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Large Capitalization Growth Socially Responsible Investing Strategy. 1 st Quarter, 2013. Thomas B. Murphy, Ph.D., CFA Senior Vice President. Congress Asset Management . Privately owned, Boston based investment management company founded in 1985
Large Capitalization Growth Socially Responsible Investing Strategy 1st Quarter, 2013 Thomas B. Murphy, Ph.D., CFA Senior Vice President
Congress Asset Management Privately owned, Boston based investment management company founded in 1985 $7.67 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2013 50 employees spanning investment management, sales, operations and compliance Investment Management is our only focus Seasoned, stable investment management team comprised of 14 Portfolio Managers and 7 Analysts with little client or employee turnover Firm wide commitment to integrity, performance and client services Client base includes taxable and tax exempt accounts for both institutional and private clients 2
Firm Overview Marketplace Strength We are a growth manager with a process and expertise centered on security selection Our firm specializes in diversified portfolios for institutions and high net worth individuals, encompassing both equity and fixed income disciplines Managing over $4.0 billion in tax exempt Taft-Hartley, Corporate, and Public Funds and $1.5 billion in Foundation & Endowments Assets Under Management Marketplace Distribution Data as of 3/31/13. 3
Investment Framework Congress Asset Management’s investment framework: • Remain loyal to single investment philosophy • Continually apply philosophy to product suite • Philosophy proven creditable over various market cycles Philosophy Process • Developed replicable process • Congressional approach to investment decisions • Process attested reliable throughout numerous markets cycles • Deep bench of experienced and seasoned investment professionals • Independent thinkers in a collaborative work environment • Low personnel turnover People • Long term growth with a focus on lower volatility • Target consistent performance throughout various market environments • Security selection is the main driver of performance attribution Performance 4
Congress Asset Management has handled SRI mandates for over 20 years • Currently manage over $100M in Religious account assets as of 1/31/13 – Equity and Balanced • A sample of our current SRI clients include the following organizations: • Diocese of Scranton • Sisters of St. Dorothy • UrsulineSisters of Western Province • Francis House • We have the flexibility to design and implement or enforce your stated SRI guidelines • Customized portfolio from our current models and approved list of securities • Our SRI clients have a dedicated Portfolio Manager Congress Asset Socially Responsible Investing Background 5
We believe that long term superior stock performance is generated by companies consistently growing earnings and cash flow • Our firm’s team-based approach, investment depth and technical proficiency provides us a competitive advantage when analyzing potential investments • Bottom-up stock selection is the primary driver of excess returns • Identify attractive securities utilizing internally generated fundamental research focused on a company’s income statement, capital structure, and cash flow generation • Long term outlook with a focus on risk control InvestmentPhilosophy 6
Team Driven Investment Process Investment management decisions are made by our Investment Policy Committee which is comprised of portfolio managers and research staff: • An approved list of securities is created by evaluating publicly traded companies with a market cap ≥ $8 billion • A comprehensive portfolio construction process ensures risk control and maintains adherence to each client’s mandate. The Investment Policy Committee structure and process benefits our clients: • Consistent, repeatable process over time • Broad range of experience of our investment professionals • Effective checks and balances over investment decisions
Risk Controlled Portfolio The result of our process is a high conviction portfolio: Best Investment Ideas 35-45 equity holdings 2.5% initial commitment 5% maximum individual security weight 15% maximum exposure to a particular industry 30% maximum exposure to an individual sector Fully invested 5% maximum cash allocation Average cash allocation of 1 to 2% Low turnover 25-50% Annually *Diversification does not guarantee a profit or eliminate the risk of potential loss.
Sell Discipline Stocks may be sold for the following reasons: • Downside Protection: • Fundamentals weaken resulting in disappointing financial results for multiple periods • Company abruptly alters business plan • Ability to recognize a mistake • Upside Protection: • Valuation becomes unattractive relative to a stocks history and/or peers • Positions are trimmed when holding reaches 5% of the market value of the portfolio • Compelling replacement is identified
Performance Socially Responsible Large Cap Growth Portfolio Annualized Returns (%) As of 3/31/13 Source: CAM, Bloomberg Finance L.P., Russell Investments, Capital IQ , and PSN. This information is for illustrative purposes, is subject to change at any time and should not be considered investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security. Individual portfolios may vary by client and there is no guarantee that a client’s account will hold any or all of the securities listed.. Past performance does not predict or guarantee future results.
