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A5. Writing to Learn, Functional Writing, Creative Writing

Investeşte în oameni ! Fondul Social European PROGRAMUL OPERAŢIONAL SECTORIAL DEZVOLTAREA RESURSELOR UMANE 2007-2013 POSDRU/87/1.3/S/62665.

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A5. Writing to Learn, Functional Writing, Creative Writing

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  1. Investeşteînoameni !Fondul Social EuropeanPROGRAMUL OPERAŢIONAL SECTORIALDEZVOLTAREA RESURSELOR UMANE 2007-2013POSDRU/87/1.3/S/62665 “Formarea continuă a cadrelor didactice pentru utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne în predarea eficientă a limbii engleze şi evaluarea la nivel european a competenţelor lingvistice”

  2. A5. Writing to Learn, Functional Writing, Creative Writing • 1. Writing to learn activities can happen frequently or infrequently in class; some can extend over the entire semester; some can be extended to include a wide variety of writing tasks in different formats and to different audiences. Here are some examples: • The reading journal • Generic and focused summaries • Annotations • Response papers • Synthesis papers • The discussion starter • Focusing a discussion • The learning log • Analyzing the process • Problem statement • Solving real problems • Believing and doubting game • Analysis of events • Project notebooks • The writing journal

  3. 2.Functional writing • the practice of expressing specific information meant to mirror real-life scenarios such as how to make or do something, giving advice, inviting someone to something or telling what happened in a specific situation; • includes letters, memoranda, directories, manuals, forms, recipes, and minutes; • to succeed in producing effective functional texts, learners must have a clear sense ofpurposeand audience (learners’ awareness of audience and purpose will facilitate the selection of appropriate language, style and format which will further support the piece of writing).

  4. 3 .Creative Writing • makes it possible for students to experiment and play with the language • is engaging and motivating • helps students see language as a communicative tool, with focus on meaning, not merely on a linguistic system • Short stories, poems songs, drama, screenplay are all examples of creative writing tasks that have been suggested for use in a foreign language class.

  5. Activity 6: Using Linked WWW-sites in Class Activities • Writing is and isn’t an easy thing to do in the classroom. Especially nowadays when students don’t have long attention spans and are more and more “digital” and visual learners. • The activities are divided into different categories. These are just for the sake of having some kind of organization. They have been labelled: • WUP – for a warm up writing activity and something to do quickly. • CP – Controlled practice. Writing activities that help the beginning writer and offer support, repetition and guidance. • F – Free writing activities which activate student learning and allow them to practice what they already know and “test the waters” so to speak.

  6. http://www.listen-and-write.com/audio • http://www.learner.org/interactives/spelling/ • http://eflclassroom.com/rave/Listening%20Quiz/Animals.swf • http://abcteach.com/directory/basics/rebus/ • http://ddeubel.edublogs.org/2009/09/19/teaching-writing-some-online-resources/ • http://teachingrecipes.com/2009/07/31/grammar-poems/

  7. STEP 9.1 -HW: WRITING JOURNAL • INSTRUCTIONS • Decide on what can go into a writing journal.

  8. STEP 9.2-HW-: DESIGNING WRITING TASKS • INSTRUCTIONS • Agree on the characteristics and needs of a specific group of learners. Think of a particular kind of writing which they need to carry out and the difficulties that this might present them with. • Describe the lessons or parts of lessons in which you would help them with this aspect of the skill. Consider the kinds of preparation which would be of particular help to them, and the precise tasks you would set them, using some of the resources mentioned above.

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