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Join the Fight Against Hunger on Hunger Day - September 14th-16th

Hunger Day is a nationwide volunteer-led collection event supporting the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Help provide clean water and aid to disaster victims in Finland and abroad. Participate by donating in person, online, or on social media. Make a difference today!

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Join the Fight Against Hunger on Hunger Day - September 14th-16th

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  1. Hunger Day 14th – 16th September You can help! Hunger Day 26.‒28.9. Care. Participate. Help. Leena Koskela

  2. Hunger Day is done as a team • Hunger Day is a nationwide collection that is carried out by volunteers. • Volunteer collectors have an important role in the collection. They inform about the need of help and spread the joy of participating. • One can collect donations also online and in social media. • Donations are collected for the Disaster Relief Fund, which allows the Red Cross to operate in both Finland and abroad.

  3. Help for disaster victims also in Finland Red Cross is prepared to help also in Finland. Help is given for example to theoneswhohavelosttheir home in a fire. Thanks to thedonors, theycanbeprovidedwithclothes, food and emergencyaccommodation.

  4. Psycho-social support in the hour of need Volunteers act in a suddenaccidents and supporttheofficials for example in searchsituations and distripution of help. In 2018 thethedomesticaidvolunteersdidapproximately 1000 volunteerhours. And 357 peoplereceiveddisasterrelief. Emilia Kangasluoma

  5. Lack of cleanwaterkills Therearebillionpeoplelivingwithoutcleanwater. Thiscausesdiseases and killspeople. Everyyear 400 000 childrenundertheage of 5 diebecause of diarrhea. Thepeopleliving in thevillage of Guliston in Tajikistangettheirwaterfrom a ditchbytheroad. Because of thedirtywater, theysufferfromdiarrhea, skindiseases, hepatitis A, typhoidfever and warms. • Sakari Piippo Tatu Blomqvist

  6. Dreaming of cleanwater 12-year oldLailocarrieswatereverydayfrom a ditch. Herfamilyusethewater for cooking, washinglaundry and cleaningthemselves. Theyboilthewaterbeforedrinking it, but it doesn´tmake it cleanorsafe. Shehasstomach pain almousteveryday. Thevillagersaredreaming of cleanwater. Withthe help of donors and collectors, Red Cross can help. Sakari Piippo

  7. Helping the victims of war Red Cross helpsthevictims of war, theoneswhoarethemostvulnerable. Rightnowyour help is needed for example in Syria and Yemen. .

  8. Helping the victims of war Even 80 % of people in Yemendon´thaveenough food, cleanwateroraccess to healthcare. Approximately 2,2 millionchildren in Yemensufferfromacutemalnutrition. Thesegirlswhohad to fleefromtheir home areexaples of peoplewhohavereceived food aidfrom Red Cross. ALMOAYED, Qusai

  9. What money means? 10 €: A smallgarden for a familywhodon´thaveenough food 2 €: Antibiotics for a childwho is sickbecause of dirtywater 15 €: Cleanwater for a child for enitreyear 30 €: 6 warmblankets for a familywhohavelosttheir home

  10. Help effectively • Red Cross controlsthatthedonationsarebeingusedeffectively. Wearepermanentlypresent in 190 countries. • Collectionexpenses of DisasterReliefFundarestrictlycontrolled. Theycanbemaximum of 20 %. • Sincethedonationsarenotearmarked, thefundscanbeusedquicklywhen a disasterstrikes.

  11. Let´smake a greatHunger Day together! Approximately 14 000 volunteersparticipateeveryyear to Hunger Day. Anyonecan help as a box collector. Lastyearweraisedaround 2,8M euro. Let´scollecttogether at leastthatalsothisyear. Maria Santto

  12. This Hunger Day is the 39th of its kind The Hunger Day box collection 26th - 28th September. Join us! Jarkko Mikkonen

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