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Why study Financial Markets and Institutions? They are the cornerstones of the overall financial system in which financial managers operate ...
Slide 1:GESTIÓN BANCARIA Master en Banca y Finanzas Cuantitativas (QF), 2007
Santiago Carbó Valverde
Universidad de Granada
Slide 3:Santiago Carbó Valverde
Universidad de Granada
Materiales docentes en:
Slide 4:Esquema de trabajo:
Transparencias en inglés
Presentaciones de papers en clase
Examen final
Referencia básica:
Slide 7:Why study Financial Markets and Institutions? They are the cornerstones of the overall financial system in which financial managers operate
Individuals use both for investing
Corporations and governments use both for financing
Slide 8:Overview of Financial Markets Primary Markets versus Secondary Markets
Money Markets versus Capital Markets
Foreign Exchange Markets
Slide 9:Primary Markets versus Secondary Markets Primary Markets
markets in which users of funds (e.g. corporations, governments) raise funds by issuing financial instruments (e.g. stocks and bonds)
Secondary Markets
markets where financial instruments are traded among investors (e.g. Bolsa Madrid, NYSE, NASDAQ)
Slide 10:Money Markets versus Capital Markets Money Markets
markets that trade debt securities with maturities of one year or less (e.g. Spanish Government bonds, U.S. Treasury bills)
Capital Markets
markets that trade debt (bonds) and equity (stock) instruments with maturities of more than one year
Slide 11:Money Market Instruments Outstanding, 1990-1999 ($Bn)
Slide 12:Capital Market Instruments Outstanding, 1990-1999 ($Bn)
Slide 13:Foreign Exchange Markets “FX” markets deal in trading one currency for another (e.g. dollar for yen)
The “spot” FX transaction involves the immediate exchange of currencies at the current exchange rate
The “forward” FX transaction involves the exchange of currencies at a specified date in the future and at a specified exchange rate
Slide 14:Overview of Financial Institutions (FIs) Institutions that perform the essential function of channeling funds from those with surplus funds to those with shortages of funds (e.g. banks, thrifts, insurance companies, securities firms and investment banks, finance companies, mutual funds, pension funds)
Slide 15:Flow of Funds in a World without FIs: Direct Transfer
Slide 16:Flow of Funds in a world with FIs: Indirect transfer
Slide 17:Types of FIs Commercial banks
depository institutions whose major assets are loans and major liabilities are deposits
Thrifts and savings banks
depository institutions in the form of savings banks, savings and loans, credit unions, credit cooperatives
Insurance companies
financial institutions that protect individuals and corporations from adverse events
Slide 18:Securities firms and investment banks
financial institutions that underwrite securities and engage in securities brokerage and trading
Finance companies
financial institutions that make loans to individuals and businesses
Mutual Funds
financial institutions that pool financial resources and invest in diversified portfolios
Pension Funds
financial institutions that offer savings plans for retirement
Slide 19:Services Performed by Financial Intermediaries Monitoring Costs
aggregation of funds provides greater incentive to collect a firm’s information and monitor actions
Liquidity and Price Risk
provide financial claims to savers with superior liquidity and lower price risk
Slide 20:Transaction Cost Services
transaction costs are reduced through economies of scale
Maturity Intermediation
greater ability to bear risk of mismatching maturities of assets and liabilities
Denomination Intermediation
allow small investors to overcome constraints imposed to buying assets imposed by large minimum denomination size
Slide 21:Services Provided by FIs Benefiting the Overall Economy Money Supply Transmission
Depository institutions are the conduit through which monetary policy actions impact the economy in general
Credit Allocation
often viewed as the major source of financing for a particular sector of the economy (e.g. farming and real estate)
Slide 22:Intergenerational Wealth Transfers
life insurance companies and pension funds provide savers with the ability to transfer wealth from one generation to the next
Payment Services
efficiency with which depository institutions provide payment services directly benefits the economy
Slide 23:Risks Faced by Financial Institutions Interest Rate Risk
Foreign Exchange Risk
Market Risk
Credit Risk
Liquidity Risk
Off-Balance-Sheet Risk
Technology Risk
Operation Risk
Country or Sovereign Risk
Insolvency Risk
Slide 24:Regulation of Financial Institutions FIs provide vital financial services to all sectors of the economy; therefore, their regulation is in the public interest
In an attempt to prevent their failure and the failure of financial markets overall
Slide 25:Globalization of Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets became more global as the value of stocks traded in foreign markets soared
Foreign bond markets have served as a major source of international capital
Globalization also evident in the derivative securities market
Slide 26:Factors Leading to Significant Growth in Foreign Markets The pool of savings from foreign investors has increased
International investors have turned to U.S. and other markets to expand their investment opportunities
Information on foreign investments and markets is now more accessible (e.g. internet)
Some mutual funds allow ability to invest in foreign securities with low transaction costs
Deregulation has enhanced globalization of capital flows
Slide 28:Why Are Financial Intermediaries Special? Objectives:
Develop the tools needed to measure and manage the risks of FIs.
Explain the special role of FIs in the financial system and the functions they provide.
Explain why the various FIs receive special regulatory attention.
Discuss what makes some FIs more special than others.
Slide 29:Without FIs
Slide 30:FIs’ Specialness Without FIs: Low level of fund flows.
Information costs:
Economies of scale reduce costs for FIs to screen and monitor borrowers
Less liquidity
Substantial price risk
Slide 31:With FIs
Slide 32:Financial Structure Puzzles: a way to explain the role of FIs stocks are not the most important source of external financing for businesses
issuing debt and equity is not the main way that businesses finance operations
indirect financing is more important than direct financing
banks are the most important source of external funds for businesses
financial industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries
only large, well-known firms have access to the securities markets
collateral is an important part of debt contracts for businesses and households
debt contracts are complex and often contain many restrictions for the borrower
Slide 33:Transaction Costs information and other transaction costs in financial system can be substantial
How do transaction costs affect investing?
How can financial intermediaries reduce transaction costs?
Slide 34:Asymmetric Information one party to a transaction has better information to make decisions than the other party
asymmetric information in financial market causes two main problems
adverse selection
moral hazard
Slide 35:Adverse Selection asymmetric information problem that occurs prior to a transaction
examples of adverse selection
result of adverse selection is that lenders may decide not to make loans if they can not distinguish between “good” and “bad” credit risks
Slide 36:Moral Hazard asymmetric information problem that occurs after a transaction
risk that borrower will undertake risky activities that will increase the probability of default
result of moral hazard is that lenders may decide not to make a loan
Slide 37:Lemons Problem idea presented in article by George Akerlof in terms of lemons in used car market
used car buyers are unable to determine quality of car - good car or lemon?
What amount is buyer willing to pay for this used car of unknown quality?
How can buyer improve information on quality?
Slide 38:Lemons Problem in Stock and Bond Market asymmetric information prevents investors from identifying good and bad firms
What price will these investors pay for stock?
Who has better information about the firm?
Which firms will “come to the market” for financing under these conditions?
