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Speeding Nano Progress Using Information Diffusion

Speeding Nano Progress Using Information Diffusion. Walt Warnick, Ph.D. Director, Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Department of Energy. Three Topics Relating to Nano Info Diffusion. Modeling – it’s possible

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Speeding Nano Progress Using Information Diffusion

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  1. Speeding Nano Progress Using Information Diffusion Walt Warnick, Ph.D. Director, Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Department of Energy

  2. Three Topics Relating to Nano Info Diffusion • Modeling – it’s possible • Metadata – numeric data, unlike textual data, requires metadata to ensure access • Stewardship – numeric data could follow model of textual STI management

  3. OSTI’s mission To advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to DOE researchers and the American people. OSTI’s creed Knowledge is contagious – it’s our job to make sure everyone “catches” it!

  4. Science Progresses as Knowledge Is Shared OSTI corollary: If the sharing of knowledge – or knowledge diffusion – is accelerated, scientific progress is accelerated

  5. Knowledge Diffusion Can Be Measured and Modeled Diffusion of Feynman Diagrams From: The Power of a Good Idea: quantitative modeling of the spread of ideas from epidemiological models Researchers will "catch" an idea faster if the "contact rate" between scientists is increased.

  6. Models: Knowledge Diffusion Carbon Nanotubes This case shows a moderate sensitivity to the contact rate. Doubling the rate speeds up the science by about four years. This is a relatively large community with total authors estimated at tens of thousands. • From: Report for the Office of Scientific and Technical Information: Population Modeling of the Emergence and Development of Scientific Fields, Luis Bettencourt et al., October 2006.

  7. Metadata Is a Must(when it comes to numeric data) • Numeric databases and other non-text databases must have metadata to enable searchability and retrieval • Numeric databases must have a steward and be consistent with the proven model of text data centers • Holders of numeric data must be encouraged to harmonize practices Promoting access, preservation and interoperability

  8. Ensuring Access to Numeric Data An example: German National Library for Science and Technology (TIB) • In cooperation with several World Data Centers, TIB has assigned DOIs for scientific primary data. • Over 400,000 data sets in the field of earth science have been registered; goal is to have a worldwide DOI registration agency for primary data. • The TIB assigns DOIs only for "collections," large data sets, and databases. It does not attempt to treat each data file individually. A DOI registry is one approach

  9. Management of Scientific Text Is a Model for Numeric Data Each agency has an organization to manage STI(Numeric data would need specialist administrator, or steward) • Defense Technical Information Center (Department of Defense) • Office of Research and Development & Office of Environmental Information (Environmental Protection Agency) • Government Printing Office • NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program • National Agricultural Library (Department of Agriculture) • National Archives and Records Administration • National Library of Education (Department of Education) • National Library of Medicine (Department of Heath and Human Services) • National Science Foundation • National Technical Information Service (Department of Commerce) • Office of Scientific and Technical Information (Department of Energy) • USGS/Biological Resources Discipline (Department of Interior) The senior STI managers from 12 U.S. federal agencies form an interagency working group called CENDI.

  10. Textual Research Results Are Available Through Interagency Portal www.science.gov Provides access to 50 million pages of science information in a single query A parallel approach could be developed for numeric data

  11. Establishing Ground Rules for Metadata Enables Access to Data Overcome barriers of organizations

  12. Search for Nano Should Reach Text and Numeric Data

  13. Data Preservation Dilemma NSB raises the right questions • Many critical science and official collections must be sustained for the foreseeable future • Critical collections: • Community reference data collections (e.g. Protein Data Bank) • Irreplaceable collections (ARM data related to climate change) • Experimental research data (BaBar/other event data) “…the progress of science and useful arts … depends on the reliable preservation of knowledge and information for generations to come.” “Preserving Our Digital Heritage”Library of Congress No plan for preservation (i.e., no steward) often means that data is lost or damaged

  14. In Summary: Three Points on Nano Info Diffusion • Modeling – it’s possible • Metadata – numeric data, unlike textual data, requires metadata to ensure access • Stewardship – numeric data could follow model of textual STI management

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