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16 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://pasukanmerahdelima.blogspot.com/?studocu=1479874833 | PDF/READ Calling the Shots: Why Parents Reject Vaccines | Winner, 2018 Donald W. Light Award for Applied Medical Sociology, American Sociological Association Medical Sociology SectionWinner, 2018 Distinguished Scholarship Award presented by the Pacific Sociology AssociationHonorable Mention, 2017 ESS Mirra Komarovsky Book Award presented by the Eastern Sociological SocietyOutstanding Book Award for the Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity presented by the American Sociolog
Description Winner, 2014 Teacher's Choice AwardsMeet Jetty. She is just starting fourth grade. Jetty likes karate, cartwheels, reading, and cookie dough ice cream. Jetty dislikes girlie girls, anything pink, and writing in complete sentences! Jetty writes about these things as well as her recent ADHD diagnosis in her diary. Although starting fourth grade with ADHD is tough—wih new rules, more schoolwork, and new classmates—Jety is able to see the bright side as she works with her parents, teacher, and doctor to find a happy medium where she can feel like herself! Written in journal format with colorful illustrations. Includes a Note to Readers with helpful tips on how to deal with ADHD.From the Note to ReadersThe most important thing to remember is that AD/HD is not who you are, it is just a small part of you. Focus on what you can do, not what you can’tdo. The rest will come.