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Identity-Based Key Agreement and Signature Schemes from Weil Pairing Dr. Xun Yi

Identity-Based Key Agreement and Signature Schemes from Weil Pairing Dr. Xun Yi School of Computer Science and Mathematics Victoria University Australia. Identity-Based Public Key Cryptosystem.

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Identity-Based Key Agreement and Signature Schemes from Weil Pairing Dr. Xun Yi

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  1. Identity-Based Key Agreement and Signature Schemes from Weil Pairing Dr. Xun Yi School of Computer Science and Mathematics Victoria University Australia

  2. Identity-Based Public Key Cryptosystem An identity-based scheme resembles an ideal mail system. If you know somebody’s name and address, you can send him a message that only he can read, and you can verify the signatures that only he could have produced.

  3. Weil Pairing Let p be a prime such that p=6q-1 for some prime q and E a supersingular elliptic curve defined by the Weierstrass equation y2=x3+1 over Fp. The set of rational points E(Fp)={(x,y)FpFp: (x,y)E} forms a cyclic group of order p+1. Furthermore, because p+1=6q for some prime q, the set of points of order q in E(Fp) form a cyclic subgroup, denoted as G1. Let g be the generator of G1 and G2 be the subgroup of Fp2 containing all elements of order q. A modified Weil pairing is a map ê: G1  G1  G2 which has the following properties: 1. Bilinear: For any P,QG1 and a,bZ, we have ê(aP,bQ)= ê(P,Q)ab. 2. Non-degenerate: ê(g,g)Fp2 is a generator of G2.

  4. Identity-based Key Agreement Protocolfrom WeilPairing N.P.Smart, “Identity-based authenticated key agreement protocol based on Weil pairing”,Electronics Letters, Vol. 38,  No. 13,  Jun 2002, pp. 630 – 632.

  5. Smart’s Protocol System setup: KGC chooses a secret key s, and a PG1, computes PKGS=sP and publishes (P, PKGS) and a map H: {0,1}* G1*. For a user A with identity IDA, KGC issues SA=sQA where QA=H(IDA) to A. Authenticated key exchange: User A User B a b TA=aP  TA TB  TB=bP

  6. Cont. User A: kA= ê(aQB,PKGS)ê(SA,TB) User B: kB= ê(bQA,PKGS)ê(SB,TA) kA= kB Because ê(aQB,PKGS)ê(SA,TB) = ê(QB,PKGS)a ê(SA,TB) = ê(QB,P)as ê(QA,P)bs = ê(SB,TA)ê(QA, PKGS)b = ê(bQA,PKGS)ê(SB,TA)

  7. Identity-based Signature Scheme from WeilPairing R. Sakai, K. Ohgishi and M. Kasahara, “Cryptosystems based on pairing”, SCIS2000, Japan, 2000. K.G.Paterson, ”ID-based signatures from pairings on elliptic curves”, Electronics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 18 2002, pp. 1025-1026.

  8. Paterson’s Scheme • Key Generation • Trusted Authority chooses a secret key s, and a PG1, computes Ppub=sP and publishes (P, Ppub) and maps h1: {0,1}* G1, h2: {0,1}* Zq, h3: G1Zq. For a user A with identity IDA, TA issues SA=sQA where QA=h1(IDA) to A. • Signing: m, (R,S) R=kP, S=k-1(h2(m)P+h3(R)SA) • Verifying: e(R,S)=ê(P,P)h2(m) ê(Ppub,SA)h3(R)

  9. Motivation • (x,y)G1, Weierstrass equation y2=x3+1 over Fp. • xy • If p=3 (mod 4), e.g., p=12q-1, y=(x3+1)(p+1)/4=(x3+1)3q(mod p)

  10. Cont.

  11. Proposed Identity-Based Key Agreement Protocol from Weil Pairing

  12. Our Protocol Setup: KGC constructs two groups G1 and G2 (where p=12q-1), and a map ê: G1  G1  G2, publishes (G1,G2, ê,p,q,H) where H: {0,1}* G1*, choose a secret key s. For a user A with identity IDA, KGC issues SA=sQA where QA=H(IDA) to A. Key agreement: User A User B a b aQA=(xa,ya) bQB=(xb,yb) UA=(a+xa)SA if ya-ya(mod p) UB=(b+xb)SB if yb-yb(mod p) UA=(-a+xa)SA if ya<-ya(mod p) UB=(-b+xb)SB if yb<-yb(mod p) xa  xa xb  xb

  13. How to Map a Message into Non-zero Point of G1? Step 1: Input IDA Step 2: ya=h(IDA) xa=(ya2-1)8q-1(mod p) Step 3: Output QA=12(xa,ya)

  14. Cont. User A: y’b= (xb3+1)3q(mod p) TB= (xb,max(y’b,-y’b(mod p)) kA= ê(UA,TB+xbQB) User B: y’a= (xa3+1)3q(mod p) TA= (xa,max(y’a,-y’a(mod p)) kB= ê(TA+xaQA, UB)