Slide 39:Principal-Agent Problem define the principal-agent problem
Who is the principal and who is the agent?
What problem does a separation of ownership and control cause?
How could we prevent principal-agent problem?
Slide 40:Solutions to Financing Puzzles lemons or adverse selection problem tells why marketable securities are not the primary source of financing
situation is similar in corporate bond market
tells why stocks are not the most important source of external financing
Slide 41:More Solutions to Financial Structure Puzzles importance of financial intermediaries explains importance of indirect financing
explains why banks are most important source of external financing
explains why markets are only available to large, well-known firms
Slide 42:Functions of FIs Brokerage function
Acting as an agent for investors:
e.g. Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab
Reduce costs through economies of scale
Encourages higher rate of savings
Asset transformer:
Purchase primary securities by selling financial claims to households
These secondary securities often more marketable
Slide 43:Role of FIs in Cost Reduction Information costs:
Investors exposed to Agency Costs
Role of FI as Delegated Monitor (Diamond, 1984)
Shorter term debt contracts easier to monitor than bonds
FI likely to have informational advantage
Slide 44:Services Performed by FIs Monitoring Costs
Liquidity and Price Risk
Transaction Cost Services
Maturity Intermediation
Denomination Intermediation
Slide 45:Services Provided by FIs Money Supply Transmission
Credit Allocation
Intergenerational Wealth Transfers
Payment Services
Slide 46:Regulation of FIs Regulation is not costless
Net regulatory burden.
Safety and soundness regulation
Monetary policy regulation
Credit allocation regulation
Consumer protection regulation
Investor protection regulation
Entry regulation
Slide 47:Changing Dynamics of Specialness Trends in the United States
Decline in share of depository institutions.
Increases in pension funds and investment companies.
May be attributable to net regulatory burden imposed on depository FIs.
Technological changes affect delivery of financial services and regulatory issues
Potential for regulations to be extended to hedge funds
Result of Long Term Capital Management disaster
Slide 48:Future Trends Weakening of public trust and confidence in FIs may encourage disintermediation
Increased merger activity within and across sectors
Citicorp and Travelers, UBS and Paine Webber
More large scale mergers such as J.P. Morgan and Chase, and Bank One and First Chicago
Growth in Online Trading
Increased competition from foreign FIs at home and abroad
Mergers involving world’s largest banks
Mergers blending together previously separate financial services sectors
Slide 50:“It is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” Sir Winston Churchill
Slide 51:What are Financial Intermediaries (FIs)? Financial Securities: contingent claims on future cash flows – debt, equity, derivatives, hybrids.
All firms’ liabilities & net worth are predominately comprised of financial securities.
But most firms hold real assets such as inventory, plant & equipment, buildings.
FIs’ assets are predominately comprised of financial securities.
Slide 52:Transparent, Transluscent and Opaque FIs
Slide 53:What Services Do FIs Provide? Information
Reduced Transaction Costs
Transmission of Monetary Policy
Credit Allocation
Payment Services
Intergenerational Wealth Transfer
Slide 54:FIs are the most regulated of all firms Safety and Soundness Regulation
Deposit Insurance
Monetary Policy Regulation
Reserve Requirements
Credit Allocation Regulation (eg., mortgages)
Consumer Protection Regulation
Community Reinvestment Act, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Truth in Lending Protection
Investor Protection Regulation
Entry Regulation
Slide 55:Types of FIs Depository Institutions
Insurance Companies
Securities Firms and Investment Banks
Mutual Funds
Finance Companies
Distinctions blurred by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 that created Financial Holding Companies (FHCs).
Slide 56:Features Common to Most FIs High Amount of Financial Leverage
Low equity/assets ratios. Capital requirements.
Off-balance sheet items
Contingent claims that under certain circumstances may eventually become balance sheet items (ex. Derivatives, commitments)
Revenue: Interest Income & Fees
Costs: Interest Expenses and Personnel
Slide 57:Depository Institutions Commercial Banks: accept deposits and make loans to consumers and businesses.
Money Center Banks: Citigroup, Bank of NY, BankOne, Bankers Trust (Deutschebank), JP Morgan Chase and HSBC Bank USA.
Savings Associations (S&Ls)
Qualified Thrift Lender (QTL) mortgages must exceed 65% of thrift’s assets.
Savings Banks
Use deposits to fund mortgages & other assets.
Credit Unions and Credit cooperatives
Nonprofit mutually owned institutions (owned by depositors).
Slide 58:Overview of Depository Institutions In this segment, we explore the depository FIs:
Size, structure and composition
Balance sheets and recent trends
Regulation of depository institutions
Depository institutions performance
Slide 59:Products of FIs Comparing the products of FIs in 1950, to products of FIs in 2003:
Much greater distinction between types of FIs in terms of products in 1950 than in 2003
Blurring of product lines and services over time
Wider array of services offered by all FI types
Slide 60:Specialness of Depository FIs Products on both sides of the balance sheet
Business and Commercial
Slide 61:Other outputs of depository FIs Other products and services 1950:
Payment services, Savings products, Fiduciary services
By 2003, products and services further expanded to include:
Underwriting of debt and equity, Insurance and risk management products
Slide 62:Size of Depository FIs Consolidation has created some very large FIs
Combined effects of disintermediation, global competition, regulatory changes, technological developments, competition across different types of FIs
Slide 63:Largest Depository Institutions in the US Citigroup $1,208.9
J.P. Morgan Chase* 770.9
Bank of America** 736.4
Wells Fargo 393.9
Wachovia 388.0
Bank One* 326.6
Washington Mutual 275.2
Fleet Boston** 200.2
U.S. Bancorp 188.8
SunTrust Banks 181.0
Slide 64:Organization of Depository Institutions Commercial Banks
Largest depository institutions are commercial banks.
Differences in operating characteristics and profitability across size classes.
Notable differences in ROE and ROA as well as the spread
Savings Banks
Credit Unions
Mix of very large banks with very small banks
Slide 65:Functions & Structural Differences Functions of depository institutions
Regulatory sources of differences across types of depository institutions.
Structural changes generally resulted from changes in regulatory policy.
Example: changes permitting interstate branching
Reigle-Neal Act (1994) in the US
In Spain, deregulation in 1989 concerning savings banks operations
Slide 66:Commercial Banks Primary assets:
Real Estate Loans: $2,272.3 billion
C&I loans: $870.6 billion
Loans to individuals: $770.5 billion
Investment security portfolio: $1,789.3 billion
Of which, Treasury bonds: $1,005.8 billion
Inference: Importance of Credit Risk
Slide 67:Commercial Banks Primary liabilities:
Deposits: $5,028.9 billion
Borrowings: $1,643.3 billion
Other liabilities: $238.2 billion
Highly leveraged
Slide 68:Small Banks, US
Slide 69:Large Banks, US
Slide 70:Structure and Composition Shrinking number of banks:
14,416 commercial banks in 1985
12,744 in 1989
7,769 in 2004
Mostly the result of Mergers and Acquisitions
M&A prevented prior to 1980s, 1990s
Consolidation has reduced asset share of small banks
Slide 71:Structure & Composition of Commercial Banks Financial Services Modernization Act 1999
Allowed full authority to enter investment banking (and insurance)
Limited powers to underwrite corporate securities have existed only since 1987
Slide 72:Composition of Commercial Banking Sector Community banks
Regional and Super-regional
Access to federal funds market to finance their lending activities
Money Center banks
Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank (Bankers Trust), Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase, HSBC Bank USA
declining in number
Slide 73:Balance Sheet and Trends Business loans have declined in importance
Offsetting increase in securities and mortgages
Increased importance of funding via commercial paper market
Securitization of mortgage loans
Slide 74:Some Terminology Transaction accounts
Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) accounts (“cuenta a la vista”)
Money Market Mutual Fund
Negotiable CDs (“certificados de depósito”): Fixed-maturity interest bearing deposits with face values over $100,000 that can be resold in the secondary market.
