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AU State 2 Plan & Testing

AU State 2 Plan & Testing. … 1 June 2006. Objectives. The objectives of the session are to: review the overall testing for state 2 review the scope of testing phases for state 2

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AU State 2 Plan & Testing

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  1. AU State 2 Plan & Testing … 1 June 2006

  2. Objectives The objectives of the session are to: • review the overall testing for state 2 • review the scope of testing phases for state 2 • Identify teams involvement in execution and support (functional and technical) in these test phases. Agree and finalise resourcing The session does not cover: • UAT / User Verification – Team Lead TBC NB the dates in this deck are based on the delivery date of 23 June from Retalix.

  3. DRAFT High Level Plan for State 2 – to be confirmed

  4. DART Key Processes & Functionality - State 2 Functional Test scope • Finance • State 1 finance • Finance logistics interface processes e.g. tenders & cash from GSS Sites • Bank and credit card reconciliation - Inbound • DART Logistics invoice verification and EDI • Inventory accounting • Item level cost accounting • Full month end closing • Including Inventory • Merchandising • MM & Pricebook functionality • Price book data dual maintenance • Merchandising stock movements, inbounds & outbound • CPM • Management Information • Category Management MPF • Stock Analysis • Sales Analysis • Category Management Report • Site Operations MPF – (GSS) • Cashier cube Analysis • Labour Hours Interface • ACP and AC Nielsen Extracts • Report Distribution

  5. GSS Retalix QA • GSS Product Testers will be involved as part of the Retalix QA • The current plan is for 2 people to go to Israel w/c 4 June to prepare environment and readiness for testing team to start the following week. This may also include any initial testing feasible on the current code base. • 3 people (2 testers + 1 Defect Mgr) will be testing w/c 11 & 18 June) • The team will ramp up - 2 additional testers to Israel from w/c 25 June until code delivery date of 17 July • Test Script Execution and Defect Reporting will be daily and will be integrated Retalix/GSS • The test schedule will focus initially on testing of major CRDs and defects from R2 merge. One full execution of the product test GTM will be completed before the 17 July • Test Summary Report will be provided at the end of this phase

  6. GSS Product Test • GSS Product Test – • Scope – Global Test Model updated for AU Changes & Configuration • 3 week cycles starting 17 July • Execution by Global GSS Product Test team in Global test lab • Test FFR from data team by 10 July • Functional Support provided by: • Retalix test support – PM + test support resource • Asset team functional resources – Mark Blyth, Emily Alldis • Local AU Functional SMEs (for questions which Asset team are unable to answer around AU specific changes) • Technical Support provided by: • Retalix • GSS Asset team • ITL + Wayne Galloway • Quest + Matt Beale

  7. AU GSS Product Test Environment • The main focus of the GTM is the Retalix Storepoint application suite including Retalix Host • The ANZ product test will analyse version 6130.10 • AU specific test cards will be provided by the AU Local Deployment team • The GTM will utilise the following applications – • Pump simulators • 3 x Gilbarco • 1x  Single/ Dual Model Pumps – Electroline MK4  Simulator • 1x  Multi Product Pumps - 3 Grade - Lowline Mk3 Simulator  • 1x  Multi Product Pumps – 4 Grade – Enterprise Simulator • 1 x PEC simulator • 2 x FDMs – one for Gilbarco and one for PEC • Quest Simulator (following confirmation of pinpad – simulator in AU) • Forecourt Control PC / Fuel Server is a separate M51 tower – not running on the BOS/POS • The test environment will be built and maintained using the Operations Architecture Software Distribution mechanism

  8. AU GSS Product Test Environment • The following will not be tested in GSS Product Test • CRINDS – (OPT) • Different pump heads – assumed that this will be handled through hardware pump simulators • Xcellenet (although inbound/outbound interfaces will be bench checked) • Tank gauge

  9. SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica Xcellenet POS DM / BW GSS Legacy Execution & Support GSS Product Test

  10. DART Regression Test • DART Regression Test – • Scope (being defined) • transactions flowing between all elements of the DART solution; Informatica, POS DM, R3 & BW • Scheduled for 4 weeks w/c 26 June – w/c 17 July • Packaging of scripts from R2 Integration Testing to be completed as preparation • Ownership – DART Asset Team • Data – Subset of AU data + manual data preparation activity as at 19 June • Supported by: • Asset team functional support • Asset team technical environment support

  11. Execution & Support – DART Regression Test SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica POS DM / BW GSS Legacy

  12. Legacy Product Test • Legacy Product Test • Scope TBC – to include: • PAM • Xcellenet • Quest • Bench checking of interfaces • Scheduled for 4 weeks w/c 26 June – w/c 17 July • Execution by Local Deployment team in local test environment

  13. SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica Xcellenet POS DM / BW GSS Legacy Execution & Support Legacy Product Test

  14. DART Pricebook Load • This will happen prior to the GSS Site Cutover • Current plan has a load into Integration testing, Dry Run and then Production Load • Executed by • Pricebook data load – Tapan’s Team • Supported by Ramesh, Magda, Subhomoy, Krishnendu • Detailed plan being worked through this week

  15. SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica Xcellenet POS DM / BW GSS Legacy Execution & Support – Pricebook Load and Cutover

  16. State 2 Site Cutover Test • Scope – Cutover Activities for cutting over a GSS Site • Legacy site to GSS data extraction/conversion/input & full DART – GSS cutover activities • Cutover of site to IP network and IP Comms timing TBC • Executed prior to each Integration Test Cycle & for full dry run deployment test • Executed locally by Cutover team + Legacy Support from DCT & Local Project Team resource • Validation and checking processes and procedures and expected results need to have been agreed with Local Deployment teams (Finance, Merchandising, MI and Store Operations) and FC&A prior to test starting • Questions around validation & checking processes may be escalated to Local Deployment team

