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P717 & P805: SIRTE

Study for Internet Roaming Throughout Europe Franco Guadagni - Telecom Italia / CSELT guadagni@cselt.it. P717 & P805: SIRTE. Scope Objectives Technical approach P717 results P805 expected results. AGENDA. Narrow, focused scope No IP number roaming No terminal roaming

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P717 & P805: SIRTE

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  1. Study for Internet Roaming Throughout Europe Franco Guadagni - Telecom Italia / CSELT guadagni@cselt.it P717 & P805: SIRTE

  2. Scope Objectives Technical approach P717 results P805 expected results AGENDA

  3. Narrow, focused scope No IP number roaming No terminal roaming No “mobile IP” issues Simple “ISP roaming” addressed: Avoid international modem calls when abroad Scope

  4. Multiple ISPs in each country Problem similar to GSM roaming Same model for roaming solution Based on bilateral agreements between parties No central clearing point Distributed solution: Scaleable and robust Model

  5. Problem already addressed, solutions exist. Single ISP solution: based on “global” ISPs limited choice cost problems only partially solved Trusted Third Party solution (e.g.. I-PASS) based on centralized architecture need to pay the clearing agency Existing solutions

  6. AAA: how does it work NAS AAA server C/A interface e.g. RADIUS C/N interface e.g. PPP PSTN/ISDN network IP network

  7. roaming: how should it work NAS (ISP R) AAAS (ISP R) AAAS (ISP H) N/A C/N A-A interface e.g based on HTTP PSTN/ISDN network IP network

  8. study current situation report on existing solutions define architectural model for EURESCOM roaming identify requirements draw possible alternatives for a EURESCOM solution identify work to be done on the different topics experiment international PSTN and ISDN Internet access between project partners P717: Objectives, results

  9. terminal-network interface: should work for PSTN and ISDN should work for most common devices and configs network-network interface (A-A protocol) should allow transport of all necessary parameters should be secure (encryption, mutual validation) should run over IP Compatible with existing third party solutions! requirements

  10. concentrate on A-A protocol definition choice between RADIUS, HTTP, LDAP define protocol parameters and procedures implement a demonstrator of the selected solution for the A-A protocol implement a simple solution for the user roaming software (to demonstrate feasibility) P805: objectives, priorities

  11. spring: choose protocol summer: detailed protocol specification fall: implement prototype solution, refine protocol definition winter: demonstrate SIRTE roaming solution between two or more project partners. Timetable

  12. Work together with IETF Roamops group input our ideas and proposals to the IETF standardisation process We’re not alone!

  13. We’re too late if we keep saying this, it will always be true It’s not worth the effort True only if the Internet market stops growing Solutions are already available SIRTE and commercial solutions are not mutually exclusive the more roaming users we have, the more money we give to the clearing agency We shouldn’t say

  14. Commitment, specific know-how and enthusiasm of project partners Strong liaisons with IETF group working on roaming Strong liaisons with ISPs within partners We need:

  15. If we design a working solution for A-A protocol, there’s still much more to do: set up a framework to make real ISP cooperation possible (e.g. POP common distributed database) design a nice and simple client for easy roaming access define a technical framework for ISP to ISP agreements There’s still room for cooperation projects! What if we succeed?

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