Slide 75:Off-balance Sheet Activities Heightened importance of off-balance sheet items
Large increase in derivatives positions is a major issue
Standby letters of credit
Loan commitments
When-issued securities
Loans sold
Slide 76:Trading and Other Risks Allied Irish / Allfirst Bank
$750 million loss (2001)
National Australian Bank
$450 million loss (2004)
Failure of the U.K. investment bank Barings
The Bankruptcy of Orange County in California.
Slide 77:Other Fee-generating Activities Trust services
Correspondent banking
Check clearing
Foreign exchange trading
Participation in large loan and security issuances
Payment usually in terms of noninterest bearing deposits
Slide 78:Key Regulatory Agencies FDIC and the Office of the Comprotroller of the Currency in the US.
European Central Bank
National central banks
National Governments
Regional Governments
Slide 79:Web Resources For more detailed information on the regulators, visit:
Slide 80:Banking and Ethics Some cases for the US:
Bank of America and Fleet Boston Financial 2004
J.P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup 2003 role in Enron
Riggs National Bank and money laundering concerns 2003
Slide 81:Savings Institutions Comprised of:
Savings and Loans Associations
Savings Banks
Effects of moral hazard and regulator forbearance. Quite a debate worldwhile.
Slide 82:Savings Institutions: Recent Trends Industry is smaller overall
Intense competition from other FIs
mortgages for example
Concern for future viability in certain countries.
Slide 83:Credit Unions Nonprofit depository institutions owned by member-depositors with a common bond.
Exempt from taxes and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) in the US.
Expansion of services offered in order to compete with other FIs.
Very important in certain European countries (Germany, Spain).
Slide 84:Global Issues Near crisis in Japanese Banking
Eight biggest banks reported positive six-month profits
Deterioration, NPLs (nonperforming loans) at 50% levels
Opening to foreign banks (WTO entry)
German bank problems in early 2000s
Implications for future competitiveness
Slide 85:Largest Banks in the World
Slide 87:Commercial Banks Represent the largest group of depository institutions measured by asset size.
Perform functions similar to those of savings institutions and credit unions - they accept deposits (liabilities) and make loans (assets)
Liabilities include nondeposit sources of funds such as subordinated notes and debentures
Loans are broader in range, including consumer, commercial, international, and real estate
Slide 88:Differences in Balance Sheets
Slide 89:Commercial Bank Balance Sheet
Slide 90:Commercial Bank Balance Statement (liabilities)
Slide 91:The importance of lending (I) The history of banking institutions is the history of lending itself.
Banks solve asymmetric information problems through lending.
The relevance of lending is not exclusive of commercial banks. It is even more important at other depository instituions (in relative terms).
Slide 92:The importance of lending (II) Lending and the resolution of asymmetric information problems are usually studied within an IO perspective.
A large amount of contracts is needed to achieve efficiency and to solve asymmetric information problems: relevance of scale and scope economies and efficiency.
Slide 93:Economies of Scale and Scope Economies of scale - the degree to which a firm’s average unit costs of producing financial services fall as its output of services increase
Economies of scope - the degree to which a firm can generate cost synergies by producing multiple financial service products
Megamerger - the merger of banks with assets of $1 billion or more
X efficiencies - cost savings due to the greater managerial efficiency of the acquiring firm
Slide 94:Measuring Economies of Scale
Slide 95:Economies of Scale and the Effect of Technology Improvement
Slide 96:Economies of Scope By offering more services to a given customer;
revenue can be enhanced
costs can be reduced
Cost economies of scope
investments in one financial service (such as lending) may reduce costs to produce financial services in other areas (such as securities underwriting or brokerage)
Revenue economies of scope
Slide 97:Bank Size and Activities Large banks have easier access to capital markets and can operate with lower amounts of equity capital
Large banks tend to use more purchased funds (such as fed funds) and have fewer core deposits
Large banks lend to larger corporations which means that their interest rate spread is narrower
the difference between lending and deposit rates
Large banks are more diversified and generate more noninterest income
Slide 98:Industry Performance Provision for loan losses - bank management’s recognition of expected bad loans for the period
Net charge-offs - actual losses on loans and leases
Net operating income - income before taxes and extraordinary items
Slide 99:Thrift Institutions and Savings & Cooperative Banks Savings Associations
concentrated primarily on residential mortgages
Savings Banks
large concentration of residential mortgages
commercial loans
corporate bonds
corporate stock
Credit Unions
consumer loans funded with member deposits
Slide 100:IN THE US: Regulator forbearance - a policy of the FSLIC not to close economically insolvent FIs, allowing them to continue in operation
IN EUROPE: More variety and diversity. All sorts of savings banks and credit cooperative structures (private, public, semi-public).
Mutual organization - an institution in which the liability holders are also the owners:
Slide 101:Financial Statements of Commercial Banks Report of condition - balance sheet of a commercial bank reporting information at a single point in time
Report of income - income statement of a commercial bank reporting revenues, expenses, net profit or loss, and cash dividends over a period of time
Retail bank - one that focuses its business activities on consumer banking relationships
Wholesale bank - one that focuses its business activities on commercial banking relationships
Slide 102:Assets Four major subcategories
cash and balances due from other depository institutions
vault cash, deposits at the Federal Reserve, deposits at other FIs, and cash items in the process of collection
investment securities
interest-bearing deposits at other FIs, fed funds sold, RPs, U.S. Treasury and agency securities, securities issued by states and political subdivisions, mortgage-backed securities, and other debt and equity securities
loans and leases
other assets
premises and fixed assets, real estate owned, investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries, intangible assets, other fees receivable
Slide 103:Liabilities NOW account - negotiable order of withdrawal account, similar to a demand deposit with minimum balance
MMDAs - money market deposit accounts with retail savings accounts and limited checking account (IN THE US)
Other savings deposits - other than MMDAs (IN EUROPE): basically customer (savings and term) deposits)
Slide 104:Liabilities Negotiable instrument - an instrument whose ownership can be transferred in the secondary market
Purchased funds - rate-sensitive funding sources of the bank (ej. “cesiones temporales de activos”).
