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Ch. 11: Optimization and Search Stephen Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective . CRC 2009 some slides from Stephen Marsland, some images from Wikipedia. Longin Jan Latecki Temple University latecki@temple.edu. Gradient Descent.
Ch. 11: Optimization and SearchStephen Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective. CRC 2009some slides from Stephen Marsland,some images from Wikipedia Longin Jan Latecki Temple University latecki@temple.edu
Gradient Descent • We have already used it in the perceptron learning. • Our goal is to minimize a function f(x), where x=(x1, …, xn). • Starting with some initial point x0, we try to find a sequence of points xk that moves downhill to the closest local minimum. • A general strategy is xk+1 = xk + kpk
Steepest Gradient Descent • A key question is what is pk? • We can make greedy choices and always go downhill as fast as possible. This implies that • Thus, we iterate xk+1 = xk + kpk • until f(xk)=0, which practically means until f(xk) <
The gradient of the function f(x,y) = −(cos2x + cos2y)2 depicted as a vector field on the bottom plane
Recall the Gradient Descent Learning Rule of Perceptron • Consider linear perceptron without threshold and continuous output (not just –1,1) • y=w0 + w1 x1 + … + wn xn • Train the wi’s such that they minimize the squared error E[w1,…,wn] = ½ dD (td-yd)2 where D is the set of training examples Then wk+1 = wk - kf(wk)= wk - kE(wk) We wrote wk+1 = wk +wk, thus wk = - kE(wk)
(w1,w2) Gradient: E[w]=[E/w0,… E/wn] (w1+w1,w2 +w2) Gradient Descent w=- E[w] wi=- E/wi /wi 1/2d(td-yd)2 = d /wi 1/2(td-i wi xi)2 = d(td- yd)(-xi)
Gradient Descent Error wi=- E/wi Stephen Marsland
Newton Direction • Taylor Expansion: • If a f(x) is a scalar function, i.e., f: Rn → R, where x=(x1, …, xn), then f(x)=J(x) and 2f(x)=H(x), where J is a Jacobian a vector and H is a n×n Hessian matrix defined as
Newton Direction • Since we obtain In xk+1 = xk + kpk and the step size is always k=1.
Search Algorithms • Example problem: Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), which is introduced on next slides. • Then we will explore various search strategies and illustrate them on TSP: • Exhaustive Search • Greedy Search • Hill Climbing • Simulated Annealing
The Traveling Salesman Problem • The traveling salesman problem is one of the classical problems in computer science. • A traveling salesman wants to visit a number of cities and then return to his starting point. Of course he wants to save time and energy, so he wants to determine the shortest cycle for his trip. • We can represent the cities and the distances between them by a weighted, complete, undirected graph. • The problem then is to find the shortest cycle (of minimum total weight that visits each vertex exactly one). • Finding the shortest cycle is different than Dijkstra’s shortest path. It is much harder too, no polynomial time algorithm exists!
The Traveling Salesman Problem • Importance: • Variety of scheduling application can be solved as atraveling salesmen problem. • Examples: • Ordering drill position on a drill press. • School bus routing. • The problem has theoretical importance because it represents a class of difficult problems known as NP-hard problems.
THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY • A visit must be made to four local offices of FEMA, going out from and returning to the same main office in Northridge, Southern California.
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FEMA - Traveling Salesman • Solution approaches • Enumeration of all possible cycles. • This results in (m-1)! cycles to enumerate for a graph with m nodes. • Only small problems can be solved with this approach.
Exhaustive Search by Full Enumeration Possible cycles Cycle Total Cost 1. H-O1-O2-O3-O4-H 210 2. H-O1-O2-O4-O3-H 195 3. H-O1-O3-O2-O3-H 240 4. H-O1-O3-O4-O2-H 200 5. H-O1-O4-O2-O3-H 225 6. H-O1-O4-O3-O2-H 200 7. H-O2-O3-O1-O4-H 265 8. H-O2-O1-O3-O4-H 235 9. H-O2-O4-O1-O3-H 250 10. H-O2-O1-O4-O3-H 220 11. H-O3-O1-O2-O4-H 260 12. H-O3-O1-O2-O4-H 260 Minimum For this problem we have (5-1)! / 2 = 12 cycles. Symmetrical problemsneed to enumerate only (m-1)! / 2 cycles.
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The Traveling Salesman Problem • Unfortunately, no algorithm solving the traveling salesman problem with polynomial worst-case time complexity has been devised yet. • This means that for large numbers of vertices, solving the traveling salesman problem is impractical. • In these cases, we can use efficient approximation algorithms that determine a path whose length may be slightly larger than the traveling salesman’s path.
Greedy Search TSP Solution • Choose the first city arbitrarily, and then repeatedly pick the city that is closest to the current city and that has not been yet visited. • Stop when all cities have been visited.
Hill Climbing TSP Solution • Choose an initial tour randomly • Then keep swapping pairs of cities if the total length of tour decreases, i.e., if new dist. traveled < before dist. traveled. • Stop after a predefined number of swaps or when no swap improved the solution for some time. • As with greedy search, there is no way to predict how good the solution will be.
Exploration and Exploitation • Exploration of the search space is like exhaustive search (always trying out new solutions) • Exploitation of the current best solution is like hill climbing (trying local variants of the current best solution) • Ideally we would like to have a combination of those two.
Simulated Annealing TSP Solution • Like in hill climbing, keep swapping pairs of cities if new dist. traveled < before dist. traveled,orif (before dist. Traveled - new dist. Traveled) < T*log(rand) • Set T=c*T, where 0<c<1 (usually 0.8<c<1) • Thus, we accept a ‘bad’ solution if for some random number p
Search Algorithms Covered • Exhaustive Search • Greedy Search • Hill Climbing • Simulated Annealing