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BIENVENIDO!. The Right Product. From our premier weight solution and premium health juices to Healthy. Sustained. Energy.™ MonaVie products combine the convenience you want with the nutritional benefits you need. The right product. Premium health juices
The RightProduct From our premier weight solution and premium health juices to Healthy. Sustained. Energy.™ MonaVie products combine the convenience you want with the nutritional benefits you need.
The right product • Premium health juices • Featuring a synergistic fusion of 19 fruits from around the world, our body beneficial blends provide essential vitamins and phytonutrients for your overall health.
The right product • MONAVIE ESSENTIAL® • A mouthwatering blend of 19 body-beneficial fruits and AçaVie—the purest, most potent form of the Brazilian superfruit açai available. • Fortified with superfruits, beneficial fibre and key vitamins A, C and E, MonaVie Essential is designed to nourish your body with powerful antioxidants and nutrients while promoting overall health and longevity.. • BENEFITS • Protects your body at the cellular level against free radical damage with potent antioxidants. • Provides nutritional benefits for all ages. • Fights oxidative damage / effects of aging. • Delivers the antioxidant capacity of approximately 13 servings of common fruits and vegetables in just four ounces (120ml).
The right product • MONAVIE ACTIVE™ • A delicious fusion of 19 body-beneficial fruits and scientifically validated glucosamine, which targets joint mobility and flexibility. • BENEFITS • Increases joint mobility and flexibility • Encourages healthy connective tissue and joint cartilage • Fights oxidative damage and aging • Features plant-derived glucosamine to improve range of motion
The right product • MONAVIE PULSE™ • Do something good for your heart with • this cholesterol lowering juice that helps • protect your cardiovascular health. • BENEFITS • Boasts healthy levels of plant sterols to protect your heart and cardiovascular system. • Features resveratrol, which helps protect healthy blood vessels. • Fights oxidative damage and the effects of aging while helping to naturally lower cholesterol. • Features a wide array of essential nutrients for optimal health. • Delivers the antioxidant capacity of approximately 13 servings of common fruits and vegetables in just four ounces
The right product • Healthy. Sustained. Energy™ • No Jitters. No Crash. Just pure natural • energy. That’s the power behind • MonaVie Emv gel. • This great tasting product features • Palatinose™ shown to promote • longer fasting energy.
The right product • MoNaVie EMV® GEL • Recharge your body and mind with a boost of • 100 percent natural energy. Free of synthetic stimulants, this advanced formula is a healthy alternative to traditional energy drinks. • BENEFITS • Scientifically formulated to provide longer lasting energy, without the unhealthy ‘high’ and ‘low’ typically associated with energy drinks. • Features healthy, all natural sources of energy to boost performance, alertness and endurance. • Contains no artificial flavours, colours, sweeteners or preservatives.
The right product • Premier weightSolution • Whether you want to lose 2 or 30 kilos, maintain a healthy weight or improve your overall nutritional well being, the MonaVie RVL Premier Weight Solution is for you. Delivering more nutrition per kilojoule than leading brands. This advanced system gets to the root of weight management healthy nutrition.
The right product • MonaVie RVL™ • Nutrition shake mix • Whether you want to lose 2 or 30 kilos, maintain a healthy weight or improve your overall nutritional well being, the MonaVie RVL Premier Weight Solution is for you. Delivering more nutrition per kilojoule than leading brands, each serving of RVL shake provides the antioxidant power of more than 10 servings of fruits and vegetables. • BENEFITS • The most nutritious weight solution available. • Helps maintain lean muscle mass. • Fights hunger so you consume fewer calories.
The right product * Todos los precios están en Pesos Mexicanos (MXN) y NO INCLUYE costos de envío.
The right product • Nature’s Science Unlocked • Dedicated to unlocking, sharing and protecting the earth’s most unique, health-giving resources, MonaVie combines science and nature to bring you the highest quality products possible • BENEFITS • Draw upon millions of dollars in clinical research • Supported by more than 72 independentscientific studies • 17 published studies in national peer reviewed journals • 7 U.S. patents
The right product • AÇAVIE™ • Scientific research has validated the potent antioxidant power of açai . Now MonaVie has taken it even further to create the purest, most potent form of açai available – Acavie. • BENEFITS • Highest quality açaiavailable • Patent protected process locks in vital nutrients • Contains Enlivenox which delivers 10 times more polyphenols that competitor açai • Rigorous testing ensures premium quality and high nutritional content
The right product • Scientific Advisory Board • Our distinguished group of independent medical and scientific professionals provides guidance and insight in the development of our unique products.