Slide 105:Equity Capital Preferred and common stock (listed at par value)
Surplus or additional paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Regulations require banks to hold a minimum level of equity capital to act as a buffer against losses from their on- and off-balance sheet assets
Slide 106:Off-Balance-Sheet Assets and Liabilities Contingent assets and liabilities that may affect the future status of the FIs balance sheet
OBS activities grouped into 5 major categories
Loan commitments - contractual commitment to loan to a firm a certain maximum amount at given interest rate terms
up-front fee - fee charged for making funds available through a loan commitment
back-end fee - fee charged on the unused component of a loan commitment (continued)
Slide 107:
Loans Sold (securitization)
loans that a bank originated and then sold to other investors that may be returned (with recourse) to the originating institution in the future
recourse - the ability to put an asset or loan back to the seller should the credit quality of that asset deteriorate
Derivative Contracts
futures, forward, swap, and option positions taken by the FI for hedging or other purposes
Slide 108:Income Statement Interest Income
Interest Expenses
Net Interest Income
Provision for Loan Losses
Noninterest Income
Noninterest Expense
Income before Taxes and Extraordinary Items
Income Taxes
Extraordinary Items
Net Income
Slide 109:The Direct Relationship between the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet
Slide 110:Financial Statement Analysis Using a Return on Equity Framework
Slide 111:Return on Assets and Its Components
Slide 112:Profit Margin
Slide 113:Asset Utilization
Slide 114:Net Interest Margin
Slide 115:Spread
Slide 116:Overhead Efficiency
Slide 118:Risks Faced by Financial Intermediaries Credit Risk
Liquidity Risk
Interest Rate Risk
Market Risk
Off-Balance-Sheet Risk
Foreign Exchange Risk
Country or Sovereign Risk
Technology Risk
Operational Risk
Insolvency Risk
Slide 119:Market Risk Incurred in trading of assets and liabilities (and derivatives).
Examples: Barings & decline in ruble.
DJIA dropped 12.5 percent in two-week period July, 2002.
Heavier focus on trading income over traditional activities increases market exposure.
Trading activities introduce other perils as was discovered by Allied Irish Bank’s U.S. subsidiary, AllFirst Bank when a rogue trader successfully masked large trading losses and fraudulent activities involving foreign exchange positions
Slide 120:Market Risk Distinction between Investment Book and Trading Book of a commercial bank
Heightened focus on Value at Risk (VAR)
Heightened focus on short term risk measures such as Daily Earnings at Risk (DEAR)
Role of securitization in changing liquidity of bank assets and liabilities
Slide 121:Credit Risk Risk that promised cash flows are not paid in full.
Firm specific credit risk
Systematic credit risk
High rate of charge-offs of credit card debt in the 1980s, most of the 1990s and early 2000s
Credit card loans (and unused balances) continue to grow
Slide 122:Implications of Growing Credit Risk Importance of credit screening
Importance of monitoring credit extended
Role for dynamic adjustment of credit risk premia
Diversification of credit risk
Slide 123:Off-Balance-Sheet Risk Striking growth of off-balance-sheet activities
Letters of credit
Loan commitments
Derivative positions
Speculative activities using off-balance-sheet items create considerable risk
Slide 124:Technology and Operational Risk Risk that technology investment fails to produce anticipated cost savings.
Risk that technology may break down.
CitiBank’s ATM network, debit card system and on-line banking out for two days
Wells Fargo
Bank of New York: Computer system failed to recognize incoming payment messages sent via Fedwire although outgoing payments succeeded
Slide 125:Technology and Operational Risk Operational risk not exclusively technological
Employee fraud and errors
Losses magnified since they affect reputation and future potential
Merrill Lynch $100 million penalty
Slide 126:Country or Sovereign Risk Result of exposure to foreign government which may impose restrictions on repayments to foreigners.
Often lack usual recourse via court system.
South Korea
Slide 127:Country or Sovereign Risk In the event of restrictions, reschedulings, or outright prohibition of repayments, FIs’ remaining bargaining chip is future supply of loans
Weak position if currency collapsing or government failing
Role of IMF
Extends aid to troubled banks
Increased moral hazard problem if IMF bailout expected
Slide 128:Liquidity Risk Risk of being forced to borrow, or sell assets in a very short period of time.
Low prices result.
May generate runs.
Runs may turn liquidity problem into solvency problem.
Risk of systematic bank panics.
Example: 1985, Ohio savings institutions insured by Ohio Deposit Guarantee Fund
Interaction of credit risk and liability risk
Role of FDIC (see Chapter 19)
Slide 129:Insolvency Risk Risk of insufficient capital to offset sudden decline in value of assets to liabilities.
Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust
Original cause may be excessive interest rate, market, credit, off-balance-sheet, technological, FX, sovereign, and liquidity risks.
Slide 130:Credit Risk Management An FI’s ability to evaluate information and control and monitor borrowers allows them to transform financial claims of household savers efficiently into claims issued to corporations, individuals, and governments
An FI accepts credit risk in exchange for a fair return sufficient to cover the cost of funding (e.g., covering the cost of borrowing, or issuing deposits)
Slide 131:Credit Analysis Real Estate Lending
residential mortgage loan applications are among the most standardized of all credit applications
Two considerations
the applicant’s ability and willingness to make timely interest and principal repayments
the value of the borrower’s collateral
GDS (gross debt service) ratio - gross debt service ratio calculated as total accommodation expenses (mortgage, lease, condominium, management fees, real estate taxes, etc.) divided by gross income
TDS (total debt service) ratio - total debt ratio calculated as total accommodation expenses plus all other debt service payments divided by gross income
Slide 132:Credit Scoring Credit scoring system
a mathematical model that uses observed loan applicant’s characteristics to calculate a score that represents the applicant’s probability of default
Perfecting collateral
ensuring that collateral used to secure a loan is free and clear to the lender should the borrower default
taking possession of the mortgaged property to satisfy a defaulting borrower’s indebtedness
Power of sale
taking the proceedings of the forced sale of property to satisfy the indebtedness
Slide 133:Credit Scoring Consumer (individual) and Small-business lending
techniques for scoring consumer loans very similar to mortgage loan credit analysis but more emphasis placed on personal characteristics such as annual gross income and the TDS score
small-business loans more complicated and has required FIs to build more sophisticated scoring models combining computer-based financial analysis of borrower financial statements with behavioral analysis of the owner
Slide 134:Ratio Analysis Historical audited financial statements and projections of future needs
Calculation of financial ratios in financial statement analysis
Relative ratios offer information about how a business is changing over time
Particularly informative when they differ either from an industry average or from the applicant’s own past history
Slide 135:Calculating Ratios
Slide 139:Common Size Analysis and After the Loan Analyst can divide all income statement amounts by total sales revenue and all balance sheet amounts by total assets
Year to year growth rates give useful ratios for identifying trends
Loan covenants reduce risk to lender
Conditions precedent
those conditions specified in the credit agreement or terms sheet for a credit that must be fulfilled before drawings are permitted
Slide 140:Large Commercial and Industrial Lending Very attractive to FIs because transactions are often large enough make them very profitable even though spreads and fees are small in percentage
FIs act as broker, dealer, and adviser in credit management
The standard methods of analysis used for mid-market corporates applied to large corporate clients but with additional complications
Financial ratios such as the debt-equity ratio are usually key factors for corporate debt
Slide 141:Altman’s Z-Score
Slide 142:The KMV Model Banks can use the theory of option pricing to assess the credit risk of a corporate borrower
The probability of default is positively related to:
the volatility of the firm’s stock
the firm’s leverage
A model developed by KMV corporation is being widely used by banks for this purpose
Slide 143:Calculating the Return on a Loan A number of factors impact the promised return that an FI achieves on any given dollar loan
the interest rate on the loan
any fees relating to the loan
the credit risk premium on the loan
the collateral backing the loan
other nonprice terms (such as compensating balances and reserve requirements)
Slide 144:Return on Assets (ROA)
Slide 145:Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) Rather than evaluating the actual or promised annual cash flow on a loan as a percentage of the amount lent (ROA), the lending officer balances the loan’s expected income against the loan’s expected risk
RAROC = One-year income on a loan/Loan (asset risk or capital at risk
Slide 147:Overview The aim is to discuss the existence of different types of loans, and the analysis and measurement of credit risk on individual loans. This is important for purposes of:
Pricing loans and bonds
Setting limits on credit risk exposure
Slide 148:Credit Quality Problems Problems with junk bonds, residential and farm mortgage loans.
