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A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media . Nevada State Board of Nursing September 18-20, 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada. Introduction. What is Social Media? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn QR Codes Resources. What is Social Media?.
A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Nevada State Board of Nursing September 18-20, 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada
Introduction • What is Social Media? • Facebook • Twitter • LinkedIn • QR Codes • Resources
What is Social Media? • Social Media is a term used to describe a set of tools that foster interaction, discussion and community (Tufts, 2013). • Allows people to build relationships and share information. • Is about conversations, community and connecting with the audience. • Common examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Facebook is popular social networking site that allows users to connect with family, friends and acquaintances. • Users post status updates, share pictures, videos and links about topics that interest them. • Organizations or brands create pages and Facebook users can “like” brand’s pages. • As of January 2013 Facebook had over 1.6 billion people using the site each month (Facebook, 2013).
Common Facebook Terms • Wall: space on your profile where you can your friends can post and share information. • Timeline: Your collection of the photos, stories and experiences that share your story. • Tagging: A tag links a person, page or place to something you post. • Profile Picture: Main photo of you on your timeline. • Page: Allows businesses, organizations and brands to connect with people on Facebook. Individuals have profiles, businesses and organizations have pages. • Notifications: Email, onsite or mobile updates about activity on Facebook. • Newsfeed: A newsfeed is an ongoing list of updates on your homepage that shows you what’s new with the friends and pages you follow. • Networks: Affiliations with schools, workplaces or shared interests on Facebook. • Like: Clicking Like is a way to give positive feedback and connect with things you care about. For example, liking the page for an organization will send updates about that organization to your newsfeed. • Groups: close circles of people that share and keep in touch on Facebook. This can be a group of friends or group of people who share similar interests. • Friend: Friends are people you connect and share with on Facebook. • Follow: A way to hear from people or organizations you’re interested in, even if you’re not friends. • Cover Photo: The large picture at the top of your timeline, right above your profile picture. • Block: You can block someone to unfriend them and prevent them from starting conversations with you or seeing things you post on your timeline. • Activity Log: A tool that lets you review and manage everything you share on Facebook. Only you can see your activity log.
Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character messages called Tweets. • Messages from users you choose to follow will show up on your home page.
Common Twitter Terms • Username: Also known as Twitter handle. Must be unique and contain fewer than 15 characters. • URL: Uniform Resource Locator is a web address that points to a unique page on the internet. • Unfollow: To cease following another Twitter user. • Tweet: A message posted via Twitter containing 140 characters or fewer. • Trends: A subject algorithmically determined to be one of the most popular on Twitter at the moment. • Top Tweets: Tweets determined to be the most popular or resonant on Twitter at any given time. • Timeline: A real time list of Tweets on Twitter. • TIL: Acronym for “Today I learned.” Often used at the beginning of a tweet, ex: “TIL what a hashtag is!” • Retweet: A Tweet by another user, forwarded to you by another user you follow. • Reply: A Tweet posted in reply to another user’s message. Always begins with @username. • Profile: A Twitter page displaying information about a user, as well as the tweets they have posted from their account. • Mention: Mentioning another user in your Tweet by including the @ sign followed directly by their user name. • Hashtag: The # symbol is used to mark keywords or topics in a tweet. Helps identify keywords in tweets to aid in search engine results. • Follow: To follow someone on Twitter by subscribing to their Tweets or updates. • Direct Message: These tweets are private between the sender and recipeint. • Connect: Lets you view interactions, mentions, recent follows and retweets. Using the connect tab you are able to view who has favorite or retweed your tweets. • @: The @ sign is used to call out usernames in Tweets. When a username is preceded by the @ sign it becomes a link to a Twitter profile.
Social network site devoted to professional networking. • Allows users to connect with professional colleagues, classmates friends and companies to share news, jobs and updates. • 225 million users as of August, 2013 (Linkedin, 2013).
Common LinkedIn Terms • Connections: people you are connected to on LinkedIn. • Second-degree connections: The connections of your connections. Ex: Jane is connected to Bruce, who is connected to Sara. Sara and Jane are second-degree connections. • Third-degree connections: Connections of second degree connections. Ex: Jane has a third degree connection to Edward, who is a connection of Sara’s. • Introductions: Made when a third party introduces people who weren’t previously connected. Ex: Jane is introduced to Edward by Sara. • Profile page: Your personal page on LinkedIn, where you list your work history, your education, your skills and expertise, groups and associations you are involved with and the opportunities you would like to be contacted about. • Recommendations: Your connections can write recommendations for you and you can also write recommendations for them. Recommendations can add weight to your professional profile as they can support and demonstrate your skills and expertise.
QR Codes • QR codes are bar code like images that users can scan with the aid of a camera or mobile device which will direct them to a website. • They are used to rapidly direct people to website by alleviating the need to manually type the information in the address bar. • The Nevada State Board of Nursing has a QR Code.
Resources • Facebook Guide for Beginners • Step by step guide to create and manage a Facebook profile. • http://www.taylor.lib.mi.us/facebook-guide-for-beginners.html • Twitter 101: Getting started with Twitter • Step by step guide to creating a twitter account. • https://support.twitter.com/groups/50-welcome-to-twitter/topics/204-the-basics/articles/215585-twitter-101-getting-started-with-twitter# • Getting Started with LinkedIn • Step by step guide for creating a LinkedIn profile. • http://pracblogmarch13.wordpress.com/category/linkedin/getting-started-with-linkedin/
References • Tufts University (2013). Social media overview. Department of Digital Communications. Retrieved from http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7pMbt99kZ6IJ:webcomm.tufts.edu/social-media-overview13/+what+is+social+media&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us • Facebook (2013). Glossary of terms. Facebook.com. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/help/www/219443701509174 • Twitter (2013). Twitter 101: Getting started with Twitter. Twitter.com. Retrieved from https://support.twitter.com/articles/215585-twitter-101-getting-started-with-twitter# • Twitter (2013). The twitter glossary. Twitter.com. Retrieved from https://support.twitter.com/articles/166337-the-twitter-glossary# • LinkedIn (2013). About. LinkedIn.com. Retrieved from http://www.linkedin.com/about-us • Thomas, J (2013). Glossary of LinkedIn terms. Social Media at Work. Retrieved from http://pracblogmarch13.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/glossary-of-linkedin-terms/ • Sebest, J. (2013). Facebook guide for beginners. Taylor Community Library. Retrieved from http://www.taylor.lib.mi.us/facebook-guide-for-beginners.html