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Economics 2: Spring 2014

Economics 2: Spring 2014. J. Bradford DeLong < jbdelong@berkeley.edu >; Maria Constanza Ballesteros < mc.ballesteros@berkeley.edu >; Connie Min < conniemin@berkeley.edu > http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/econ-2-spring-2014/. Economics 2: Spring 2014: Administrivia.

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Economics 2: Spring 2014

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  1. Economics 2: Spring 2014 J. Bradford DeLong <jbdelong@berkeley.edu>; Maria Constanza Ballesteros <mc.ballesteros@berkeley.edu>; Connie Min <conniemin@berkeley.edu> http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/econ-2-spring-2014/

  2. Economics 2: Spring 2014: Administrivia http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/econ-1-spring-2012/ February 3, 2014, 4-5:30 101 Barker, U.C. Berkeley

  3. Do You Have and Have You Registered Your i>Clicker? • A. Yes • B. No. • C. What’s an i>Clicker?

  4. Daily Reading… • Jeff Sachs once told us younglings that the Financial Times <http://ft.com> was "the real newspaper... the newspaper you all need to be reading if you want to become economists..." IMHO, he was correct. • Here we have Emiko Terazono talking about supply, demand, market equilibrium--and the consequences of a shift in preferences that strengthens demand: the dance between nut-snackers in the North Atlantic's, China's, and India's middle classes, cashew traders and brokers, and the cashew farmers of Africa: • Emiko Terazono, “Courted for cashews, west African farmers gain strength…” <http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/69fbe18a-8203-11e3-87d5-00144feab7de.html> • Other further reading this week: • Ernst Fehr and Antonio Rangel, “Neuroeconomic Foundations of Economic Choice--Recent Advances” <http://www.rnl.caltech.edu/publications/pdf/fehr2011.pdf> • David Colander, “Retrospectives: Edgeworth's Hedonimeter and the Quest to Measure Utility” <http://sandcat.middlebury.edu/econ/repec/mdl/ancoec/0723.pdf>

  5. Announcements and Exhortations • Hand in Problem Set 1 on Wednesday… • Read Essentials, chapter 4 "Price Controls and Quotas: Meddling with the Market” • And if you haven’t read Essentials, chapter 2, 3, and 5, "Economic Models: Trade-Offs and Trade” "Supply and Demand” and "Elasticity and Taxation”, do so… • I’m not going to have confidence in bCourses this spring: • So take a look at <http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/econ-2-spring-2014/>: that is where the course website is going to be... • Waitlist update…

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