More recently, credit card and auto loans.
Crises in Asian countries such as Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia.
Default of one major borrower can have significant impact on value and reputation of many FIs
Emphasizes importance of managing credit risk
Slide 149:Credit Quality Problems Over the early to mid 1990s, improvements in NPLs (non-performing loans) for large banks and overall credit quality.
Late 1990s concern over growth in low quality auto loans and credit cards, decline in quality of lending standards.
Exposure to Enron.
Late 1990s and early 2000s: telecom companies, tech companies, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, South Korea
New types of credit risk related to loan guarantees and off-balance-sheet activities.
Increased emphasis on credit risk evaluation.
Slide 150:Types of Loans: C&I (commercial and industrial) loans: secured and unsecured
Spot loans, Loan commitments
Decline in C&I loans originated by commercial banks and growth in commercial paper market.
Downgrades of Ford, General Motors and Tyco
RE (real state) loans: primarily mortgages
Fixed-rate, variable rates
Mortgages can be subject to default risk when loan-to-value declines.
Slide 151:*CreditMetrics (sistema patentado) “If next year is a bad year, how much will I lose on my loans and loan portfolio?”
VAR = P × 1.65 × s
Neither P, nor s observed.
Calculated using:
(i)Data on borrower’s credit rating; (ii) Rating transition matrix; (iii) Recovery rates on defaulted loans; (iv) Yield spreads.
Slide 152:* Credit Risk+ (sistema patentado) Developed by Credit Suisse Financial Products.
Based on insurance literature:
Losses reflect frequency of event and severity of loss.
Loan default is random.
Loan default probabilities are independent.
Appropriate for large portfolios of small loans.
Modeled by a Poisson distribution.
Slide 153:Credit risk measurement has evolved dramatically over the last 20 years.
The five forces made credit risk measurement become more important than ever before:
A worldwide structural increase in the number of bankruptcies.
A trend towards disintermediation by the highest quality and largest borrowers.
Slide 154:(iii) More competitive margins on loans.
(iv) A declining value of real assets in many markets.
(v) A dramatic growth of off-balance sheet instrument with inherent default risk exposure, including credit risk derivatives.
Slide 155:Responses of academics and practitioners:
Developing new and more sophisticated credit-scoring/early-warning systems
Moved away from only analyzing the credit risk of individual loans and securities towards developing measures of credit concentration risk
Developing new models to price credit risk (e.g. RAROC)
Developing models to measure better the credit risk of off-balance sheet instruments
Slide 156:Measurement of the Credit risk of Off-balance Sheet Instruments The expansion in off-balance sheet instrument – such as swaps, options, forwards, futures, etc.
Default risk of the instruments have been concerned. It has been reflected in the BIS risk-based capital ratio.
The models like KMV, OPM can be applied to measure the probability of default on off-balance sheet instruments.
Slide 157:Measurement of the Credit risk of Off-balance Sheet Instruments (cont.)
Differences between the default risk on loans and off-balance sheet instruments:
Even if the counter-party is in financial distress, it will only default on out-of-the-money contracts.
For any given probability of default, the amount lost on default is usually less for off-balance sheet instruments than for loans.
Slide 158:Measures of credit concentration risk The measurement of credit concentration risk is also important
Early approaches to concentration risk analysis were based either on:
Subjective analysis
Limiting exposure in an area to a certain percent of capital (e.g. 10%)
Migration analysis
Slide 159:Measures of credit concentration risk (cont.) Modern portfolio theory (MPT)
- By taking advantage of its size, an FI can diversify considerable amounts of credit risk as long as the returns on different assets are imperfectly correlated
increasingly being applied to loans and other fixed income instruments recently
Slide 160:Accounting based credit-scoring systems Four methodological approaches to developing multivariate credit-scoring systems:
The linear probability model
The logit model
The probit model
The discriminant analysis model
Slide 161:Other (newer) models of credit risk measurement Three criticisms of accounting based credit-scoring models
Accounting data fails to pick up fast-moving changes in borrower conditions
The world is inherently non-linear
They are only tenuously linked to an underlying theoretical model
Slide 162:Other (newer) models –KMV model (cont.) Step 2: calculate distance to default (D)
D = (A-B)/ sA
Step 3: calculate EDF
Slide 163:Other (newer) models- Term structure applications Jonkhart(1979), seek to impute implied probabilities of default(1-p) from term structure of yield spreads between default free and risky corporate securities.
-the spreads between Treasury strips and zero-coupon corporate bond reflect perceived credit risk exposures
Slide 164:APPENDIX: Bank regulation and credit risk: an example from Basel II and savings banks Historically, regulation has limited who can:
open or charter new banks and
what products and services banks can offer.
Imposing barriers to entry and restricting the types of activities banks can engage in clearly enhance safety and soundness, but also hinder competition.
Slide 165:It assumed that the markets for bank products, largely bank loans and deposits, could be protected and that other firms could not encroach upon these markets.
Not surprisingly, investment banks, hybrid financial companies, insurance firms, and others found ways to provide the same products as banks across different geographic markets.
Slide 166:However, there is another type of regulation that has concentrated most of the attention in the last three decades, the bank capital regulation.
Changes in reserve requirements …directly affect the amount of legal required reserves and thus change the amount of money a bank can lend out. The main recent example is BASEL II.
Slide 167:Basel 2 is a ‘step change’ in the regulation of capital adequacy. It will alter the industry ‘frame of reference’ for banks in many ways:
Regulators are clearly recognizing market realities and seeking a much closer congruence between regulatory and economic capital.
The new proposals are more complex and sophisticated than earlier schemes. They will also have to evolve as market conditions, technology and financial management techniques develop.