Active Portfolio Allocation Socially Responsible Large Cap Growth Portfolio Sector Allocation Ex-Cash(%) As of 3/31/13 • Sources: CAM, Russell Investments, Bloomberg Finance L.P., Capital IQ, and PSN. This information is for illustrative purposes, is subject to change at any time and should not be considered investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security. Past performance does not predict or guarantee future results. Please refer to the back of this presentation for additional important information.
Equity Holdings Socially Responsible Large Cap Growth Portfolio Model Portfolio Holdings as of 3/31/13 Source: CAM, Bloomberg Finance L.P., Russell Investments, Thomson Reuters and PSN. This information is for illustrative purposes, is subject to change at any time and should not be considered investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security. Individual portfolios may vary by client and there is no guarantee that a client’s account will hold any or all of the securities listed.. Past performance does not predict or guarantee future results.
Socially Responsible Large Cap Growth Composite 1/1/04– 3/31/13 Composite Characteristics: The Socially Responsible Large Cap Growth Composite was created on April 1, 2004. The inception date is January 1, 2004 and reflects the first full month in which an account was fully invested in the strategy and met the inclusion criteria. The composite includes all fully discretionary accounts with a value over $500 thousand (US dollars) managed in the socially responsible large cap growth style for a minimum of one consecutive months. Accounts with wrap commissions are excluded from the composite. Prior to September 1, 2005 the composite did not include taxable accounts, private client accounts, or accounts with less than $1 million. The composite benchmark is the S&P 500 Index. Closed account data is included in the composite as mandated by the standards in order to eliminate a survivorship bias. A complete list and description of all firm composites is available upon request. Calculation Methodology: Valuations and returns are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. The firm uses the Modified Dietz formula to calculate monthly returns and links these returns geometrically to produce an accurate time-weighted rate of return. The composite is also revalued intra-month in cases where cash flows in excess of 10% of the composite’s value occur. Composite returns are asset-weighted. Gross of fees returns are calculated gross of management and custodial fees and net of transaction costs. Prior to 2007 net of fees returns are calculated by reducing gross returns by the highest management fee in the Socially Responsible Large Cap Growth composite, which is 0.75%. Effective January 1, 2007 net of fees returns are calculated using actual management fees. The composite results portrayed reflect the reinvestment of dividends, capital gains, and other earnings when appropriate. Accruals for equity securities are included in calculations. A maximum of 5% of the portfolio may be invested in the ADR’s of foreign companies. The dispersion measure is the asset-weighted standard deviation of accounts in the composite for the entire year. The three-year annualized standard deviation measures the variability of the composite and the benchmark returns over the preceding 36-month period. The standard deviation is not presented for 2004 through 2010 as it is not required for periods prior to 2011. Prior to January 1, 1993 the composite is not in compliance with GIPS. Fee Schedule: The firms’ individual account fee schedule is as follows: 1.00% for first $1 million, 0.80% for next $4 million, 0.60% for next $5 million. Management fees for individual accounts with assets under management exceeding $10 million, and for institutional accounts are negotiated. The individual account fee schedule may be subject to negotiation where circumstances warrant. As fees are deducted quarterly, the compounding effect will increase the impact of the fees by an amount directly related to the gross account performance. For example, an account earning a 10% annual gross return with a 1% annual fee deducted quarterly would earn an 8.9% annual net return due to compounding. Other Disclosures: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations are available upon request. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This performance report should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular securities held in composite accounts. Market conditions can vary widely over time and can result in a loss of portfolio value. Total Firm Assets End of Period #: Number includes a portion of assets where Congress Asset Management Co. does not have full conditional trading authority. The assets consist of model portfolio relationships with third party platforms and totaled 10% of the firm’s assets as of 3/31/13. Year-end model portfolio totals were 0% in 2005, 0% in 2006, 1% in 2007, 2% in 2008, 4% in 2009, 4% in 2010 and 10% in 2011, respectively. * Composite contains 5 or fewer portfolios Congress Asset Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS standards. Congress Asset Management has been independently verified for the periods 12/31/95 – 6/30/12. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm’s policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Firm Information: Congress Asset Management Co. (CAM) is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. CAM manages large cap equity, mid cap equity, and fixed income investments for private and institutional clients. CAM acquired Prelude Asset Management LLC on March 15, 2010.