The RightTiming In 2005, MonaVie introduced açai to the world and quickly became one of the largest companies in the direct selling industry. Today, we are redefining how to lose weight in a healthy effective way. There has never been a better time than now to be a MonaVie distributor.
The right Timing • Recognition • No. 18 on Inc. 500 2009 list; • No. 1 in Food & Beverage category • Direct Selling News $100 Million Club 2009 • Direct Selling News $100 Million Club 2010 • MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS • MTV Cribs CBS’ The Doctors • Rachael Ray • Today Show • Fortune • Inc. 500 • Vogue • People.com • BusinessWeek
The right Timing • International Markets
The RightLeadership With decades of experience in the direct selling industry,MonaVie is led by an innovative and dynamic team ofcorporate and distributor executives dedicated to changing lives around the world.
The right Leadership • Top Honors • No. 18 on Inc 500 2009 list • No.1 in Food & Beverage category • Ernst & Young LLP Entrepreneur of that Year Dallin Larsen • CEO of the Year by Utah Business Magazine • Named fastest growing company in Utah • Ranked No.1 in fast 50 edition of Utah Business Magazine
The RightCompensation Our generous, innovative compensation plan rewards distributors with thepotential for financial freedom, persona| growth, and the opportunity tomake a difference in the lives of others
The right Compensation 01 VENTAS DIRECTAS Y BONO DE CLIENTE PREFERENTE - La venta de productos MonaVie directamente a sus clientes es el pilar que fundamenta solidamente su negocio. 02 BONO A LOS MEJORES VENDEDORES AL MENUDEO - Los Distribuidores que alcancen las ventas más altas al menudeo durante un periodo de cuatro semanas serán recompensados con un Bono a los Mejores Vendedores al Menudeo. 03 BONO POR PRIMER PEDIDO (FOB) - Los distribuidores reciben un cuando los distribuidores a los que patrocinen personalmente hagan su primer pedido de productos MonaVie. Debe estar activo al momento de colocar el pedido para obtener el FOB. 04 BONO PROMOTOR DE ESTRELLAS - El segundo pilar de un negocio exitoso es ayudar a que los distribuidores que patrocine personalmente alcancen el rango de Star. Los distribuidores activos y calificados con por lo menos 50 PV podrían participar en nuestro Bono promotor de estrellas. 05 BONO DE EQUIPO - En calidad de nuevo distribuidor, usted se concentra en atraer clientes que consuman al menudeo y clientes preferentes, al igual que en generar volumen dentro de su organización. 06 BONO DE IGUALACION DE CHEQUE LIDER (ECM) - El cual le permite recibir un bono por los primeros 2,500 GBU de los bonos de equipo pagados a los distribuidores a quienes patrocine personalmente, a los que ellos patrocinen personalmente, y así sucesivamente, hasta un máximo de siete generaciones de ejecutivos de su árbol de inscripción personal. 07 BONO DE GRUPO DE LIDERAZGO - Hemos reservado el 2.5% del GV total de la empresa para nuestro grupo de Blue Diamond Executives y superior. 08 VARIOS CENTROS DE NEGOCIO - A medida que crezca su negocio MonaVie, usted tiene la opción de abrir un total de cuatro centros de negocios con ganancias potenciales de 10,000 GBU por semana en Bonos de Equipo. • 8 ways to Earn income
The right Compensation • Rewards and • Recognition • The sky is no longer the limit. MonaVie's Rewardsand Recognition program takes you in, around,and out of this world. • As a MonaVie distributor, you have the opportunity to earn the following: • Mercedes Sedan • Exotic Cars • Trips around the world • Cash bonuses • Private Jet access • A trip to outer space
The RightCause Established in 2005, The MORE Projectcontinues to change the lives of tensof thousands of people. From food,shelter, and clothing to an education,The MORE Project provides hope tosome of Brazil's most impoverishedfamilies. It’s our way of giving back to aworld that has given so much to all of us.
The rightCause • With Success Comes • Responsibility • MonaVie has donated millions of dollars and thousands of hours to help change the lives of thousands of children and their families in the favelas of Brazil. • School Programs • Daily Meals • Job Training • Dental Care • Emotional Support • Child Sponsorship • Housing
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