (q=u,d,s,c; l=e,m,t) √s=10.58 GeV U(4S) U(4S) n.b.: only to Dmd 32 measurements contribute! p(e-)=7GeV p(e+)=4GeV bg≠0

  13. Beauty CPV • TEST of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa • joint analysis of Belle & BaBar data • 1.24 109BB pairs • B0  D0(KSp+p -) h0 • h0=p0,h,w • enables determination of cos2b • (not only sin2b as in B0  J/yKS ) Btag=B0 Btag=B0 mp+p-~ r(770) mKsp~ K*(892) cos2b =0.91± 0.22 ± 0.09 ± 0.07 (model) I. Adachi et al. (BaBar & Belle Coll.), PRL 121, 261801 (2018) B0 J/yKS (b  ccs) Belle: sS~0.03 Belle II: sS ~ 0.004

  14. Beauty CPV TEST of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa LHCb @ LHC: measurement of bs in Bs J/yf R. Aaij et al. (LHCb Coll.), New J. Phys. 15 053021 (2013) Bs Dsp oscillations huge s(pp  ccX)=6 mb, s(pp  bbX)=0.3 mb detector acc. ~40% for Xb, Xc Si vertex det.: st ~50 fs LHCb Coll., LHCb-PAPER- 2019-013 (in preparation) DGs [ps-1] MS bs [rad]

  15. Beauty LFU TESTS of LFU in B decays; HL,T : form factorsparametrizing unknown QCD effects cancelationof some theoreticalandsyst. uncertainties b c W - l= e-, m-,t - u D(*)0 B- n R(D*)SM = 0.252 ±0.003 S.Fajfer et al., Phys.Rev.D85(2012) 094025 R(D)SM= 0.300 ±0.008 H. Na et al., Phys.Rev.D 92, 054410 (2015)

  16. Beauty LFU TESTS of LFU Br(B →Dln) ~ 2% problem? Btagreconstruction e+e-→ U(4S) → BtagBsig hfromBsig→hX; no extraenergy in calorim.; signalEECL~0; Btagreconstruction NeuroBayes, neuralnetwork erec~0,5% talk by M. Rozanska D(*)0 B- talk by S. Palestini neutrinos! (B →Dt(→ enent)nt) l=e-,m-,t - e+ n n BtagBsig e-

  17. Beauty LFU exampleofmeasurement talk by A. Passeri detected hadrons Btag Belle, PRD92, 072014(2015), 700 fb-1 e+ e- n Bsig K- D(*) p + l singlen Mmiss2=Mn2 0 Nsig=503 D* t n Nsig=320 D t n Nsig~ 3800 D* l n Nsig~ 3150 D ln systematicchecks: bkg‘sfromB  D** ( D* p )l n ; selectD* p l n decays checksofdistributions D**l n R(D)= 0.375±0.064±0.026 R(D*) = 0.293±0.038±0.015

  18. Beauty LFU combination od measurements last year‘ssituation new (most precise) meas. by Belle talk by J. Matias thisyear D*+l - average 4s SM A. Abdesselam et al. (BelleColl.), arXiv:1904.08794 R(D)= 0.307±0.037 ±0.016 R(D*) = 0.283±0.018 ±0.014 NP

  19. Beauty LFU l - B → K(*)l+ l - R(K(*))= B(B K(*)m+m-) / B(B K(*)e+e-) talk by J.G. Pardinas ql qK* B LHCbColl., LHCb-Paper-2019-009 p K* K l + K+e+e- RK=1 K+m+m- q2=m2(l + l -) NP

  20. Beauty anomalies l - angular distrib. B → K*m+ m- P5‘: one of ang. distr. variables w/ reduced th. uncertainty several b  smmprocesses Bs→ fm+ m- B0→ K0m+ m- ql LHCbColl., JHEP09 179 (2015) qK* B p K K* l + LHCbColl.,JHEP 06 133 (2014) NP LHCbColl., JHEP02 104 (2016) Belle Coll., PRL118 111801 (2017) Atlas Coll., JHEP10 047 (2018) CMS Coll., PLB781 517 (2018) new data from LHCb / Belle II being recorded as we speak

  21. Summary • Experim. flavor / precision phys. covering all generations of fermions • Looking for hints of NP scale also in view of the next large collider • At least one detector at such a collider to be able to perform flavor physics mesurements (PID,...) NP energy scale A. Crivellin, Corfu, Sep 2017 n.b.: coupling constants O(1)

  22. Beauty LFU A. Abdesselam et al. (BelleColl.), arXiv:1904.08794 Belle Semileptonictagging D*+l → D*0l → full NN range signal NN range NN: signal/normalization EECL: signal+normaliz. / bkg. fit: D(*)tn, D(*) l n, feeddownfromD(*)l (t)n, D**l (t)n, otherbkg., shapefrom MC

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