Slide 168:The calibration exercises that have resulted from the various Quantitative Impact Studies (QIS) are targeted (initially at least) to deliver broadly the same amount of capital as the current Accord. However, the mix of capital charges will change significantly with the wider range of risk weights and greater risk sensitivity of Basel 2.
Basel 2 will clearly be much more risk-sensitive in assigning capital charges. Mortgage lending and lending to higher quality borrowers will be incentivied under Basel 2.
Slide 169:It is not clear whether the present or new Basel Accord are a binding constraint on bank’s current credit operations. Jackson et al (2001, Bank of England WP) suggest that banks may employ more conservative capital standards than those imposed under Basel 1 or likely under Basel 2.
Compliance costs are likely to increase. Banks will have to evaluate (as a kind of capital investment decision) whether the costs (including compliance costs) of moving to the more advanced Basel 2 systems are worthwhile.
Slide 170:Banks will increasingly target better risk management as a source of competitive advantage. Increasingly, superior risk management will become a ‘key success factor’ for those banks who are able to respond successfully to the new environment.
Nevertheless, specialist banks who focus on a smaller number of core products and services should similarly be able to obtain risk management benefits of specialization.
Slide 171:Basel 2 will enhance present securitisation trends in banking. This will help in its turn to emphasise further the strategic importance of investment banking. At the same time, lending bankers will face increasing ‘adverse selection’ trends as the better credits are able to access directly the capital markets.
This trend will help to re-emphasise the importance of credit skills in lending banks. It will also put pressure on these banks to widen their margins (in order to achieve the higher risk premia needed to cover their more risky lending).
Slide 172:Governance will be an increasingly important issue in the new regime. More disclosure is not enough by itself to secure market discipline (the aim of Pillar 3). A wide collection of new and improved governance structures will be needed. These include:
a freer market in bank corporate control;
good corporate governance in banks;
incentive-compatible safety nets;
‘no bail-out’ policies;
and proper accounting standards.
Banks will be required to disclose more information than ever before to the external market. This will involve additional compliance costs. Strategically, it will reinforce any competitive advantage gained by good risk-management banks.
Slide 173:Under Pillar 3 and with likely changes in bank governance arrangements, the prospects of take-overs (and no bail-outs) for individual banks who are ‘inefficient’ are likely to increase. This ‘new world’ is a likely further threat to concepts like mutuality and subsidised (or at least protected from competition) regional banking.
Insofar as the new capital regime allows non-bank financial companies a competitive advantage (via lesser capital backing), banks will attempt to alter the balance of competitive advantage through regulatory arbitrage
Slide 174:More work is needed on stress testing under Basel 2 and banks can expect further, more detailed efforts from regulators in this area. Already, stress testing appears to be a standard management technique for many banks and most banks that stress test do so at a high frequency (daily or weekly): see Fender and Gibson (Risk, 2001).
Slide 175:
Perhaps the most fundamental strategic impact of Basel 2 is that it will enhance the SWM (Shareholder Wealth Maximisation) model as the major strategic and managerial model for banks. The essence of this model is its focus on risk and return and the impact of this tradeoff on bank value; the model also emphasises the need for greater risk sensitivity in risk assessments and pricing. Within this model, better risk management is rewarded.
Slide 176:Although most of the strategic implications mentioned earlier for retail banks apply also to Spanish savings banks, there are some specific features of the Spanish savings banks that may modify some of these conclusions. These specific features are explored in this section (and summarised in Diagram 1):
There have been some recent regulatory actions regarding risk and capital in the Spanish banking system that should be taken into account when defining the threats and opportunities of the new framework for savings banks. The development of a Default Hedging Statistical Fund (the so-called FECI) by the Bank of Spain are two of the recent developments in the regulatory field that impact on the current solvency risk of Spanish savings banks
Slide 178:The establishment of so-called statistical, pro-cyclical or dynamic provisions:
Requiring banks to increase these provisions when the business cycle is positive and reducing them during downturns in order to favor intertemporal risk smoothing and loan supply.
Basel 2 does not appear to change the view of banking as a pro-cyclical business. Basel 2 could even exacerbate cyclical effects. It is this contingency that has led the Bank of Spain to establish the so-called pro-cyclical or dynamic provisions.
The recent lending patterns of the Spanish savings banks are known to reduce these pro-cyclical effects since they have increased credit supply almost linearly over the business cycle.
Slide 179:The lending behavior of savings banks has not resulted in higher defaults. On the contrary, default risk management at savings banks has apparently been more efficient than for commercial banks, a fact that may be largely explained by the intertemporal risk smoothing advantages achieved via a close contractual relationship with their customers.
Slide 180:There are three main types of “savings-bank” specific effects:
(1) those concerning the aim of Basel 2 and the differences between economic and regulatory capital;
(2) those that refer to specialisation, size and lending diversification;
(3) those related to the implementation of the new capital adequacy requirements, including the sectoral project of Spanish savings banks for the global control of risk.
Slide 181:(i) Aim of Basel 2 and Economic and Regulatory Capital Differences
While the objective of Stakeholder Wealth Maximisation (STWM) may match more closely the nature of Spanish savings banks, SWM should not be a problem for savings institutions since they have to compete with commercial banks. Nevertheless, the SWM model will be reinforced by Basel 2 and Spanish savings banks may benefit from recent regulatory changes that stress their ownership status as private and non-subsidised.
Slide 182: (ii) Size, specialisation and lending diversification
Specialist banks (like savings banks) focusing on a smaller number of core products may also be able to obtain the risk management benefits of specialisation. Continuous calibration and capital treatment may reduce the potential loss of competitiveness in retail banking. Servicing, relationship banking and dynamic lending will also be valued positively.
Slide 183:(iii) Final implementation of Basel 2 on Spanish savings banks: the sectoral project for the global control of risk
The Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA) has led an ambitious initiative to undertake a sectoral project for the global control of risk. Since this project is oriented to the whole savings bank sector, it has to deal with various problems, like the rigidities of employing a single model for all institutions.
However, the project is targetted to provide savings banks with adequate and centralised human and technological resources in order to implement their own model with a high standard of quality.
Slide 184:
The model for each line of business incorporates risk measurement, control and management operating with three different working groups:
information management;
organization and procedures;
quantitative tools.
Slide 185:COMPARATIVE DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS The credit risk of Spanish depository institutions does not seem to be a concern in the short-run.
The ratios “doubtful assets/total exposures” and “doubtful loans of other resident sectors/total exposures of resident sectors” have decreased in recent years and are lower than 1% (Table 1).
“Statistical” provisions have increased over time as a percentage of total provisions (Table 1).
Slide 187:
Savings banks and credit co-operatives have enjoyed higher margins compared to commercial banks (Table 2). The margins are in line with the European standards.
However, competitive presures have resulted in a decrease of margins over time during the last years.
Slide 189:As shown in Table 3, Spanish banks have progressively changed their financial structure to fulfill the requirements of Basel 2.
Both Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital have increased significantly in recent years.
Banks have increased both the average weight of credit risk exposure and off-balance sheet exposure.