  15. Cont. kA= kB Because Case 1. If ya-ya(mod p), yb-yb(mod p), then TA=aQA,TB=bQB ê(UA,TB+xbQB)=ê(QA,QB)(a+x_a)s(b+x_b)=ê(TA+xaQA,UB) Case 2. If ya-ya(mod p), yb<-yb(mod p), then TA=aQA, TB=-bQB ê(UA,TB+xbQB)=ê(QA,QB)(a+x_a)s(-b+x_b)=ê(TA+xaQA,UB) Case 3. If ya<-ya(mod p), yb-yb(mod p), then TA=-aQA,TB=bQB ê(UA,TB+xbQB)=ê(QA,QB)(-a+x_a)s(b+x_b)=ê(TA+xaQA,UB) Case 4. If ya<-ya(mod p), yb<-yb(mod p), then TA=-aQA,TB=-bQB ê(UA,TB+xbQB)=ê(QA,QB)(-a+x_a)s(-b+x_b)=ê(TA+xaQA,UB)

  16. Security Analysis • Passive and active attacks • UA=(a+xa)SA, UB=(b+xb)SB • 2. Perfect forward secrecy • kA= ê(UA,TB+xbQB), kB= ê(TA+xaQA, UB) • 3. Key compromising impersonation attack • aQA, SA=sQA aSA=asQA • 4. Known-key security • Randomness of a, b • 5. Key control • TA, TB

  17. Comparisons of Smart’s Protocol and Our Protocol Communication load Weil pairing Point multiplication Exponentiation Smart’s 2log2p 2 1 (pre) +1 0 Ours 1log2p 1 2 (pre) +1 1

  18. Conclusion We have improved Smart’s protocol and developed a more efficient ID-based key agreement protocol from the Weil pairing. Our protocol required lower communication load and less computation complexity than Smart’s protocol.

  19. Reference Xun Yi, “Efficient ID-based key agreement from Weil pairing”, Electronics Letters, Vol.39,No.2, Jan. 2003, pp. 206 – 208.

  20. Proposed Identity-Based Signature Scheme from Weil Pairing

  21. Proposed Identity-Based Signature Scheme • Key Generation: TKGC chooses two prime order groups G1 and G2 (where p=12q-1) and a modified Weil pairing map ê. Next TKGC selects a cryptography hash function h: {0,1}* {0,1}l for certain l and a map H: {0,1}* G1*. Then it picks up a secret key s, and computes Ppub=sg where g is a generator of G1. At last, TKGC publish {G1,G2,ê,g,Ppub,h,H,p,q). For a user A with identity IDA, TKGC issues SA=sQA where QA=H(IDA) to A.

  22. Signing When a signer Ui signs a message m, he chooses a random number r and computes R = rg = (Rx,Ry) T = Signature: (Rx,Tx) { rPpub+h(m,R)Si, if Ry  -Ry(mod p) -rPpub+h(m,-R)Si, otherwise

  23. Verification After receiving (Rx,Tx), a verifier computes a = (Rx3+1)3q(mod p) b = (Tx3+1)3q(mod p) R’=(Rx,max{a,-a(mod p)}), T’=(Tx,b). u= ê(T’,g) v=ê(R’+h(m,R’)Qi,Ppub) If u=v1, accept.

  24. Correctness Case 1. If Ry-Ry(mod p), then R’=R,T’=T u=ê(T’,g)=ê(T,g)=ê(T,g)1 = ê(rPpub+h(m,R)Si,g)1 = ê(rg+h(m,R)Qi,Ppub)1 = ê(R+h(m,R)Qi,Ppub)1 = ê(R’+h(m,R’)Qi,Ppub)1 = v1

  25. Cont. Case 2. If Ry<-Ry(mod p), then R’=-R,T’=T u=ê(T’,g)=ê(T,g)=ê(T,g)1 = ê(-rPpub+h(m,-R)Si,g)1 = ê(-rg+h(m,-R)Qi,Ppub)1 = ê(-R+h(m,-R)Qi,Ppub)1 = ê(R’+h(m,R’)Qi,Ppub)1 = v1

  26. Security Analysis Theorem 2: Let an adversary A be a probabilistic polynomial time Turing machine whose input only consist of public data {G1,G2,ê,g,Ppub,h,H,p,q} where q  2l. A can make n1 queries to the signer Ui, and n2 queries to the random oracle h. If A can make an existential forgery with probability 10(n1+1)(n1+n2)/2l with time t, then there exists another probabilistic algorithm which solves an instance of the Diffie-Hellman problem in G1 in expected time t’120686n2t/.

  27. Cont. Based on Forking Lemma in [1] Probabilistic algorithm B  two valid signatures (m, Rx,h,T1x), (m,Rx,h’,T2x), where h  h’ Probabilistic algorithm C: g, Qi (=rig), Ppub (=sg)  Si=(ris)g

  28. Comparisons of Paterson Scheme and Proposed Scheme Signature size Key generation Signing Verification Paterson’s scheme 4log2p bits 1 point multi. 2 (pre) +1 point. 2 pairings Proposed 2log2p bits 1 point multi. 2 (pre) +1 point. 1 point+ 2 Weil

  29. Conclusion We have proposed a ID-based signature scheme from the Weil pairing. The proposed signature scheme is secure if the Diffie-Hellman problem is hard.

  30. References • Xun Yi, “An identity-based signature scheme from the Weil pairing”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.7,No.2, Feb. 2003, pp. 76 – 78. • D. Pointcheval and J. Stern, “Security arguments for digital signatures and blind signatures”, Journal of Cryptology, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 361-396, Mar. 2000.

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