  17. Cutover and Conversion Test Environment • Systems included within the env: • 8850 • Navision • DART • DGI • Xcellenet • GSS • Need to capture FC&A input into Conversion Approach

  18. SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica Xcellenet POS DM / BW GSS Legacy Execution & Support - Site Cutover & Conversion Test

  19. State 2 Link Testing & Pipeclean • Link testing will validate successful loading of files generated by the system that has been changed • The Environment Pipe Clean phase is designed to ensure that all environments required for Integration test are set up, data is aligned, and connectivity is functioning correctly • It will be executed in the same environment as integration testing and will be used to confirm the file transfer mechanisms & schedules which are going to be used in integration testing • Executed by: • Global Integration Team • Local Deployment Team • Supported by: • DART Asset - Environment Mgr • DART Asset - Batch Schedule - Mihir • Integration Test Env Mgr • Legacy Test Env Support

  20. State 2 Integration Test • Functional Scope: Scenarios to cover GSS / DART processes outlined on the following slide & full GSS Store capability + any end to end scenarios involving interfaces / changes to legacy systems • Assumption all integration with external systems will be networked rather than emailed • System Scope: • DART • GSS including Retalix Host • DGI • Xcellenet • ISP • Navision • Quest (TMS) • EDI - Quattro, eEnabler, eOrders • ACP & AC Nielson • GVR (SIRA) • PAM (via ISPMailbox, Cepacol, Vitria) • EFT • BP FEP • BANK FEP (authorisation) • ITL & Pump • AU BANK including ANZ Hostlink • New Payroll system?

  21. State 2 Integration Test • Scheduled for 3 full cycles – each cycle covering all outlined scope: - • Scenario & Script Development • DART & Legacy Local Scenarios & scripts being covered as part of current scenario definition & scripting work • Global Scenarios being defined w/c 5 June (2 weeks) • Core scripts being developed by Global team w/c 19 June (4 weeks) - leveraging R2 Integration Scripts where appropriate • Integration test preparation activity to integrate the global & local scenarios, scripts, data & expected results will need to take place from 19 June. This work to package the end to end integration test scenarios and scripts will run in parallel with script development through to 14 July

  22. State 2 Integration Test • Executed locally by State 2 Integration Test team • GSS, DART (FI, MM & BW) & Legacy test teams • Elite • Technical Support provided by: • DART/GSS Asset teams – DART Env Mgmt + Batch Schedule + Roles, GSS Ops Arch Team • DART Asset team – execution support + TPR Resolution for POSDM / BW • DART Integration Team – Data team • Informatica – execution support + TPR Resolution • Retalix • Local DCT & DATA teams • Elite – Brett Thomas • ITL • Quest • NAB • Functional Support provided by: • Retalix test support • Asset team functional resources – DART POSDM, BW, MM, FI , GSS Process Support e.g. Emily Alldis, Mark Blyth • Local AU Functional SMEs in particular BW • FC&A

  23. Execution Support – State 2 Integration Test SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica Xcellenet POS DM / BW GSS Legacy

  24. State 2 Volume & Performance Testing • GSS • Fuel – RFS & ITL interaction • EFT – Quest interaction • EDI? • DART • New/Local functionalities introduced for Release 2.1 State 2 including: • CPM interfaces • Invoices? - volumes TBC • Discounts - volumes TBC • SIRA - volumes TBC • BW Reports including MPF Report • Labour Hours interface • Payroll interface - TBC • Impacts of added functionalities to Release 2 and Release 2.1 State 1 • Legacy • Xcellenet – central server • Quest – IP Connectivity to BANK & FEP Connectivity

  25. Execution Support – State 2 V&P Test SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica Xcellenet POS DM / BW GSS Legacy

  26. State 2 GSS Operations Testing • GSS • In Scope • Backup & Restore • Archive & Purge • BMR • Software Distribution • Currently out of scope - Need to confirm GSAM requirements: • Remote Desktop for logging on to sites • Release Management Process • End to end process for Backup and Restore • Event management (Alerting, Interface Monitoring

  27. State 2 DART & Legacy Operations Testing • DART In Scope • AU Full Batch Schedule • Normal processing • Error handling • Legacy In Scope • Xcellenet • Batch Schedule • Interface normal processing • Interface Error handling

  28. Execution Support – State 2 Operations Test SAP – MER / FI Outbound / Inbound Informatica Xcellenet POS DM / BW GSS Legacy

  29. Certification – NMI and Quest • Quest • Retalix beta version will be tested during QA stage (w/c 12 June) with Quest • GSS Product test will include execution of EFT scripts • Debug test with ETSL to be schedule once confirmation is received of delivery date of RLM • Card Certification Testing will take place from 24 July in integration test environment • NMI Certification • Version number approach has been agreed globally • Pump simulators will be used in Product test & Integration test • Testing with real pump heads scheduled to take place in NZ? • NMI Pre Test is scheduled for beginning August w/c 7/8 • NMI Certification Testing is scheduled for 31 July – 4 September

  30. Resourcing Assumptions • Full time availability from resources assigned to ANZ: • Shah (MI) • Ramesh (MM) • Dhruv Sharma • Pradipta • Magda (FI) • Krishnendu (Informatica) + Team • Sumantra (Informatica) + Team • POS DM Team – Stefan, Clive, Ralph • Ajay + Integration Test Team • ABAP Build Team • Mhir (Ops) • Devraj (Ops) • James Sadler (V&P) • BASIS Support (James Hurburt (Informatica), William Shaw (SAP)) • Tammy Adcox (Batch) • Mark Dudgeon / Env Manager

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