Slide 191:Changes in capitalization structure have led to an anticipated fulfillment of Basel 2 requirements (Figure 1a).
Tier 1 capital has largely contributed to a reduction in capital requirements, in a context of a significant increase in risk-weighted assets (rise in overall business and Santander’s purchase of Abbey National) (Figure 1b).
However, Tier 1 capital has contributed to the growth rate of capital (Figure 1c).
Reserves have contributed largely to the growth of Tier 1 capital while the contribution of intangible assets has been negative (Figure 1d).
Slide 195:Interest Rate Risk Measurement Repricing or funding gap
GAP: the difference between those assets whose interest rates will be repriced or changed over some future period (RSAs) and liabilities whose interest rates will be repriced or changed over some future period (RSLs)
Rate Sensitivity
the time to reprice an asset or liability
a measure of an FI’s exposure to interest rate changes in each maturity “bucket”
GAP can be computed for each of an FI’s maturity buckets
Slide 196:Calculating GAP for a Maturity Bucket
Slide 197:Simple Bank Balance Sheet and Repricing Gap
Slide 198:Weakness in the Repricing Model Four major weaknesses
it ignores market value effects of interest rate changes
it ignores cash flow patterns within a maturity bucket
it fails to deal with the problem of rate-insensitive asset and liability cash flow runoffs and prepayments
it ignores cash flows from off-balance-sheet activities
Slide 199:Duration Model
Slide 200:Insolvency Risk Management Net worth
a measure of an FI’s capital that is equal to the difference between the market value o its assets and the market value of its liabilities
Book Value
value of assets and liabilities based on their historical costs
Market value or mark-to-market value basis
balance sheet values that reflect current rather than historical prices
Slide 201:Effects of Changes in Loan Values and Interest Rates on the Balance Sheet
Slide 202:The Book Value of Shares The book value of capital usually comprises three components in banking
Par value of shares - the face value of the common shares issued by the FI time the number of shares outstanding
Surplus value of shares - the difference between the price the public paid for common shares and their par values
Retained earnings - the accumulated value of past profits not yet paid in dividends to shareholders
Book value of its capital = Par value + Surplus + Retained earnings
Slide 203:The Discrepancy between the Market and Book Values of Equity The degree to which the book value of an FI’s capital deviates from its true economic market value depends on a number of values
Interest Rate Volatility - the higher the interest rate, the greater the discrepancy
Examination and Enforcement - the more frequent the examinations and the stiffer the examiner’s standards, the smaller the discrepancy
Loan Trading - the more loans traded the easier to assess the true market value of the loan portfolio
Slide 204:Calculating Discrepancy Between Book Values (BV) and Market Values (MV)
Slide 205:Central Bank & Interest Rate Risk Federal Reserve Bank: U.S. central bank
Open market operations influence money supply, inflation, and interest rates
Oct-1979 to Oct-1982, nonborrowed reserves target regime – did not work
Implications of reserves target policy:
Increases importance of measuring and managing interest rate risk.
Effects of interest rate targeting.
Lessens interest rate risk
Greenspan view: Risk Management
Focus on Federal Funds Rate
Simple announcement of Fed Funds increase, decrease, or no change.
Slide 206:Repricing Model Repricing or funding gap model based on book value.
Contrasts with market value-based maturity and duration models recommended by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Rate sensitivity means time to repricing.
Repricing gap is the difference between the rate sensitivity of each asset and the rate sensitivity of each liability: RSA - RSL.
Refinancing risk
Slide 207:Maturity Buckets Commercial banks must report repricing gaps for assets and liabilities with maturities of:
One day.
More than one day to three months.
More than 3 three months to six months.
More than six months to twelve months.
More than one year to five years.
Over five years.
Slide 208:Repricing Gap Example Assets Liabilities Gap Cum. Gap
1-day $ 20 $ 30 $-10 $-10
>1day-3mos. 30 40 -10 -20
>3mos.-6mos. 70 85 -15 -35
>6mos.-12mos. 90 70 +20 -15
>1yr.-5yrs. 40 30 +10 -5
>5 years 10 5 +5 0
Slide 209:Repricing Gap
Slide 210:Applying the Repricing Model DNIIi = (GAPi) DRi = (RSAi - RSLi) Dri
In the one day bucket, gap is -$10 million. If rates rise by 1%,
DNII(1) = (-$10 million) × .01 = -$100,000.
Slide 211:Restructuring Assets & Liabilities The FI can restructure its assets and liabilities, on or off the balance sheet, to benefit from projected interest rate changes.
Positive gap: increase in rates increases NII
Negative gap: decrease in rates increases NII
Example: State Street Boston
Good luck?
Or Good Management?
Slide 212:Repricing Model Problems with model:
measures only short-term profit changes not shareholder wealth changes
maturity buckets are arbitrarily chosen
assets and liabilities within a bucket are considered equally rate sensitive
ignores runoffs
ignores prepayments
Slide 213:The Maturity Model Explicitly incorporates market value effects.
For fixed-income assets and liabilities:
Rise (fall) in interest rates leads to fall (rise) in market price.
The longer the maturity, the greater the effect of interest rate changes on market price.
Fall in value of longer-term securities increases at diminishing rate for given increase in interest rates.
Slide 214:Maturity Model Leverage also affects ability to eliminate interest rate risk using maturity model
Assets: $100 million in one-year 10-percent bonds, funded with $90 million in one-year 10-percent deposits (and equity)
Maturity gap is zero but exposure to interest rate risk is not zero.
Slide 215:Duration Duration
Weighted average time to maturity using the relative present values of the cash flows as weights.
Combines the effects of differences in coupon rates and differences in maturity.
Based on elasticity of bond price with respect to interest rate.
Slide 216:Duration and Duration Gap market-value based model for managing interest rate risk
more accurate measures of interest rate risk exposure than simple maturity model
duration gap considers market values and maturity distributions of assets and liabilities unlike repricing model
measures average life of asset or liability
has economic meaning of interest sensitivity of that asset’s or liability’s value
Slide 217:Duration Duration
D = Snt=1[CFt• t/(1+R)t]/ Snt=1 [CFt/(1+R)t]
D = duration
t = number of periods in the future
CFt = cash flow to be delivered in t periods
n= term-to-maturity
R = yield to maturity.
Slide 218:Duration Gap duration of asset portfolio or liability portfolio is just weighted-average duration of each individual asset or liability
also the accounting identity holds A = L + E or ?E = ?A - ?L
when rates change, the change in the equity or net worth is equal to the difference between the change in the MV of the assets and liabilities
instead of how we used maturity model, here we want to relate sensitivity of net worth to its duration mismatch instead of its maturity mismatch because duration is a more accurate measure of interest rate sensitivity
Slide 219:Duration Gap assuming similar rate changes for assets and liabilities
Slide 221:Trading Risks Trading exposes banks to risks
1995 Barings Bank
1996 Sumitomo Corp. lost $2.6 billion in commodity futures trading
1997 market volatility in Eastern Europe and Asia
1998 continuation with Russian bonds
AllFirst/ Allied Irish $691 million loss
Partly preventable with software
Rusnak currently serving 7 ½ year sentence for fraud
Allfirst sold to Buffalo based M&T Bank
Slide 222:Implications Emphasizes importance of:
Measurement of exposure
Control mechanisms for direct market risk—and employee created risks
Hedging mechanisms
Slide 223:Market Risk Market risk is the uncertainty resulting from changes in market prices .
