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K ± K ± HBT Study with HMPID - Status Report -. Jungyu Yi Pusan National University Ko -ALICE meeting. Motivation. Historical review. HMPID. Contribution of the HMPID detector to the high- pT physics at LHC [ D.Di Bari et al. arXiv:0801.2695v1, 2008]
K±K± HBT Study with HMPID- Status Report - Jungyu Yi Pusan National University Ko-ALICE meeting
Motivation Historical review HMPID Contribution of the HMPID detector to the high-pT physics at LHC[D.Di Bari et al. arXiv:0801.2695v1, 2008] “ Final-state information of heavy-ion collisions is more directly accessed by interferometric methods, such as the Hanbury-Brown and Twiss (HBT) measurement.” “At LHC, due to the high multiplicity, event-by-event HBT could be performed. To achieve event- by-event HBT measurements, 3σ separation in particle identification is required. The HMPID can contribute in the high-pT region: to π±π±, K±K± and p±p± HBT measurements. • In 1950s, Hanbury-Brown & Twiss • For Improving of Resolution Power of Michelson Interferometry: [Phil.Mag.45, 663 (1954)] • Astronomical Application :[Nature 178, 1046 (1956)]A Test of a New Type of StellarInterferometer on Sirius • Particle Physics application • G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, W. Lee, & A. Pais : [Phys.Rev.120,300 (1960)] Influence of Bose-Einstein Statistics on the Antiproton-Proton Annihilation Process • GGLP : Bose-Einstein Correlation Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
AnalysisConcept The correlation function for Gaussian source (1D parameterization ) (3D parameterization ) ~ 1/R Bose-Einstein correlation (: transverse momentum) Rside :related geometrical transverse size Rlong : related longitudinal extent Rout :related to emission duration Compares relative momenta of identical particles to determine information about space-time geometry of source for analysis, A (q) : pair distribution in momentum difference q = p2 – p1for pairs of particles from the same event.B (q) : the corresponding distribution for pairs of particles from different events. Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
HMPID layout p and K up to 3 GeV/c p up to 5 GeV/c, track-by-track basis. ~ 5% acceptance w.r.t Central barrel detectors Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
HMPID Analysis task AliHMPIDAnalysisTask.cxx/.h includes, • AliESDtrack.h • AliPID.h • AliCentrality.h • AliPIDResponse.h • Tree • TreeEvt run ‘AnalysisTrainHMPID.C’ includes, • AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C • AddTaskCentrality.C • AddTaskESDFilter.C • AddTaskJets.C • AddTaskPIDResponse.C • AddTaskHMPID.C for event Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
hmpidouput.root :: HMP X,Y • Aliroot::v5-03-57-AN • LHC11h pass2 • example : run_169504, events: 145654 • There was problems in HMPID • Module 1 , 4, 6 • It’s known, can affect the acceptance Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Cherenkov Angle vs. momentum AliPID::kElectron, Prob0>0.7 AliPID::kMuon, Prob1>0.7 AliPID::kProton, Prob4>0.7 AliPID::kKaon, Prob3>0.7 AliPID::kPion, Prob2>0.7 Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Total and Kaon Multiplicity : e-by-e • track->GetNcls(1) >70 • DCA < 2 [cm] • MIP charge > 100 • track->GetNcls(1) >70 • DCA < 2 [cm] • MIP charge > 100 • && probsHMP[3]>0.7 Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Outlook • Kaon PID with HMPID in PbPb √sNN = 2.76 TeV • HMPID framework study : partially done • HMPID Track/PID quality study for PbPb • At least 1 Kaon track : for bkg. , event mixing • At least 2 Kaon track : for Signal • Analysis algorithms, Code development • correlation signal construction • event mixing • PWGCF - femtoscopy framework study • Goal • Preliminary ‘Correlation function (qinv)’ in this winter. • Welcome advice, comments, suggestions!! Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Backup Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
p1 r1 r1‘ r2 p2 r2‘ 1 {Yd + Yc} = eij(r1)eij(r2)F(p1p2:r1r2 r1‘r2‘) 2 P(p1,p2) = dr1dr2r(r1)r(r2)|F|2 = P(p1)P(p2) + | dreiqrr(r)A2(K,r)|2 2 P(p1,p2) drS(K,r)eiqr 2 P(p1)P(p2) drS(K,r) Bose-Einstein Correlation (1) A(p1,r1)eij(r1)eip1(r1-r‘1)A(p2,r2)eij(r2)eip2(r2-r‘2) = Yd A(p1,r2)eij(r2)eip1(r2-r‘1)A(p2,r1)eij(r1)eip2(r1-r‘2) = Yc q = p1 - p2 K= 0.5(p1 + p2) ; r = r1 - r2 Bose-Einstein Correlation Function C2 = = 1+ Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Identical kaons pairs yield in HMPID acceptance in PbPbdata Total identical pions pairs = 800 *106 in 60*106 p-p 7 TeV MB events 0.13 GeV/c < KT < 0.7 GeV/c Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Identical kaons pairs yield in HMPID acceptance in PbPbdata Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Total statistic collected up to now • 2010 • pp 7 TeV, LHC10b and LHC10c (pass3): ≈ 80* millions of MB events, new tracking; • pp7 TeV, LHC10d (pass2): ≈ 200 millions of events, old tracking; • pp 7 TeV, LHC10e (pass2): ≈ 200 millions of events, old tracking; • PbPb 2.76 ATeV, LHC10h (pass2): ≈ 10* millions of MB events , old tracking; • 2011 • pp 2.76 TeV, LHC11a (pass3): ≈ 50* millions of MB events, new tracking; • pp 7 TeV, LHC11b (pass1): ≈ 50 millions of events, old tracking; • pp 7 TeVLHC11c (pass1): ≈ 100 millions of events, half old tracking, half new tracking; • pp 7 TeVLHC11d (pass1): ≈ 20 millions of events, new tracking; Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Total statistic collected up to now • 2011 • pp 7 TeV, LHC11e (pass1): ≈ 40 millions of events, new tracking; • PbPb 2.76 ATeV, LHC11h: ≈ 10* millions of central events, ≈ 10 millions of semi-central events, few millions of MB events, new tracking. • 2012 (MB events fraction rather small) • pp 8 TeV, LHC12a (pass1): ≈ 50 millions of events, new tracking; • pp8 TeV, LHC12b (pass1): ≈ 70 millions of events, new tracking; • pp8 TeV, LHC12c (cpass1): ≈ 30 millions of events, new tracking; • pp8 TeV, LHC12d (pass1): ≈ 30 millions of events, new tracking; • pp8 TeV, LHC12f (pass1): ≈ 10 millions of events, new tracking; • pp8 TeV, LHC12g and LHC12h (cpass1): ≈ 6 millions if events, new tracking; • …………………………………………………? Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205
Total statistic collected up to now • Total p-p 8 TeV MB events: ≈ 20*106? • Total p-p 7 TeV MB events: ≈ 800*106 • Total p-p 2.76 TeV MB events: ≈ 50*106 • Total Pb-Pb 2.76 ATeV events: 10*106 MB, 10*106 central (0-10%), 10*106 semi central (10-50%) Ko-ALICE meeting, 20130205