Affected by other risks such as interest rate risk and FX (foreign exchange) risk
It can be measured over periods as short as one day.
Usually measured in terms of dollar exposure amount or as a relative amount against some benchmark.
Slide 224:Market Risk Measurement Important in terms of:
Management information
Setting limits
Resource allocation (risk/return tradeoff)
Performance evaluation
BIS and Fed regulate market risk via capital requirements leading to potential for overpricing of risks
Allowances for use of internal models to calculate capital requirements
Slide 225:Calculating Market Risk Exposure Generally concerned with estimated potential loss under adverse circumstances.
Three major approaches of measurement
JPM RiskMetrics (or variance/covariance approach)
Historic or Back Simulation
Monte Carlo Simulation
Slide 226:JP Morgan RiskMetrics Model Idea is to determine the daily earnings at risk = dollar value of position × price sensitivity × potential adverse move in yield or,
DEAR = Dollar market value of position × Price volatility.
Can be stated as (-MD) × adverse daily yield move where,
MD = D/(1+R)
Modified duration = MacAulay duration/(1+R)
Slide 227:Confidence Intervals If we assume that changes in the yield are normally distributed, we can construct confidence intervals around the projected DEAR. (Other distributions can be accommodated but normal is generally sufficient).
Assuming normality, 90% of the time the disturbance will be within 1.65 standard deviations of the mean.
Slide 228:Historic or Back Simulation Advantages:
Does not require normal distribution of returns (which is a critical assumption for RiskMetrics)
Does not need correlations or standard deviations of individual asset returns.
Slide 229:Historic or Back Simulation Basic idea: Revalue portfolio based on actual prices (returns) on the assets that existed yesterday, the day before, etc. (usually previous 500 days).
Then calculate 5% worst-case (25th lowest value of 500 days) outcomes.
Only 5% of the outcomes were lower.
Slide 230:Estimation of VAR: Example Convert today’s FX positions into dollar equivalents at today’s FX rates.
Measure sensitivity of each position
Calculate its delta.
Measure risk
Actual percentage changes in FX rates for each of past 500 days.
Rank days by risk from worst to best.
Slide 231:Weaknesses Disadvantage: 500 observations is not very many from statistical standpoint.
Increasing number of observations by going back further in time is not desirable.
Could weight recent observations more heavily and go further back.
Slide 232:Monte Carlo Simulation To overcome problem of limited number of observations, synthesize additional observations.
Perhaps 10,000 real and synthetic observations.
Employ historic covariance matrix and random number generator to synthesize observations.
Objective is to replicate the distribution of observed outcomes with synthetic data.
Slide 233:Regulatory Models BIS (including Federal Reserve) approach:
Market risk may be calculated using standard BIS model.
Specific risk charge.
General market risk charge.
Subject to regulatory permission, large banks may be allowed to use their internal models as the basis for determining capital requirements.
Slide 234:BIS Model Specific risk charge:
Risk weights × absolute dollar values of long and short positions
General market risk charge:
reflect modified durations ? expected interest rate shocks for each maturity
Vertical offsets:
Adjust for basis risk
Horizontal offsets within/between time zones
Slide 236:Causes of Liquidity Risk Two types of liquidity risk:
when depositors or insurance policyholders seek to cash in or withdraw their financial claims
when OBS commitments are exercised
Fire-sale price
the price received for an asset that has to be liquidated (sold) immediately
Slide 237:Liability Side Liquidity Risk Core deposits
deposits that provide a relatively stable, long-term funding source to a bank
Net deposit drains
the amount by which cash withdrawals exceed additions; a net cash outflow
can be managed two ways:
purchased liquidity management
stored liquidity management
Slide 238:Liability Side Liquidity Risk Purchased liquidity
federal funds market
repurchased (repo) agreement market
issue additional fixed-maturity CD’s, notes, and/or bonds
Stored liquidity
can use or sell off some of it’s assets (such as T-bills)
utilize its stored liquidity (i.e., cash in vault)
Slide 239:Measuring a Bank’s Liquidity Exposure Net liquidity statement
measures liquidity position by listing sources and uses of liquidity
Peer group ratio comparisons
a comparison of its key ratios and balance sheet features with those for banks of a similar size and geographic location
Liquidity index
measures the potential losses an FI could suffer from a sudden or fire-sale disposal of assets compared to the amount it would receive at a fair market value established under normal market conditions
Slide 240:Calculation of the Liquidity Index
Slide 241:Financing Gap and the Financing Requirement Financing gap
the difference between a bank’s average loans and average (core) deposits
if the financing gap is positive, the bank must fund it by using its cash and liquid assets and/or borrowing funds in the money market
Financing requirement
the financing gap plus a bank’s liquid assets
the larger a bank’s financing gap and liquid asset holdings, the higher the amount of funds it needs to borrow on the money markets and the greater is its exposure to liquidity problems
Slide 242:Liquidity Planning Allows managers to make important borrowing priority decisions
Components of a liquidity plan
delineation of managerial details and responsibilities
detailed list of fund providers most likely to withdraw and the pattern of fund withdrawals
identification of the size of potential deposit and fund withdrawals over various time horizons in the future
sets internal limits on separate subsidiaries and branches borrowing and bounds for acceptable risk premiums to pay
details a sequencing of assets for disposal
Slide 243:Deposit Drains and Bank Run Liquidity Risk Deposit drains may occur for a variety of reasons
concerns about a bank’s solvency
failure of a related bank
sudden changes in investor preferences
Bank run
a sudden and unexpected increase in deposit withdrawals from a bank
Bank panic
a systemic or contagious run on the deposits of the banking industry as a whole
Slide 244:Deposit Insurance and Discount Window Deposits insured for $100,000
Federal Reserve provides a discount window facility to meet banks’ short-term nonpermanent liquidity needs
loans made by discounting short-term high-quality securities such as T-bills and banker’s acceptances with central bank
leads to increased monitoring from the Federal Reserve which acts as a disincentive for banks to use for ‘cheap’ funding
Slide 245:Liquidity Risk and Insurance Companies Early cancellation of a life insurance policy results in the insurer having to pay the surrender value
the amount that an insurance policyholder receives when cashing in a policy early
when premium income is insufficient to meet surrenders, the insurer can sell liquid assets such as government bonds
PC insurers have greater need for liquidity due to uncertainty so ten to hold shorter term assets
Guarantee Programs for Life and PC Insurance Co.
Slide 246:Liquidity Risk and Mutual Funds Open-end mutual funds must stand ready to buy back issued shares from investors at their current market price or net asset value
If a mutual fund is closed and liquidated, the assets would be distributed on a pro rata basis